2008-11-21 Thread Michael ODonnell
After being disappointed by the CentOS5.2 LiveCD kit I'm pleased to report that the Gentoo-based SystemRescueCD does not suck. I found it remarkably easy to customize to our needs and the same CD (well, DVD in our case) can boot either a 32- or 64-bit kernel (particularly useful in our case)


2008-11-21 Thread Michael ODonnell
In a previous thread I asked for recommendations and somebody said: For customizing CentOS, you might want to look at Revisor, which is a tool for creating custom installers and live media for Fedora, which also has CentOS support. Revisor: I wanted

Re: Assistance with archival script

2008-11-19 Thread Michael ODonnell
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d | sed -e s/..// | while read f do echo /usr/bin/7z a -t7z -mx=0 ${f}.7z ${f} done ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Laptop HD repair/recovery question

2008-11-17 Thread Michael ODonnell
This has been discussed here in the past so good info can probably be found in the archives (RTFA! ;- ) and IIRC the recommendations usually come down to: - Connect the drive to a different system, either directly or using a USB converter, to determine if the problems lie with the drive

Re: Looking for local mobo suppliers

2008-11-15 Thread Michael ODonnell
One of the GNHLUG members runs a computer store: I don't know if it meets your requirements but there's a thread about it in the April archives on the GNHLUG server. ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Adding custom tags to RPMs

2008-11-14 Thread Michael ODonnell
Does anyone know if it is possible to add user-created custom tags to RPMs when creating them? I don't quite understand what you're asking for but you can cause rpm to generate a list of all possible tags thus: rpm --querytags ...some of which can (I believe) be specified in .spec file

Re: YDL (RHAT) etc/sysconfig/desktop

2008-11-14 Thread Michael ODonnell
Please don't transmit email encoded as HTML - thanks! ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

x86_64 Live-CD recommendations? /sbin/loader?

2008-11-12 Thread Michael ODonnell
I'm working on a product that's currently based on RHEL3 and whose installer is based on the venerable Timo's Rescue CD kit. We've ported our product to a more current version of Linux and when I went to port the installer I discovered that development on Timo's kit stopped after 2004 and it

Re: x86_64 Live-CD recommendations? /sbin/loader?

2008-11-12 Thread Michael ODonnell
The CentOS5.2 LiveCD-creator kit looked promising until we found bugs that prevent it from running on our bleeding-edge hardware. I'm curious. Got time to provide any details? In particular, why would the regular CentOS install disc work for you when the live disc would not? Aren't they

Re: x86_64 Live-CD recommendations? /sbin/loader?

2008-11-12 Thread Michael ODonnell
Note to self: Avoid CentOS live discs. ...or at least be careful: I don't claim that *all* discs created using that LiveCD-creator kit are b0rken and (to your point in a previous msg) the standard installation CDs and DVDs do seem to work just fine. But the ones I generated in-house

Re: x86_64 Live-CD recommendations? /sbin/loader?

2008-11-12 Thread Michael ODonnell
WTF is /sbin/loader ? It executes early during startup when booting from an ISO. The only stuff I can find online about this apparently pivotal item is lots of other people also asking questions, but no answers. Ah. I used strings on the /sbin/loader file from the ISO and divined that

Re: x86_64 Live-CD recommendations? /sbin/loader? (RAID recovery)

2008-11-12 Thread Michael ODonnell
Since some of those parititions might be (as they are in our case) components of a software RAID and since the act of mounting them causes uncoordinated modfications to the mirrors behind MD's back, we're less than pleased with this helpful behavior. [...] Any idea how to recover those

OT: The Matrix... is a Windows app?

