Re: GWT OpenLayers new website and showcase

2012-12-17 Thread Thomas Holmes
I'm not a bitbucket user, but I am trying to get the source code for the showcase, and I don't know how I can download the showcase code. There are a handful of great examples, and I'd like to incorporate some of that into an app I am working on. When I get the selectfeatureexample, it seems

GWT File Save

2011-07-06 Thread Thomas Holmes
I know this question has been asked before, and have researched this group and done a more wide Google search on this question. I have a working GWT Application which works great. From the client I can call a GWT-RPC service to get data which I can bring back to the UI, and all that works


2010-05-12 Thread Thomas Holmes
I realize this is a group for GWT and not any derivatives of such ... but this question may fit. I am using SmartGWT 2.x and I have some code that looks like this: final IButton refreshButton = new IButton(Refresh); refreshButton.setWidth(80); error=13, Permission denied

2010-03-12 Thread Thomas Holmes
I have a brand new screaming laptop where I installed OpenSuse 11.2 64- bit, MySQL 64-bit, Java JDK, MyEclipseIDE, and the Eclipse GWT Plugin. I should say that I also had the old GWT 1.7.1 on my system as well. So after all this work, I went to create a new GWT Application Project, and then I

Re: error=13, Permission denied

2010-03-12 Thread Thomas Holmes
. On Mar 12, 3:49 pm, Thomas Holmes wrote: I have a brand new screaming laptop where I installed OpenSuse 11.2 64- bit, MySQL 64-bit, Java JDK, MyEclipseIDE, and the Eclipse GWT Plugin.   I should say that I also had the old GWT 1.7.1 on my system as well. So

Hosted mode an double slashes

2009-10-16 Thread Thomas Holmes
I have a GWT app which works great when I setup the war file and deploy to my Tomcat Server. However, I created a new GWT app and moved my old application to this .. that way I can setup hosted mode. When I try to run my app in Hosted Mode, my server class has an additional slash .. So:

Client Side Logging

2009-10-14 Thread Thomas Holmes
I know this is client side code with a GWT-RPC DataSource, but I have a bug, and I am trying to find out what is going on. I have firebug installed, but that isn't helping me at all. System.out.println doesn't seem to work of course, so in my GWT-RPC DataSource had can I debug or log what is

Passing Id to DataSource

2009-10-14 Thread Thomas Holmes
I have two GWT-RPC datasources that have a parent-child relationship. I am using the SmartGWT UI Widgets, but they don't seem to be very helpful, and I hate to say it, but there seems to be an attitude there. So, if I just stick to the GWT-RPC DataSource Demo from the SmartGWT- Extensions ...

Re: SmartGWT Extensions

2009-09-28 Thread Thomas Holmes
Nope, it's not stupid, and it is a good suggestion. The example I am using shows 'id' as integer, 'name' as String, and 'date' as Date. So, I made those changes. I did manage to fix this issue. What I did was to look again at the sample and realized at the bottom of the DataSource code and

Re: Cookies and RPC

2009-09-25 Thread Thomas Holmes
){   //cookieexists } HTH Dominik On 23 Sep., 12:00, Thomas Holmes wrote: I have the demo StockWatcher Application working.  I have client/ server side code working for the most part. I can use a Spring DAO class, make a call to the database

Re: Cookies and RPC

2009-09-25 Thread Thomas Holmes
=Cookie.getCookie(myCookieName); if(cookie!= null){   //cookieexists } HTH Dominik On 23 Sep., 12:00, Thomas Holmes wrote: I have the demo StockWatcher Application working.  I have client/ server side code working for the most part. I can use a Spring

Re: SmartGWT Extensions

2009-09-25 Thread Thomas Holmes
to build a GWT-RPC datasource successfully. On Sep 24, 1:35 pm, Thomas Holmes wrote: I did use one example of a GWT-RPC datasource forSmartGWT, and I got very, very close. I can get the data from my spring beans, and I copied data to my DTO objects

parent-child add/update

2009-09-25 Thread Thomas Holmes
Ok ... I just figured out how to use a GWT-RPC Datasource with SmartGWT Widgets, specifically the ListGrid. so, there are two questions I have with gwt-rpc: 1) how are you handling a parent-child relationship from the database, how do you define the DTO(s). 2) how do you handle pushing

Re: Cookies and RPC

2009-09-24 Thread Thomas Holmes
you would check if acookieexists like this Stringcookie=Cookie.getCookie(myCookieName); if(cookie!= null){   //cookieexists } HTH Dominik On 23 Sep., 12:00, Thomas Holmes wrote: I have the demo StockWatcher Application working.  I have client/ server side

SmartGWT Extensions

2009-09-24 Thread Thomas Holmes
I did use one example of a GWT-RPC datasource for SmartGWT, and I got very, very close. I can get the data from my spring beans, and I copied data to my DTO objects. But, the SmartGWT ListGrid shows 23 rows, and the right column names, but no data is listed there. So, I was re-reading the thread

DTO and Compound Objects

2009-09-22 Thread Thomas Holmes
I am working on a test GWT_RPC application. I have Hibernate POJO's that use annotations, and I have declared those in the Spring 2.5.6 applicationContext xml file. So, I also created a bunch of DTO POJO's, and my question is ... do these RPC POJO's need to be VERY basic, or can they be

Re: GWT RPC Hibernate - again and again

2009-09-11 Thread Thomas Holmes
, Thomas Holmes wrote: Yes, absolutely 100% I do have Hibernate working with Annotations! The Hibernate DAO's and POJO's have all been Unit Tested and work perfectly 100%. And we are using Spring with the DAO's and POJO's defined in the applicationContext.xml

Re: GWT RPC Hibernate - again and again

2009-09-09 Thread Thomas Holmes
I get the idea that ouside packages need to be include in the module ... but of course I am going to include code from outside packages Hibernate and Spring jars are outside ... and there is no source code: so, here are some errors; [ERROR] Line 5: The import org.springframework.orm cannot

Re: Newbie to GWT 1.7 - again

2009-09-09 Thread Thomas Holmes
PM, Jim Douglas wrote: Hi Thomas, The tutorials are very helpful; I worked through implementing the StockWatcher sample to get my head around GWT concepts (including RPC): On Sep 6, 1:50 pm, Thomas Holmes

GWT RPC Hibernate - again and again

2009-09-08 Thread Thomas Holmes
I am going to keep asking and keep bugging and jumping up and down until I get an answer that can help me. I have the book Pro Web 2.0 Application Development with GWT and Chapter 6 is about saving work with Hibernate to the database ... too bad it expects a hibernate.cfg.xml file and

Re: GWT RPC Hibernate - again and again

2009-09-08 Thread Thomas Holmes
Would you have some sample code that I could see ... or a link to some. I'm going to continue looking through my book, and use their example that uses the Command Pattern. I am getting tons of errors because my DAO's and POJO's are in another package, so I was working with GWT Modules to try

Newbie to GWT 1.7 - again

2009-09-06 Thread Thomas Holmes
I posted this before, and I was waiting for the moderators to put this online. I am desperate, and need a working GWT-RPC working ASAP.I've got 6 new books on GWT and some refer to older 1.5 versions and not the new versions. We have Spring 2.5.6, some MVC, using Spring Beans, and Hibernate

Newbie to GWT 1.7

2009-09-05 Thread Thomas Holmes
I need to develop a CRUD application with GWT. What we currently have is an an existing database in MySQL, Spring 2.5, Hibernate 3 POJO's with Annotations defined as Spring Beans with the applicationContext.xml, and Hibernate DAO's. To be certain, there is no hibernate.cfg.xml defined and there