Re: Memory leaks

2011-02-10 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
From: Carlos Pereira [], Date: 10/02/2011 09:10: something), but aside from that it's a pure waste of CPU cycles. I am sorry, I totally disagree. I can only see two cases. Either fixing these hundreds and hundreds of mem leaks is easy or difficult. In the first

Re: Setting a Tree View Cell to insensitive and uneditable

2010-04-22 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
From: dhk, Date: 20/04/2010 09:46: On 04/19/2010 01:34 PM, Nicolas Soubeiran wrote: When creating your model set a specific column with a boolean property. gtk_list_store_new(N_COLUMN, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN); Then in the treeview create a column using

Re: locale, gui vs command line question?

2010-02-02 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
Or are you saying the libraries (gtk/mpfr/stdc) I'm using may be caching the locale and may not heed my changes? Since Gtk+ does not have any mechanism to rebuild the UI when a locale category changes, either you implement such mechanism or, more often, put up with it and accept the locale

Re: Making a Python/GTK CheckMenuItem, when clicked, not close the menu

2010-01-28 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
Using Python and PyGTK I've got a GtkMenu with various GtkCheckMenuItems in it. When the user clicks one of the checkboxes the menu closes. I'd like for the user to be able to check a series of checkboxes without the menu closing each time. I looked into this myself a while back, and gave up.

Re: outstream question [i think]

2009-08-25 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
From:, Date: 25/08/2009 16:50, Wrote: The eventual goal is to create a program to log incidents at an aquatic facility. As of right now, I am just trying to write some small simple things to stretch out my [programming] legs. The goal is to connect to the database and

Re: Makeing librsvg work (bizp2.dll missing)

2009-07-31 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
From: Michael Torrie, Date: 31/07/2009 02:49, Wrote: If you are hell-bent on a system-wide GTK, then you need to do it the way that Gaim for win32 used to. They would install GTK to C:\Program Files\Common Files\GTK\%version%. Then their own app would go to C:\Program Files\Gaim. The magic is

Help with Gtk TreeModel RowReference problem...

2009-07-07 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
Howdy folks... I'm stuck trying to find a non-horribly-hackish way to do something... So here goes... I have a ListStore containing records (rows) of the usual kinda thing, date, description, a few other fields. Selecting a row in the TreeView, brings up a dialog with that records details,

[no subject]

2009-06-18 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
I'm Iooking for the current gtk/gio/gnome best practice for working with CD/DVD's... In particular, figuring out how much stuff I can cram onto one, and then cramming it on. There's a whole bunch of different disk sizes, formats, filesystem options, filesystem limitations, etc., and I need to

Re: Pass more widgets as gpointer.

2009-04-22 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
You can use a few tricks to help manage these one-shot constructs... One that I used quite a while ago, was a wrapper around a simple array that stores array size and free functions for each member, so a simple free function can rip through and clear everything out. It's good as long as you're

Re: GTK warning

2009-02-22 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
From: Stefan Kost , 22/02/2009 21:59: I'm running my program with --g-fatal-warnings at the end of the command line. I don't know whether that flag does anything in PyGTK, though. That flag work on Glib level and makes warnings fatal to be able to get a backtrace in gdb. For refcounts that

Asyncronous life helper (Was: EggDBus)

2008-12-27 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
This is a side-topic, raised by developments in handling DBus, but something I feel is worth asking... Is there any mechanism for making working with asynchronous stuff easier? Quite often I've had a situation where I've needed to collect several pieces of information from various

Re: How to realize a battery-indicator with a trayicon? How to show the current capacity

2008-11-16 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
From: Rorschach, on 17/11/2008 03:54 : I wanna write a little battery-indicator in C with GTK. It's already working nicly in the console and I know how to write a trayicon with gtk but what I don't know is: how can I show the current capacity of the battery? I mean shall I do 100 pictures

Divided notebooks...

