Re: Autoboxing

2011-09-12 Thread Y2i
-style PRETTY GWT compiler optionis a good tool to understand what kind of output is generated. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Google Web Tool

Re: Autoboxing

2011-09-12 Thread gutto
e for your app. Choose the right type for the job, and > forget about autoboxing implications until it comes knocking at the door. > “premature optimization is the root of all evil” — Donald Knuth > See > > FYI, >

Re: Autoboxing

2011-09-12 Thread Thomas Broyer
Yes it is: (yes, the bug actually was with hasOwnProperty rather than getting/setting properties of objects, and has been fixed back in Firefox 3.6, but still, it led to workarounds in GWT:

Re: Autoboxing

2011-09-12 Thread Y2i
The most cited phrase is attributed to the man who invented his own assembly language to optimize every algorithm in his books and who spent 30 years on optimizing the the first 3 volumes :-) He has so much yet to say to this world but because of the time he spends on optimization, I doubt we'l

Re: Autoboxing

2011-09-12 Thread Y2i
It's actually not buggy. JavaScript distinguishes between objects and values, and objects are containers for values. So when JSON { a = "b", c = 2 } is evaluated, it actually assigns values to the properti

Re: Autoboxing

2011-09-12 Thread Thomas Broyer
Generally speaking, it's a waste of time to worry about performance implications of such small things until you've proven that it's a performance issue for your app. Choose the right type for the job, and forget about autoboxing implications until it comes knocking at the d

Re: Autoboxing

2011-09-12 Thread Thomas Broyer
That's actually wrong. typeof 1 "number" typeof new Number(1) "object" 1 instanceof Number false new Number(1) instanceof Number true But it's true however that GWT does not make any distinction between a "Number value" and a "Number object", because in practice it doesn't matter much (it only

Re: Autoboxing

2011-09-12 Thread Alexander Orlov
I suppose: In JS there is no distinction between *Integer* and *int*. In JS there's only a single *var* type*.* -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Google Web Toolkit" group. To view this discussion on the web visit


2011-09-11 Thread gutto
Doe the fact that my client side Java code gets compiled into JavaScript mean that it's a waste of time to worry about possible performance problems caused by autoboxing? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Google Web Toolkit" group.