[Goanet] Membership of Goanet

2008-10-21 Thread damodar vinayak bale
Thank you for accepting me as member.I was born in Goa and schooled till S.S.C.in Goa.Presently I am set in Mumbai.I am glad to find such a site on web.Thanks again, With best regards, Shyam V.Bale. Mumbai.  

[Goanet] Common civil code

2008-10-26 Thread damodar vinayak bale
Shri F E Noronha has argued very commendably and most consciously in favour of common civil law.But under present political scenario no politician will be interested into such unthinkable laws.Politicians today want to play with lives of innocent citizen.Otherwise Bihar and Uttar Pradesh would

[Goanet] Secularism.

2008-10-31 Thread damodar vinayak bale
Editor Goanet, Reading about religions in your column messages,it has to be realised that in this part of the world,now called Indian peninsula, there was nothing called "religion".People followed a particular tradition called Art of Living.Jewism,Christianity and Islamism were born as religion

[Goanet] language.

2008-10-31 Thread damodar vinayak bale
Respected Shri Gogate, Is it possible to have a keyboard with devnagri script? That can solve all the problems of all Bharatiya languages.As Sanskrit is the mother language with formidable grammer. With best regards, Shyam V.Bale,Mumbai. 

Re: [Goanet] Disastrous Amendments to Official Language Act

2008-11-17 Thread damodar vinayak bale
* G * O * A * N * E * T C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S * Renew your wedding vows in Goa, or gift a Ce

[Goanet] Language and schooling

2008-11-19 Thread damodar vinayak bale
* G * O * A * N * E * T C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S * Renew your wedding vows in Goa, or gift a C

[Goanet] The Right to Convert.

2008-12-23 Thread damodar vinayak bale
 Dear Editor, Religions entered this part of our continent from north-west and by sea.The inhabitants here practiced traditional ways of living. There were no religions.Nature was worshipped.Then came the entry of warriors,calling the inhabitants "HINDU" as they crossed river "SINDHU",wi

[Goanet] Diverting River Waters.

2008-12-23 Thread damodar vinayak bale
 Rivers belong to nation and not any states.Govt at the centre has to formulate a plan for all the rivers,which has to be followed by states.This nation is blessed with cultivable land and a network of rivers.Under a false notion of industrialisation,we have spoilt the quality of natural w

Re: [Goanet] Goa- net God sucks

2008-12-25 Thread damodar vinayak bale
 Dear friends, All,so called religions,preach "peace and love".What is the harm then,as to who follows what religion? Let everyone live like a human being with the first and foremost idea of thinking good and acting good.Can United Nations Organisation be a forum to discuss world religions? I

[Goanet] Division of India,

2008-12-29 Thread damodar vinayak bale
India was divided by British,with the help of some of barristers of India into two.Bharat and Pakistan(East & West).After twentyfive years East-Pakistan was named Bangladesh.But both Pakistan and Bangladesh have one constitutional religion.They also have one constitutional language,namely Urdu

[Goanet] Confused over language usage.

2009-01-09 Thread damodar vinayak bale
* G * O * A * N * E * T C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S * ANKA SERVICES For all your Goa-based media need

[Goanet] Saree in return for a chaddi.

2009-02-14 Thread damodar vinayak bale
Mr. Muthalik should be congratulated for reciprocating with Sarees.He should also remind the chaddi senders,that even Sonia Gandhi has given up her traditional dress for our traditional Saree.

[Goanet] Correcting an historical aberration.

2009-03-08 Thread damodar vinayak bale
The inhabitants of this nation,BHARAT,were not known as Hindus.They were following certain traditions of living.Kashmir to Kanya-kumari and Assam to Sowrashtra,the inhabitants followed almost same traditions and the common language of these traditions was Sanskrit.The warriors who came from nort

[Goanet] Cow urine soft drink.

