[google-appengine] Re: google gadgets for GAE developers

2008-12-20 Thread Nash-t
You are right. I didn't notice that Google had a link that let you use any of the iGoogle gadgets. I thought they only shared the google talk gadget. Very cool GOOG!. But there is one thing they could do for us GAE developers. When a user signs in to our GAE application it would be great if we cou

[google-appengine] Re: google gadgets for GAE developers

2008-12-20 Thread Barry Hunter
hmm, I cant think of anything special that Google would need to do to allow GAE developers to use Gadgets. There is nothing stopping you making a gadget that talks to App Engine, or indeed embedding a gadget in a AppEngine hosted webpage. gadgets are estentially Javascript (and a bit of html/dht