2008-11-12 Thread Michael ODonnell ObLinux: the very last line... ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: shell, perl, performance, parallelism, profiling, etc. (was: Upgrade guidance)

2008-10-21 Thread Michael ODonnell
Note, only valid in bash, not sh. Yah, and it doesn't matter if you use #!/bin/bash at the top if you're running the script with sh It took me five minutes to figure that out just now. D'oh. That process substitution facility is a favorite of mine but it isn't POSIX, and IIRC

Re: Price/Performance of time

2008-09-30 Thread Michael ODonnell ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: automatic hard linking (COW filesystems)

2008-09-30 Thread Michael ODonnell
FWIW, NetAPP's WAFL and Sun's ZFS are COW file systems. COW makes it easy(ier?) to do snapshots. I (think I) get how a COW approach is supposed to work; when you decide to take a snapshot you throw The Big Switch and from then on all writes to blocks on the device in question (where the

LAN/WAN fault simulation

2008-09-24 Thread Michael ODonnell
We may want to characterize some client/server systems and applications (destined to be geographically distant from each other) in the face of various LAN/WAN faults/conditions like dropped/duplicate packets and varyious end-to-end throughput rates, so I'm wondering if anybody here has a pointer

Re: LAN/WAN fault simulation

2008-09-24 Thread Michael ODonnell
It sounds like you are looking for a network impairment generator. Sounds like a perfect description of ComCast... ;- If you are looking for F/OSS running on Linux, then take a look at NISTNet ( It is beta, and has been for a very long time, but it

Re: Regain root control of Zenwalk system...

2008-09-24 Thread Michael ODonnell
You say you were able to mount that system's disk on another system? In that case I think it might also have been possible accomplish it thus: chroot rootMountPointHere passwd root which point the passwd utility would have allowed you to enter a new password and updated all the

Re: Serial admin console program (minicom)

2008-09-23 Thread Michael ODonnell
minicom works great and is not by nature modem-specific, though the default config does have lots of modem init strings all helpfully rigged to spew a bunch of stuff down the wire to confuse hell out of whatever it is you're talking to. Hand editing of minicom config files is generally not

Re: Serial admin console program (minicom)

2008-09-23 Thread Michael ODonnell
cheap-N-nasty Here (IIRC) is how I turn a machine into a serial-port server: stty 115200 raw /dev/ttyS1 socket -l -s /dev/ttyS1 /dev/ttyS1 21 ...after which anybody who telnets to port on that machine is automatically connected to /dev/ttyS1. /cheap-N-nasty


2008-08-29 Thread Michael ODonnell
I just noticed that for any of my email folders Thunderbird will report an URL of the form: imap://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/pathName ...and I wonder if there's a Linux tool like wget that I can use to pull email folders and such from an Exchange server, hopefully into a local hierarchy whose

OT - elaborate Windows malware scam

2008-08-23 Thread Michael ODonnell
I share the author's grudging admiration for the sophistication of this Windows malware: ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Booting NOT-Windows - NTFS

2008-08-21 Thread Michael ODonnell
dd methods really don't work that well, at least not wth a suspect drive. dd generally works with healthy drives but I've not had great luck with it when even one sector is bad, so I've been using dd_rescue (Debian pkg is named ddrescue, RPM equiv unknown) which has features intended for such

Re: OpenSSH logging with GMT on Connection close? timezone

2008-08-19 Thread Michael ODonnell
Another thing to check is /etc/localtime which should be (either a symlink to or a copy of) a timezone data file such as are typically found under /usr/share/zoneinfo, like maybe /usr/share/zoneinfo/right/SystemV/EST5EDT ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing

OT - gigantic BSOD during olympics

2008-08-18 Thread Michael ODonnell!D6F05428A2B8CB48!1570.entry ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: System Recovery

2008-08-08 Thread Michael ODonnell
It looks like the partition of interest might be /dev/sdb2 so to mount it read only, try this: mkdir/tmp/recovery mount -oro /dev/sdb2 /tmp/recovery cd /tmp/recovery ls -la ...etc, etc. ___

Re: System Recovery

2008-08-08 Thread Michael ODonnell
VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev sdb2 Do we know that there was ever an ext3 filesystem there? Was it maybe something like Reiser or xfs? The fact that LVM was in play may indeed be a factor here (or it might simply be the case that the superblock is scrogged) but my LVM-fu is poor. If

Re: System Recovery

2008-08-08 Thread Michael ODonnell
I LVM'd the bigger disk (300GB) onto the base system disk (80GB) Uh-ohh. As I said, my LVM-fu is poor but if the result of doing that was to create a block device whose aggregated size was ~380Gb and you then built an ext3 filesystem in that device from which all but the first 80Gb are now