2009-03-11 Thread damodar vinayak bale
Editor, Goanet, This is to bring to your notice that cow urine is used in certain religious occasions by our ancestors. Proper studies of these procedures may reveal the healthy effects of these on human bodies.As for Fredric Noronha and Marshall Mendonsa,they have to be congratulated. Relig

[Goanet] Roman catholic & Hindu

2009-03-26 Thread damodar vinayak bale
Respected editor, All religions came to this land.They were never brought nor invited. The local population followed certain traditions of living.The cultural traditions existed in this part of continent from the Himalayas to Rama-setu and from Assam to Sourashtra.The common language of these

[Goanet] Save Goa Campaign.

2009-04-29 Thread damodar vinayak bale
Respected Editor, There are letters from various writers to save Goa. It is easy to write from places like UK or US or UAE. These well wishers have to come to Goa, and practically work to save Goa,staying in Goa. Otherwise Goa is a place which is like Heaven for those who never had been in Goa be

[Goanet] Goa and Goans.

2009-05-13 Thread damodar vinayak bale
Respected Editor, Goa was known as "GOMANTAK" word coming from Gomant mountains.Goans are and were a peace loving people where humanism is and was valued rather than casts and religions.Every goan attends Mandirs,Churches and Dargas irrespective of his faith.Then,where is the hitch? Why should any

[Goanet] 75th Birth Anniversary of "Sriram P.Kamat", editor of "Mandovi" magazine.

2009-05-16 Thread damodar vinayak bale
Respected editor, Today shri Shriram Pandurang Kamat,a goan,from Asnora,completes his 75 years.His "Vishwacharitrakosha" is well accepted in Goa as well as Maharashtra.Wishing him A Happy and Healthy Anniversary. His work is unique and making all goans proud. A well-wisher, Dam

[Goanet] Spread of Hindtva worries activist.

2009-05-31 Thread damodar vinayak bale
Respected editor, Activist has not at all to worry about the spread of HINDUTVA.Because there is nothing called Hindutva.It's only traditional way of living, which the outsiders named as Hindutva.The natives of this part of the earth had no religion.Outsiders came with religion and started to sprea

[Goanet] Konkani Language.

2009-06-05 Thread damodar vinayak bale
Respected editor, With due regards,Mr.Richard Cabral has really written a very distinctly studied write up on Konkani Language.It is one of the official languages of BHARAT.As the writer says,this language is very closely associated with Sanskrit.In fact all the Bharatiya state languages regard

[Goanet] Goa political system.

2010-06-26 Thread damodar vinayak bale
This is with reference to message no.2 of Goa news letter. Political system is not for Goa only.It's the constitution of the nation that decides about the political system.In a few more years,Goan voters will be overpowered by voters from north India.Around ten years after we will see a Vidhansab

[Goanet] Cityzen's humble request to MLAs.

2010-07-23 Thread damodar vinayak bale
Respected Editor, This is w.r.t.letter by shri Rajendra Kakodker. Somehow there is no limit to selfish ends of all MLAs without any exception.It's like their business to fool the man on the street and accumulate wealth for the next elections.In fact GOA is a state that can set an

[Goanet] All Religions for Human Integral Developments

2010-07-25 Thread damodar vinayak bale
Respected Editor, Re:Messagge no.11. Fr Ivo has really taken pains to explain what religions mean.In fact In no ancient literature records,there is no mention of the word Hindu. Vedas,Upanishads,Ramayana Mahabharata or any other ancient literature,the word Hindu is not seen.What the n

[Goanet] Jose Pereira at XCHR,: A Recounting of Ev ents.

2010-08-03 Thread damodar vinayak bale
Respected Editor, Having read today's newsletter.I think we are wasting precious space to discuss grade three material.Jose Pereira is welknown by goans for years.Sanatan Sanstha is new to Goa.I was born and brought up in Goa and left Goa for Bombay for higher studies in 1960.I came back to Goa

[Goanet] All religions are not equal

2010-08-19 Thread damodar vinayak bale
Respected editor, Religion is " Faith ".Humans are equal all over.It is the ill willed politicians who create the problems for harmonious living.So was the partitition of India,with one nation "Pakistan" with Islamism as the nation's religion and Bharat as "secular".So those humans who bel

[Goanet] DR Rvindra Kelekar Konkannichi Jyot Palovli

2010-08-31 Thread damodar vinayak bale
Respected Editor, Today's newsletter carried a very vivid and informative article by Shri Vincy Quadros,Vice President Goa Konkani Academi,(govt.of Goa).In order to make a perfect memorial for the departed soul,The Goa Konkani Academi should settle the controversy about the script of Kon

[Goanet] Not just Muslims,........................