2008-08-31 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
GTK provides the facility to have a GtkNotebook without tabs. But as far as I can tell, it doesn't provide the facility to have tabs without the notebook pages. It seems somehow strange to me, and causes people to hack together their own button bars that function vaguely like Notebook tabs

Re: Divided notebooks...

2008-08-31 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
From: Thomas Dybdahl Ahle [EMAIL PROTECTED] søn, 31 08 2008 kl. 05:23 -0400, skrev Freddie Unpenstein: GTK provides the facility to have a GtkNotebook without tabs. But as far as I can tell, it doesn't provide the facility to have tabs without the notebook pages. It seems somehow strange

RE: sliding panel

2008-03-25 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
From: Kevin DeKorte I'd like to create a panel that slides out of the way, little animation kinda thing and I had something working but gtk really didn't slide it out of the way it just showing the first and then the last. Now I understand that due to performance that not every panel change

Re: Alternative GTK widgets

2007-05-21 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
Some thoughts about some of the alternative widget sets presented, and how I personally view them as applying to GTK... Most of this I've been mulling over on and off for a while, in one form or another. So I've decided to take this opportunity (since I didn't know most of these toolkits

Re: integrating Gtk with Artoolkit

2007-03-02 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
hi.sorry i sent an incomplete was an error.well, am trying to build a gui that will interact with ARtoolkit which also uses C as language and contain OpenGl libraries as well.i`ve manage to copy some of the header files (e.g callback.h, interface.h,etc) Are you trying to embed GTK

RE: Cairo in tooltips

2007-02-21 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
This message appears to have been cross-posted from gtk-devel-list, so I guess I'd better cross-post it back again. Anyhow... The rectangle drawing code is from cairo snippets. My first idea was to put a balloon, but I don't know how to draw it quickly yet since I've just started learning

Re: libglade frustration redux

2007-02-20 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
Especially since glade is pushing the use of libglade as THE way to incorporate glade-produced layouts into applications, libglade should be packaged so as to encourage just that. Not make it hard for application developers to figure out how to use it. In any case, this is more an issue

Re: GObject docs improvements

2007-02-13 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
A point I miss in the tutorial is to mention the G_DEFINE_TYPE()-like macros which should be prefered over manually defining a _get_type() function whenever possible. I never did get that G_DEFINE_TYPE() stuff at all... It'd be good to see some clear documentation on it. The

Re: GObject docs improvements

2007-02-11 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
A point I miss in the tutorial is to mention the G_DEFINE_TYPE()-like macros which should be prefered over manually defining a _get_type() function whenever possible. I never did get that G_DEFINE_TYPE() stuff at all... It'd be good to see some clear documentation on it. Fredderic

Re: GStrings and sorting GLists

2006-12-17 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
On Sun 12/17, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Are there no comparison operations other than g_string_equal in order to facilitate the sorting of GList objects that contain GStrings? Any C stringcomparison function is usable on gstring-str. Yes, you have to write the one-line wrapper

Re: Memory Issue

2006-12-15 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
On Thu 12/14, Liam R E Quin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Fri, 2006-15-12 at 09:28 +0530, Preeti Joshi wrote: Does GTK have a bug that doesn't free the memory used by a window (say dialog) even after it has been destroyed? It's often simpler to keep dialogues around and hide/show them.

RE: Passing data from a data collection window back to a main

2006-12-02 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
On Sun 11/26, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] I am about to start a new app, and would like to improve my programming style. I have been using global variables to pass data from popup windows back to a main window. I have seen discussion about using g_object_set_data, but have not

Re: embossing of text in insensitive buttons

2006-11-18 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
On Fri 10/27, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: would it really improve anything? if people complain about embossed labels without trying the non-embossed look, does it tell anything (beside the fact they don't care that much)? see I

RE: Linux signals and GLIB g_io_channel usage

2006-11-12 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
On Mon 10/23, James Scott Jr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I am about to write the socket module of a program that follows the gnu standard structure for a daemon. I am using glib wherever possible and have a question concerning the use of linux signals. Basically, I have blocked all signals on

Taskbar, pager and urgency GtkWindow hints...