Re: System Recovery

2008-08-08 Thread Michael ODonnell
create a block device whose aggregated size was ~380Gb and you then built an ext3 filesystem in that device from which all but the first 80Gb are now MIA, I suspect you'll not be able to recover very much... :-/ I think your understanding may not be correct. The 300 GB drive is fine. I

Re: Kernel parameters... X86_TSC

2008-08-07 Thread Michael ODonnell
I've found CONFIG_X86_TSC=y in my kernel config file, but how do I verify that's the correct parameter or not? grep -lr CONFIG_X86_TSC /usr/src/linux Yes, CONFIG_X86_TSC is probably what you're looking for. If you want to have the option presented to you when you say make menuconfig

Re: Kernel parameters... X86_TSC

2008-08-07 Thread Michael ODonnell
But where did this patch come from? Are you sure it's right? In particular, I'm looking at the bool and default lines... I created the patch. Yes, I'm sure it's right insofar as it has the (narrowly defined) intended effect of providing control over the config option in question where none

Re: How do you determine the amount of system memory?

2008-07-29 Thread Michael ODonnell
the amount of memory reported is not equal to the amount of memory physcicall in the system. Since this is a known kernel bug Which kernels/platforms/situations does this bug show up in? Can you point us to a description somewhere? ___

Re: VMWare ESXi now free

2008-07-28 Thread Michael ODonnell
I'm definitely looking forward to giving the newly free ESX 3i a try but, FWIW, I found this guy's experience of interest: ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

1Gb ramdisk in RHEL3

2008-07-25 Thread Michael ODonnell
I'm trying to persuade an RHEL3.9 PAE kernel running on a machine with 4GB RAM to let me create a ~1Gb ramdisk and the results are, um, vexatious. I start the kernel with the requisite ramdisk_size=nKb where I've tried various values of n like 100 and 1048576. After the kernel boots I say:

Re: 1Gb ramdisk in RHEL3

2008-07-25 Thread Michael ODonnell
OK, the ramdisk story is looking a bit better now. First, the tmpfs trick is definitely cool and worth remembering but isn't what we're looking for because some of what makes it cool also makes it unsuitable for our purposes. In particular, tmpfs has close ties to the kernel's buffer cache so

Re: bash/backquote weirditude

2008-07-24 Thread Michael ODonnell
shotsInTheDark - Copy /bin/bash from another system into /tmp and test that one? Maybe also some of the shared libs it uses...? - Temporarily put all startup scripts bash might be using somewhere it can't find them? If problem goes away, reintroduce scripts one by one... -

Meaning/usage of $_ in bash

2008-07-23 Thread Michael ODonnell
This is just a nit but I've never understood the meaning/usage of the $_ variable in bash. I did RTFM and it says: When bash invokes an external command, the variable $_ is set to the full file name of the command and passed to that command in its environment. ...which seems to describe

Re: automatic hard linking

2008-07-23 Thread Michael ODonnell
The filesystem code sometimes forbids hard links for directories; I think ext3 is one example where it's not allowed. ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Meaning/usage of $_ in bash

2008-07-23 Thread Michael ODonnell
OK - I now believe all observed behaviors are explainable if that passage from TFM: When bash invokes an external command, the variable $_ is set to the full file name of the command and passed to that command in its environment. augmented thus: Internally, bash uses $_ as

Re: Meaning/usage of $_ in bash

2008-07-23 Thread Michael ODonnell
The _ variable appears to be overloaded... with different meanings in different circumstances. Qutoing the bash man page: _ At shell startup, set to the absolute file name of the shell or shell script being executed as passed in the argument list. Subsequently, expands to the last

Re: Meaning/usage of $_ in bash

2008-07-23 Thread Michael ODonnell
For added fun, try this series of commands: echo foo echo /$_/ And given what's been learned (ie. that $_ and !$ are equivalent in this context) it should now be no surprise that the same result is seen with echo /!$/ ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing

Re: mythtv and digital tv

2008-07-23 Thread Michael ODonnell
Full disclosure: I hate Comcast. You're not alone. The Worst Company In America competition at is now down to CountryWide vs. ComCast: ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Looking for duplex help with my printer :-( (cups)

2008-07-20 Thread Michael ODonnell
Does the GUI: http://localhost:631/printers/ ...provide you control over the option in question? ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Undelete from MS-DOS/VFAT from Linux?

