[GNC] [gnc] Forecasting savings

2024-05-21 Thread Adrien Laveau
Hello community, I would like to know what is the best way (if there is) to project savings evolution in gnc based or scheduled transaction (income, tax, average spending, loan etc...). The goal is ti properly budget and know if at some time a more important transaction is reasonable or not (insta

Re: [GNC] Can't download stock prices

2024-05-21 Thread John Ralls
Ernie, You probably built it for the wrong architecture. GnuCash is x86_64 so all of the perl modules that aren’t pure perl need to be multi-architecture. See https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Online_Quotes#Installing_Finance::Quote_on_macOS_from_a_Terminal_prompt for an explanation. Regards, John

Re: [GNC] Can't download stock prices

2024-05-21 Thread Ernie Wakamatsu
HI John and Gnucash Supporters, I was afraid you were going to say that. As far as I can tell, I have JSON::Parse installed, but gnucash-cli is not finding it. Ernie-Mac-mini% cpan JSON::Parse Loading internal logger. Log::Log4perl recommended for better logging Reading '/Users/Ernie_1/.cpan/Me

Re: [GNC] Can't download stock prices

2024-05-21 Thread John Ralls
Depends on the bug. Just like every other development team they have more bugs than engineers so they have to prioritize. Some things get fixed quickly, others take a while, and some never get attention. I don’t know who maintains the libc that Apple uses. If it’s FreeBSD then they won’t conside