[Goanet] Shabbat Thoughts

2009-11-01 Thread Antonio Francisco
A GLASS OF MILK One day, a poor boy was selling clothes door-to-door to pay for his education, realized that he only had ten cents left in his pocket. The sale was bad that day... Besides, he was so hungry and decided to ask for some food at the next house that he came to. In the meantime he

[Goanet] Shabbat thoughts.

2009-10-24 Thread Antonio Francisco
JUST CHECKING IN A church elder passing through his church, in the middle of the day. Decided to pause by the altar and see who had come to pray. Just then the back door opened, a man came down the aisle. The pastor frowned as he saw, the man hadn't shaved in a while. His shirt was kind of

[Goanet] Shabbat thoughts

2009-10-10 Thread Antonio Francisco
* G * O * A * N * E * T C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S * Planning to get married in Goa? www.weddingsetcgoa.com Making your 'dream

[Goanet] Shabbat thoughts

2009-10-03 Thread Antonio Francisco
3,10.09 Saturday. Good gardeners are proud of their gardens. The guard and protect the garden with unrivalled zeal; like proud soldiers, and enthusiastic parents. They make certain that no contamination ever enters, pests and parasites are severely dealt with. Weeds are rooted out...

[Goanet] Good News on cancer treatment

2009-10-02 Thread Antonio Francisco
Cancer treatment breakthrough... This is one of the biggest advances we have seen this year in this area of research. (Boston, Mass.)—Researchers have reportedly found that salinomycin, a compound which is used as an antibacterial and anti parasite drug to fatten broiler chickens, killed 100

[Goanet] Shabbat thoughts

2009-09-26 Thread Antonio Francisco
Worry. There I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink: or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important thatn clothes? (Mathew chapter 6: verse 25) Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

[Goanet] Shabbat thoughts

2009-09-18 Thread Antonio Francisco
It is a book, no man can master. The greatest minds are the darkest minds, without understanding given to them by the Spirit. Yet, to the submissive heart and mind, it is a supreme light, joy and communications from God's heart and mind directly to the the heart and mind of his Creature/s.

[Goanet] Shabbat Thoughts

2009-09-13 Thread Antonio Francisco
EIGHT GIFTS THAT DON'T COST A PAYSA This simple checklist can help measure how you are nurturing your relationships. The author of these thoughts is unknown, but deeply appreciated. The Gift of Listening But you must really listen. Don't interrupt, don't daydream, don't plan your response. Just

[Goanet] relationships

2009-09-13 Thread Antonio Francisco
Have you ever considered the fact that every word you say—every word—has the power to either hurt or heal? You may think I exaggerate the power of words. A misspoken word here, a sarcastic quip there can hardly hurt a marriage, you think. When your mate makes a snide comment about the burnt toast

[Goanet] Shabath thoughts!

2009-09-08 Thread Antonio Francisco
* G * O * A * N * E * T C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S * Two new showrooms/office spaces, double height (135 sq m each with bath) for

[Goanet] Agustines opinion about Jesus

2008-12-25 Thread Antonio Francisco
From a sermon by Augustine in the year AD 396: (Jesus) took to himself what he was not, while remaining what he was; He came to us in a man without ever departing from the Father (in heaven); He continued to be what he is while appearing to us as what we are; His divine power was confined in the

[Goanet] Christmas

2008-12-24 Thread Antonio Francisco
No story has captivated all streams of human endeavor like that of the events surrounding the birth of Jesus. The very detail given in all parts of the Bible concerning this event are wondrous and very moving. Countless generations have celebrated them and have been profoundly impacted by them.