2008-07-18 Thread Michael ODonnell
If it were me I'd first dd the whole flash drive (assuming it'd be practical, size-wise) into a file and operate on that file via loopback rather than on the original, just in case... ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: ps line buffer

2008-07-17 Thread Michael ODonnell
ps auxww truncates command at 4096 characters, [developers] want to see the entire thing... If they know the PID in question this might work: xargs -0 /proc/$PID/cmdline ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: System Recovery

2008-07-17 Thread Michael ODonnell
names of my two sata hard drives had been interchanged. [...] I had apparently bumped one of the sata data cables enough to get a bad contact Ah. Yes, that can be a real joybuzzer since the SATA drives are presented via the SCSI midlayer and thus use the /dev/sd* naming scheme. If your

Re: ps line buffer

2008-07-17 Thread Michael ODonnell
If they know the PID in question this might work: xargs -0 /proc/$PID/cmdline Apparently /proc/$PID/cmdline only holds 4096 characters as well (on RHEL5 at least). Now that you mention it I think that might be a hard system limit. Can you demonstrate that the command line as


2008-07-16 Thread Michael ODonnell
In kernels built from the 2.6.18 kernel sources you can control whether and where the User mode VM is split between User/Kernel. Config directives like CONFIG_VMSPLIT_3G come into play and are visible in the config files. But when I look in the config files on a machine that just had


2008-07-16 Thread Michael ODonnell
excerpt from arch/i386/Kconfig: -- choice depends on EXPERIMENTAL !X86_PAE prompt Memory split if EMBEDDED default VMSPLIT_3G -- Note the !X86_PAE part. At least above, you mentioned looking in a PAE kernel config. :) The default kernel appears to have PAE configured

Re: How do you determine the amount of system memory?

2008-07-16 Thread Michael ODonnell
/proc/meminfo is incorrect. I'm trying to find a way to determine whether the amount reported is correct Ick. You might be able to write (or find) something that'll use DMI data to compute a total from everything currently marked as being a Memory Device (type 17). The dmidecode tool can

Re: How do you determine the amount of system memory?

2008-07-16 Thread Michael ODonnell
it might be enough to compare with the output of free(1) According to an strace I just ran on free: . . . open(/proc/meminfo, O_RDONLY) = 3 lseek(3, 0, SEEK_SET) = 0 read(3, MemTotal: 2010264 kB\nMemFre..., 1023) = 728 .

Re: System Recovery

2008-07-15 Thread Michael ODonnell
my first guess would be that you mistakenly pointed K3b at your hard drive instead of the DVD drive. I'd think the damage would be much worse if that were the case, so my guess is that some b0rken kernel code (or maybe a HW problem) corrupted some memory that happened to correspond to

Re: System Recovery

2008-07-15 Thread Michael ODonnell
I would definitely recommned booting from external media (DVD) and checking *all* the filesystems. There may be undetected corruption elsewhere on your disk. And you can't check the root filesystem of the running system. Good advice. Note that you can sometimes manage to fsck even the

Re: Please trim quoted text (was: General Procedure)

2008-07-10 Thread Michael ODonnell
Thank you, Ben, for speaking up. It sucks to have to play cop/babysitter but things were getting totally out of hand here and our normally good S/N ratio is definitely worth defending. ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Quick DNS perfromance measurement trick

2008-07-10 Thread Michael ODonnell
I tried the specified command from three different sites and they all gave essentially identical responses: aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd is POOR: 26 queries in 3.1 seconds from 1 ports with std dev 0.00 That aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd address seems to be the (possibly NAT'd) IP addr that the target site sees

Re: Redhat 5 Cluster suite

2008-07-05 Thread Michael ODonnell
I have been tasked with some clustering work, and I have run into a few snags. Is anyone familiar with the RHEL 5 clustering suite? You should find someone who used to work for MCLX whooh, wait. Never mind. ;) Yah, one might reasonably wonder if he isn't thinking that the software in

