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By Reema Kamat

          You and I have been
          through so many years together.
          We have shared our innermost secrets and our most far-out
          dreams without worrying about being judged or laughed at.
          We have shared our deepest fears in our most fragile
          And we can still act really silly and not be embarrassed.
          We haven’t lost the childlike, innocent trust we've
          always had in each other.
          How can I thank you for a friendship that means so very
          much to me?

And so goes a friendship day greeting card gifted by Shobha to
Shubhi (aren't their names a sweet harmonising rhythm?) this gone
Friendship Day. No points for guessing that the friendship must be
really special to them; it is quite evident. Points deducted
however, for assuming that they must be a couple of giggly girls in
their teens. Giggly they are still, alright. But both Shobha
Tarcar, entrepreneur, and Shubhlaxmi Naik, advocate, are adult
women into their fifties.

Pleasantly surprised, you must be. In an era where most friends do
not manage to stretch their amity beyond one misunderstanding, and
even self-proclaimed 'friends forever' extinguish the flame over a
minor falling-out, this pair of best buds have been friends for a
number of years you cannot even count on all your fingers and toes.
Forty years. And as they giggle and guffaw, and interrupt each
other to chatter nineteen to the dozen, it is obvious that there
are so many memories they have to talk about.

          They do not clearly recall their first meeting, except
          that it was in the fifth standard, after which of course
          they were inseparable. Shubhi however insists that their
          bond stretches over past lifetimes, and from her
          revelations, it appears that this could very well be
          true. "We were destined to be friends right from the
          start. We are born not only in the same year but just two
          days apart; the difference is not even 48 hours to be
          precise. Then, we both belong to the families of no sons.

          Also, not only do our mothers share their year of birth
          but our husbands share their birth date!" Shobha adds,
          "Since they day we got together, people have taken us to
          be sisters, with our names 'Shubhi-Shobha' taken in the
          same breath."

Have they ever fought? "We argue all the time even today, but
sportingly; why, even this very morning I playfully chided her over
something trivial," says Shobha. But fought, never. Quarrelling is
something that just never came to them, they say. "We've never had
misunderstandings of any sort because we’ve never had a
communication gap." And staying friends for so many years came
effortlessly to them -- they just remained together and attached
all along. Their sons Krushnan and Rajeev, both 23 now, have been
inseparable friends too since childhood. "Perhaps to a certain
extent they too, have unconsciously helped us to maintain our
closeness and to keep going strong," says Shobha.

Even now, the duo spends time with each other on a regular basis
taking precious moments out of their hectic lives. What are the
things they do together? "We giggle together," is a spontaneous and
utterly childlike first retort, after which follows a more solemn
and heartfelt "We share our joys and sorrows." They reveal that in
the course of so many years, they have never considered it
necessary to follow rituals like exchanging gifts; even the
Friendship Day card is given by Shobha as a lark, the childishness
of which amuses Shubhi to no extent.

How do they define friendship? "Friendship is from within. It is an
eternal bond between two people, as simple as that. There are
moments when I wonder, what would I have ever done without a friend
like her by my side," says Shobha fondly. Concludes Shubhi, "There
are some relationships that cannot be described, only experienced
for yourself. The depth of our friendship, I would say, is beyond
comprehension. One would have to be in such a friendship oneself
for these many years to understand what we're talking about."

Reproduced on Goanet courtesy Panjim Plus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
phone 2464687 or 9422058131. Contact Ilidio de Noronha

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