2006-10-30 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
Greetings peoples of the gtk-app-devel list... I have an application that creates a small borderless window containing an always below icon, with the taskbar and pager skip hints turned on so it doesn't show anywhere except where it's put on the desktop. I'd like it to occasionally appear in

RE: Taskbar, pager and urgency GtkWindow hints...

2006-10-30 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
I have an application that creates a small borderless window containing an always below icon, with the taskbar and pager skip hints turned on so it doesn't show anywhere except where it's put on the desktop. The urgency hint works just fine as long as the window is listed in the taskbar,

Re: Dragging multiple objects from a TreeView

2006-10-23 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
Someone said some stuff... GTK+ does not work like, say, KDE or windows. You have to drag when you have finished your multiple selection without clicking again (keep your finger on the mouse button). If you click again, as you say your multiple selection will have gone. Does GtkTreeView

Re: Gnome memory requirements

2006-10-22 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
Just some musings... I suspect this has been discussed before, though I couldn't find anything in a cursory glance through the search engine. (But then I'm notoriously hopeless with search engines) Next thing is, that GLib memory subsystem don't really free memory on g_free(), but do

Quick question about stock icons...

2006-10-12 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
When creating a GtkImage from a stock icon, you need to tell it the size of the image to create, as one of the GTK_ICON_SIZE_* constants. What I want is to find out programatically, how large those sizes are in pixels. The reason: I've got a function which takes either a stock icon id, or a

gtk_widget_show_all with hidden widgets...

2006-10-01 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
Ages ago, someone who's name I forgot to copy'n'paste said: call gtk_widget_show_all on that particular window. Calling **show_all is equivalent to saying I am done adding widgets. This reminded me of something... Normally, I use gtk_widget_show_all() on the main window once it's fully

Re: gtk_widget_show_all with hidden widgets...

2006-10-01 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
On Sun, Oct 01, 2006 at 06:24:05AM -0400, Freddie Unpenstein wrote: Normally, I use gtk_widget_show_all() on the main window once it's fully constructed, to bring everything to life. But how does that work, if you want to leave a widget or two hidden? See gtk_widget_set_no_show_all

Re: why button is hidden behind drawing area(win32)

2006-07-09 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
I don't think it is supposed to work like this. I mean, two overlapping widgets in a fixed. But maybe I am off. (BTW: I tested your code under Gnu/Linux, a fairly recent Ubuntu. Samebehaviour: the DrawingArea covers up the button). What I don't understand, is why the widgets aren't just

RE: Refreshing the progressbar

2006-04-21 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
Hello all, I am using the probress bar to show the progress of some event. Initially i have some text in theprogress bar. After the event is complete, i change the text on the progress bar.. But it is not getting changed... But once i minimise the window and then maximise it, the text on the

Re: Handling Unix signals in a GTK+ application

2006-03-20 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
Add a unix signal number in the signal handler, and suck it out again in a custom event source's prepare method. The prepare method can return -1 for its timeout contribution, and true/false if there's something in the queue. So... poll *will* exit because of the signal... but will it

Re: Handling Unix signals in a GTK+ application

2006-03-13 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
Going back to your original point, it is definitely not a busy wait. I just rolled together a quick test... A GTK main loop running two sources. First an event source created using g_timeout_add() that prints the current count each second, and halting the program (via gtk_main_quit() )

Re: tooltips

2006-03-02 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
Original message written by someone, somewhen... I wish it was possible to control tooltips position (they are always at the bottom of the widget an I cannot visually tie them to the appropriate `area') and use marked up text, like bold and stuff. The tooltips code is really quite straight

RE: GtkTable and GtkDrawingArea

2006-02-17 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
This message is a couple days old... I'm suprised there isn't a reply yet, that I can see anyhow (hopefully I'm not missing messages). I'm new to GTK and am having problems that I don't understand ... thanks in advance to anyone who can take a look ...I'm trying to use a GTKTable (created