Re: Netgear now touting open source WRT-compatible wireless router

2008-07-03 Thread Michael ODonnell
And, FWIW, I've got a couple dozen WRT-54G[S,L,v4,v3,v2]* units in the field and the only one that's failed had taken a lightning strike. My oldest one is now 5 years old, so at $50-ish, I owe them nothing. Closer to $41 today if you can stomach a mail-in rebate:

Re: [HUMOR] $500 patch cable

2008-06-22 Thread Michael ODonnell
I guess those $500 cables are OK if you're on a budget, but us true audiophiles know these $7899.95 beauties are the ones to have: ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Stupid FF 3 question

2008-06-18 Thread Michael ODonnell
Maybe a $PATH problem? the new version probably got installed someplace that's not mentioned in your $PATH, or in a place that's mentioned after the old version... ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Bookmark sync and other Firefox extensions (was: Firefox Download Day)

2008-06-17 Thread Michael ODonnell
I'm still running a fairly ancient version of Firefox because many of my favorite extensions never (well, I haven't checked in a while...) got ported forward to the newer versions. I'm particularly fond of the bookmark sync extension by Torisugari, but in light of stuff like Weave it may be

Re: [HUMOR] $500 patch cable

2008-06-17 Thread Michael ODonnell
Brilliant Pebbles is a unique room system tuning device for audio systems. Large Brilliant Pebbles now comes as a thin clear plastic bag that contains various minerals/stones. Other sizes range from Mikro to Extra Large, and applications vary from size to size. A number of

Re: Firefox Download Day

2008-06-17 Thread Michael ODonnell
It's now OK to download. The site incorrectly diagnosed my system as needing the Windows tarball instead of the Linux one (not an auspicious way to start!) so I had to go hunting for the correct one. In case anybody else enjoys a similar SNAFU here's the URL I ended up using:

Re: need Openvpn routing help

2008-06-13 Thread Michael ODonnell
You're the second person to phrase it that way, does the machine know that it's supposed to route traffic. Showing my ignorance I will ask how do I make sure it knows to do this. I thought running the route command did that, but apparently there's more. I believe the route command is used

Re: Decent Graphics card / 64 bit system / imaging

2008-06-11 Thread Michael ODonnell
I'm trying to understand why a majority of people on this list find it acceptable to /recommend/ hardware only supported by proprietary drivers Hey, cut us some slack, Jack. It would be more accurate for you to say, majority of postings I've read since (A) most of the traffic on this list

Re: Decent Graphics card / 64 bit system / imaging

2008-06-10 Thread Michael ODonnell
Yah, if only projects like the Open Graphics board were farther along: ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Offline Search?

2008-06-05 Thread Michael ODonnell
Hmmm, your Windows requirement probably rules Glimpse out unless Cygwin can somehow be used, but I'll mention it anyway: Glimpse (and agrep, the Approximate grep) is a tool that operates by pre-generating a database from a given file repository and then allows fast searches using that database.

Re: access bash from C program?

2008-06-02 Thread Michael ODonnell
If I understand the requirements all you need to do is feed the appropriate ulimit command to the same instance of bash that ultimately executes the program you're trying to run, right? One simple approach sketched in pseudo-C would be: system( /bin/bash -c 'yourUlimitCommandHere ;

Re: Disable environment settings

2008-05-29 Thread Michael ODonnell
Is there a way to prevent them from being able to manually change certain environment variables Basically, no. The environment is just a bunch of NULL terminated strings and there's nothing sacred or special about any of them. The various flavors of the exec() syscall just blindly accept

Re: Alternatives to Comcast

2008-05-23 Thread Michael ODonnell
Oh, by the way, if you think that the second word in the acronym really was fine, then I have a bridge that I'd like to sell you. Is it compatible with the CPE in question? ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: RHEL Kernel Versions

2008-05-13 Thread Michael ODonnell
With RHEL, you eliminate support when you put in a kernel that isn't one of theirs. Well, it's true that RHAT will not support just any random kernel that you've overlaid on top of an RHEL distribution, but even as a Debian devotee I respect their reasons for adopting that stance - they're

