Original Message
Subject: 6.4.x or 7 and the neteler mitasova book
From: Jason Paul Joines
To: grass-user@lists.osgeo.org
Date: 2013.01.31.Thu.10:54:02
> I'm a Linux user and need to really brush up on my GIS as I'll
> probably be using it heavily for the next five years as pa
btw: we are slowly preparing the 4th edition which will be for GRASS 7.
grass-user mailing list
I guess it depends what you are going to use it for, but I think grass 7 is
more or less on par in many area, and has more functionality in others (
http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/Grass7/NewFeatures). There are a number of
things that run better in grass 7.0, for example handling of vector layers
I'm a Linux user and need to really brush up on my GIS as I'll
probably be using it heavily for the next five years as part of a new
job. I'm trying to decide which version of GRASS to get started with again.
Version 7 is tempting since a first release is do soon and I could
probably keep