I'd advice you to use bash on Ubuntu on windows to compile cgo programs on
windows. It's easy to use and works.
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The name of the MINGW suggest that it is 32-bit - are you sure you are
running a full 64-bit tool chain?
What does the --version of the gcc output?
On Mon, Jan 30, 2017, 17:30 Arie van Wingerden wrote:
> 2017-01-30 12:04 GMT+01:00 Arie van Wingerden :
2017-01-30 12:04 GMT+01:00 Arie van Wingerden :
typo: should be:
behavior further as described
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I try to use CGO on Windows
I installed Mingw64 from here:
My Go env vars are like so:
set CC=i686-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe
set GOROOT=e:\programs\go64
set GOPATH=e:\src\go
set GOOS=wi