Re: computer repair

2008-05-06 Thread Michael ODonnell
I recently volunteered to troubleshoot a neighbor's laptop and found it to be quite the monkey-puzzle - after removing as many screws as I could find I could only get the various subassemblies to wiggle slightly WRT each other but couldn't convince myself that any of them could be separated

Re: Computer repair shop

2008-05-05 Thread Michael ODonnell
DTVZ wrote: [a rather complete list of points re: internal pwrgnd planes] Yah, it's been years since I was a bench tech but I'm pretty sure internal pwrgnd planes are canonical these days. IIRC (and the smart money is betting that I don't) the only drawback is maybe something about oddball

Re: IMAP Server

2008-05-02 Thread Michael ODonnell
I currently store my email in maildir format, I use fetchmail to retrieve it, procmail to filter it and mutt to read it My situation is similar enough to yours (I'm totally addicted to maildir format but use EXMH instead of mutt) that I hope to be able to follow your investigations here on

Re: IMAP Server

2008-05-02 Thread Michael ODonnell
According to the Definitions, and goals section here: shouldn't have to care: Maildir++ and Maildir shall be completely interchangeable. A Maildir++ client will be able to use a standard Maildir, automatically

Re: Source for DVI/USB KVM switch, cables

2008-04-26 Thread Michael ODonnell
Heh. The phrase PeeCee architecture is an oxymoron if ever there was one, but it's a boon to those who make a living selling hax that work around its deficiencies. One that comes to mind apropos this thread is a card called the PC Weasel (or maybe the Real Weasel?) that you could install in

Re: Any ZigBee/Bluetooth users?

2008-04-21 Thread Michael ODonnell
STFW, Luke... ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Mono/.Net/C sharp/SuSE/Novell

2008-04-18 Thread Michael ODonnell
I had a few lines of C Sharp in a flash programming utility written for linux, (beats all I've seen to date). My brain couldn't quite lock on to whatever it was you said there - care to elaborate? ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Mono/.Net/C sharp/SuSE/Novell

2008-04-18 Thread Michael ODonnell
Working with a embedded platform using a TI part and Monta Vista Pro embedded linux. A programming utility was offered for this platform Flasher.tar.gz. Aha. Yes, that makes rather more sense than anything I came up with while I was stuck on the meaning of flash, as the other person had

Re: Ricoh card reader

2008-04-17 Thread Michael ODonnell
Did you STFW? The first handful of hits here looked very promising: Particularly this one: ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: looking for vt100 or older

2008-04-15 Thread Michael ODonnell
In case nobody offers an actual terminal of the type desired I'll bet there's an emulator available (probably even floppy-bootable) that'll turn any random cast-off PC into a terminal with all the deisred characteristics. ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing

Re: New NH computer store selling Linux systems...

2008-04-15 Thread Michael ODonnell
My wife and I drive right past there on our weekly jaunts (in season) to hike Pack Monadnock Saturday or Sunday mornings - might you be open then? I didn't see hours mentioned in your email or WWW site... In any case, luck to you! ___

Re: New distro question

2008-04-09 Thread Michael ODonnell
And tune in next week when Ben takes us through the SunOS - Solaris name mapping! Following that will be a general discussion tracking the ATT releases and how they were tracked by BSD :) This UN*X family tree is known to be b0rken in some ways but it's still interesting:

Re: New distro question

2008-04-09 Thread Michael ODonnell
Once a fedora release goes end-of-life, there are no more updates, period. For example, Fedora Core 6 went end-of-life a few months ago, and hasn't had a security update of any sort released since. So you have to upgrade the system to the next Fedora release (or the one after) to keep

Re: New distro question

2008-04-09 Thread Michael ODonnell
I believe RHEL3 U9 was the last full active development release Unfortunately, the bug in question was apparently introduced with the U8 release which I understand was supposed to be the final one, but it's bad enough that I'd suspect there'll be a

Re: New distro question

2008-04-09 Thread Michael ODonnell
what bug did you run across? Don't suppose there's a BZ open on it? Sorry, I don't have the number in front of me at the moment but here's the patch that fixes it: Symptom is that the system appears to hang when filesystems are