2011-01-30 Thread damodar vinayak bale
Respected Editor, This is just getting too much.Why call Muslims-Purohit,et-al. One can put it as The "CREATOR" and go ahead.It's HE who created the "UNIVERSE" and we are all actors on the stage,directed by HIM. So why blame taking names? Talk about the nature,against what the Hum

[Goanet] Women were used as sex objects

2011-02-04 Thread damodar vinayak bale
Respected Editor, God created two physiques of Human Being,"Man and Woman".Since the two are different physiques,hormones produced by both must be different.It goes beyond any doubt that Woman is stronger than Man,as she has been endowed with the faculty of giving birth to a child.Besides if Woma

[Goanet] [Goa net}My world is better than ... ............

2010-10-15 Thread damodar vinayak bale
There is nothing like my world."Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" was the ideology of Bharatiya origin.We cared for Human Values.So naturally this nation has all the world religions and there were no rivalaries. The politicians of the so called DEMOCRACY have spoiled our living.It is said,that the biggest

[Goanet] Message 9,dated today, Obama's visit to Mumbai and Shivsenas Fascism.

2010-10-19 Thread damodar vinayak bale
Respected Editor, This letter by Mr.Jorge Desouza of Mumbai is really detailed summary of the democracy of nation named "INDIA i.e.BHARAT".Acyually it was the mischief played by the former rulers.Partition was not at all favoured even by Mahatma Gandhi.But the cunning nature of the former

[Goanet] I paid a Bribe.

2010-10-28 Thread damodar vinayak bale
  Before 1961 i.e before Goa was liberated, 'bribes' did not exist. There were presents made after some work was done. One used to call it 'Saguado'.  There was nothing wrong in that. It was in the form of  flowers or some material. It was not bribing as the work was already over. Now things h

[Goanet] November25,Liberation day of Goa.

2010-11-28 Thread damodar vinayak bale
living. Cheers to you all and "Merry Christmas". With best regards to all, Damodar Vinayak Bale, 11,Winton Road, East Brunswick,New Jersy,USA.

[Goanet] Naional Geographic report is a wake-up call fo r the govt.

2010-11-28 Thread damodar vinayak bale
Hearty congratulations to editor Goa net.This article by shri Nissar Dias is really worth going across the media in all the languages. It is our bad luck that innocent and ignorant populace of our nation (not only the state of Goa)should be made aware of this status of our cultivable and rich

[Goanet] 50th year uf GOA independence.

2010-12-20 Thread damodar vinayak bale
ht to eradicate CORRUPTION from its roots and live,enjoy 'LIFE'for which we should be so thankful to " GOD ALMIGHTY ". With best regards, Damodar Vinayak Bale, 11,Winton Road, East Brunswick, NJ,08816,USA.

[Goanet] India or Goa...Message3 .

2011-01-05 Thread damodar vinayak bale
--- http://www.GOANET.org --- Goa Sudharop Annual Awards January 5, 2011 - 3:45 -

[Goanet] Neither Hindus nor Muslims are entitled for AY ODHYA land.

2011-01-09 Thread damodar vinayak bale
This is really funny.The very word AYODHYA belongs to what,is well known.The gamut about the courts is created to fool the people and waste valuable time and energy. It is the former world conquerers who created a written history and the laws and courts.No one knows what Human Values are and th

[Goanet] "Dadasaheb Phalke" award to a Goan.

2011-05-11 Thread damodar vinayak bale
Dear Editor, It was pleasure to read about a Goan,receiving the prestigious award for cinematography in 'Nav Hind Times' dated 3rd May 2011. Though the news did not appear in any other dailies of Goa. He is 92 years old Shri Kisan B.Kamat Ghanekar of Pangim Goa,presently staying in Mumbai.

[Goanet] Dadasaheb Phalke Academy Award 2011 (Link Navhind times)

2011-05-12 Thread damodar vinayak bale