I think that the Go source code itself is among the best sources of good
practices and well-written Go.
Il 19 gen 2018 13:52, "Keith Brown" ha scritto:
> I want to pick up good practices when developing my go code. Is there a
> package which I can study and comprehend for newbies? I mainly use
No, Go doesn't use LLVM.
Il 16 dic 2017 00:45, "Compiler" ha scritto:
> Last Version of Go Compiler doing Generate `ASM Code` and next Linker...
> and final binary output file?
> Go Compiler is use LLVM/IR?
> go1.4/doc/go_faq.html :
> We considered using LLVM for gc but we felt it was
The compiler does produce an executable without any C involved.
Il 13 dic 2017 13:20, ha scritto:
Could you first answer this question?
They question may also be answered.
*how can make a new compiler programming language using c without
assembly?(a compiler then can produce executable file) ??
You could run the two programs on the same vps by binding them to localhost
and two different ports, and then use a reverse proxy (like nginx) to
multiplex connections and add HTTPS.
This way you can have one machine that responds to two distinct domains,
each of which will point to one of your ap
What are you trying to achieve with this code? What do you want it to do?
Il 06 dic 2017 15:30, "T L" ha scritto:
> And this:
> package main
> import "fmt"
> func main() {
> var i int
> var x = []int{3, 5, 7}
> //var y = make([]int, 3)
> for i, x[i] = range x {
> }
> fmt.Printl
You should operate type assertion by iterating on the array.
My advice is to write a "Work" struct with all the field you need, and create
an instance for each iteration of the outer array.
This way you'll have a nice representation of a "Work" package for each inner
I cannot p
Since the server is communicating using JSON structures, you should
unmarshal the Read() data in a struct to actually use it:
Unlike Python where JSON is typically handled through dictionaries, in Go
you either provide a structure to unmarshal data to, or work