Re: New distro question

2008-04-08 Thread Michael ODonnell
That way the list can continue to have discussions [...] with out having me bother everyone. :) The signal on this channel is Linux, so if you're talking Linux you're not bothering anyone because that's why we're all gathered here. Of course, you get extra credit for taking newbies and

[OT] Some random topic, always changing [ was comcast does it again Port 25 ]

2008-04-07 Thread Michael ODonnell
This is all so totally fascinating that I urge you to create another mailing list (similar to gnhlug-jobs or gnhlug-announce) on which this discussion can be given the attention it deserves. After you've created that list and invited all interested parties to join it, I'm sure the resultant

Re: Session recording

2008-04-02 Thread Michael ODonnell
Many of the suggestions made so far seem to assume that the users are cooperative and will not try to defeat any of the suggested auditing mechanisms. Is that assumption correct? ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Session recording

2008-04-02 Thread Michael ODonnell
Many of the suggestions made so far seem to assume that the users are cooperative and will not try to defeat any of the suggested auditing mechanisms. Is that assumption correct? That is a safe assumption. The users are the ones that have asked for better monitoring then what is done

Re: Session recording

2008-03-29 Thread Michael ODonnell
I need to log everything from the time a user logs in to the time they log out, including all commands, output of commands, etc. ttysnoop appears to be close to what you want, though straight out of the box it looks like it's not configured to relay session automatically. Using script isn't

Re: Loss of ptys

2008-03-18 Thread Michael ODonnell
If you can SSH in to your machine it's probably not strictly a pty problem you're having, since SSH uses them. A couple of other things to try: - Try running something like screen which uses ptys but not X. - Try launching one of the failing apps with strace so you can maybe see the last

Re: Setting up separate network question

2008-03-18 Thread Michael ODonnell
right now it is a pain to add the extra NICs In some situations (and it sounds like yours might be one of them) you can just use aliases for the interfaces to get the effect of adding NIC cards. The syntax and the location of the config files varies with the distribution but you're basically

Re: Linux and Sound

2008-03-14 Thread Michael ODonnell
Alt-Ctrl-F3 to a terminal window and Ctrl-Alt-F7 once didn't work, but Ctrl-Alt-F4 and Ctrl-Alt-F7 three times did :) Bizarre, but it's a work-around that I thought might help others. You have my sympathies - it's humiliating to have to resort to that sort of voodoo. FYI, you may be able

Re: cron question / process queue

2008-03-07 Thread Michael ODonnell
I don't see it. I have monthly, weekly and daily jobs that I want to run sequentially, in that order, starting at 8pm. How would I do that using 'at'? Preferably without making the actual jobs know about each other, e.g. not teaching the weekly job that it should be followed by the

[semi-OT] gnhlug-sysadmin

2008-03-04 Thread Michael ODonnell
Can somebody who's an admin for gnhlug-sysadmin please check that list's admin queue for an item from me? ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: cron question / process queue

2008-03-04 Thread Michael ODonnell
Just thinking out loud here, but one extremely low-tech way to do it might be to have your daily/weekly/monthly cron jobs create a work queue by depositing disposable copies of the desired scripts into a special directory with names guaranteed to be sequential and unique (like, say,

Re: RAM Mapping Script

2008-03-03 Thread Michael ODonnell
You won't be able to do this from userland. That spot of memory is off-limits because the kernel needs to preserve it in the event that another process wants to enter a vm86 mode. Maybe I haven't been following this thread closely enough, but I don't see how either User mode accesses or

Re: RAM Mapping Script

2008-03-02 Thread Michael ODonnell
(The nominally cost-effective thing to do is throw the computer out and buy another one, but I trust you are aware of that and have particular factors which are affecting the math.) I let principle override practicality all too often. It irks me to toss a beautiful piece of engineering

Re: ISO C++ does not support 'long long'

2008-02-29 Thread Michael ODonnell
It depends on a number of factors like which compiler version you're using (try cc --version to find out) and how badly written that code is. You'll probbaly get a lot farther if you get your build to stop using -pedantic but that's not an all-purpose solution and removing it may even allow

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