Re: defective GTK app crashes gnome

2006-02-17 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
I've managed to trash X while playing with widgets that use grabs... Maybe a stupid question, but have you tried Ctrl-Alt-KP_Divide to ungrab or the more brutal Ctrl-Alt-KP_Multiply to kill the naughty client? (if you have these enabled) Here's probably an even more stupid question. They

Re: defective GTK app crashes gnome

2006-02-11 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
i've had several problems with X freezing up because of some misbehaviour from some graphical app. The keyboard is locked so it's hopeless to try CTRL+ALT+BKSP Not wrong there... Not even switching consoles is possible time times... When the system locks up, is the computer still alive?

RE: Finding memory leaks

2006-01-18 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
I've made some progress on my program and now i would like to check formemory leaks. Do you recommend any way or program in special for doing this? Something I've sometimes found useful, was to write a little chunk of code that throws up a small window that holds a list view, into which I

RE: Fade between two images (dissolve)

2006-01-16 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
Hi,I'm wanting to load two images and fade between them much like the ImageMagick command: composite --dissolve 100 image1.jpg image2.jpg output.jpg However I'm wanting to display the image as it dissolves from one image to the other - so it will apear as if one image is dissolving into

Re: combo rant

2005-11-26 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
It is the trade-off of the policy that the selected item is under the pointer in the just shown popup, period. I think it is generally good, but this is an example of where it shows its drawbacks. However, for the sake of UI consistency, I believe it should _not_ be changed. I.e. it be under

Re: Is there g_write function?

2005-10-12 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
I have found the g_open function. But I think it just open the file and is there some fucntions for write/read operation? No, because there isn't any reason not to use the normal write() system call (Unix) / function (Win32). I must say, I wouldn't mind some of the more common functions

RE: Modularization

2005-08-16 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
I'm beginning to learn and use GTK+. Here is the steps that I believe are needed to build an GTK+ application: 1. Initialize the library. Generally happens in main... 2. Create widgets and set attributes. 3. Register callback routines. Those two go together... Either load a glade UI and

Re: sensing window destruction

2005-07-03 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
I was wondering how it is possible to sense when a widget is closed by the user and send change a specific variable as a result. Either connect to destroy signal, or use g_object_weak_ref(). The handler can change a global variable. If you store the pointer to the window in a global

RE: Will this create a memory leak? Can't determine from top.

2005-07-01 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
As I understand it string = g_strdup_printf(... produces a copy and points string towards that copy, the adress of the copy is then passed on by g_signal_connect as the data pointer, hence freeing string destroys the string and should not be done (and doing it produces random output in the

Re: GtkSizeGroup in glade2?

2005-06-13 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
Anyone know how to use a GtkSizeGroup in glade2? I can't see it anywhere in the tool palette. I don't believe you can do this using Glade - you have to use a mixture of Glade for the basic widgets and then code to setup the GtkSizeGroup. I was afraid you'd say that. heh Think I'll

RE: How to deal with a possible Memory Leak when using GdkPixMap

2005-06-02 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
I have written a program pretty much by re-adjusting the scribble example from the GTK Tutorial, instead of creating my own PixMap in the configure_event I called the following function which creates a pixmap from file: pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(filename,NULL); There's yor

Re: Glade C code a bad thing? (was: root windows)

2005-06-01 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
Answers to comments from several people here... No particular order. The freedom of designing a GUI without using a GUI while doing so? What else? Writing C programs without using a C compiler during development? What, you saying you can't? I've built some moderately complicated 3D models

RE: Images in the Drawing Area

2005-06-01 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
I was wondering whether or not it is possible to display a .jpeg, .png or .bmp in the drawing area and then be able to draw lines over this image. If this is possible, what functions can I use in order to get the image from file and then be able to display the image in thebrdrawing area.

