The short answer to the question above is that India is not
all the time conscious that it is a country born of a
theft, and that it has for fifty years done nothing except
attempt to exterminate the natives of Palestine - Christian
and Moslem semites -- who were there long before the
Eastern Europ
Mario G and Elizabeth Carvalho have had a dialogue on the
issue of Minimum Wages, and how to better organise the
Labour Market vs. Mario's view that the unfettered "Free
Market" is the best way of ensuring that everyone gets
work. (Wages would come down, obviously, but that is more
Mario Goveia in his contribution has said that allegations against Sai Baba of
molesting of children are ill-founded.
I just want to say that I have seen a film on TV where
an American family spoke at length (about 25 minutes)
about how they were devotees, and how Sai Baba
took their son for pr