Re: Glade C code a bad thing? (was: root windows)

2005-05-31 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
I would support the inclusion of Code generation in GLADE UI Editor. It is a welcome feature, for those who would like it. If its not to be in the main tree atleast put the code into a plugin thats enabled at default, and users can turn it off, if they prefer. Personally, I don't think code

RE: simple example of using gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file

2005-05-30 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
I sucessfully loaded a image using pixbufs, but now i face the difiiculty of loading multiple images in a window and those images are transparent one. so each must be visible. You mean all overlapping each other? You can only display a single flat image (animations not counted). So if

RE: Questions about Overlay and multiple key-strokes

2005-05-28 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
Question 1. Is it possible to have an image (Jpeg) displayed and have a drawing area overlayed on top but still be able to view the image below it. If a drawing area is not allowed, is it possible to put something that resembles a drawing area over an image where the x/y coordinates from the

Re: garray beginner problem

2005-05-28 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
garray = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (Machine)); for (i = 1; i 1; i++){ Machine *newMach = machine_new(i,trd11,d11,joe); g_array_append_val (garray, newMach); Two problems here: You pass a *pointer* to Machine, not a Machine, so a pointer is stored into garray. And newMach


2005-05-16 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
I've gone looking through the API, and I'll be stuffed if I can figure something out... As I understand it, you're supposed to load the icons into GdkPixbuf's, store them in a GSList, and then feed that list to the gtk_window_set_default_icon_list() function. But what then? Does the

Approximate size of GtkTextBuffer

2005-05-15 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
I've looked through the GTK2 API, and I've poked around in this forum, but I'll be stuffed if I can find a way to figure out aproximately how much memory the text in a GtkTextBuffer is taking up. I'm storing a log file, and it's almost all ASCII, so the byte and character counts should be

The thin red GtkTextView line...

2005-05-15 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
Greetings again... Geeze I'm asking a lot today. ;) Back onto the GtkTextViews... After the wonderful responces from my query re: drawing a line across a text view, I now have a reasonably simple piece of code to do it automagically, except that it only supports one line per GtkTreeView at

Efficiency curiosity...

2005-05-11 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
I'm just wondering if anyone can shed some light on a small question I've been asking myself for quite a while... When manually building a window (or part thereof), with all its containers and widgets, I generally create the window, then create and add the containers and widgets as I go

RE: GTK scribble example

2005-05-09 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
I'm making a small drawing program with GTK, and I'm having an issue that's also in the scribble example tutorial (using this as an example because people would likely know what I'm talking about that way). Anyways, the issue that I'm having is that the program doesn't receive mouse movement

Re: GtkTextView horizontal seperators...

2005-05-09 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
I was wondering if anyone knows how I could draw a horizontal red line across a GtkTextView buffer. I could probably throw in a GtkHSeperator widget, or something, but it's not a red line. Well, you can always use your own widget, which can be whatever you wish, for instance a red

GtkTextView horizontal seperators...

2005-05-08 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
Greetings people of the list... I was wondering if anyone knows how I could draw a horizontal red line across a GtkTextView buffer. I could probably throw in a GtkHSeperator widget, or something, but it's not a red line. I could throw in an image which is a red line, but how would I get it

RE: g_io_channel

2005-05-01 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
how i can use g_io_channel to make a simple echo-server? libgnet comes with a simple example which does exactly that. Which reminds me... Does anyone know the differences between gnet and gnetwork? Which is the more GNOME sanctioned of the two? Fredderic

RE: Window size and position

2005-04-23 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
I'm currently coding a small application. I want the main window to remember its size and position every time it is started. I believe that's the job of the window manager... That's why you can set a couple different names for your window. I believed this, too. But it isn't done

RE: running a function

2005-04-18 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
I am new to gtk, and trying my hand at writing a mp3player, I am working on the point of the player that when one song is done playing it will load and play the next song. How do I run a test function every couple milli seconds to check to see if it is still playing or not? is

Re: Omega character

2005-04-11 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
bunch of OHM and OMEGA signs, subtle differences in characters. Of course, the reason why they have different code points is not that they might look different (this is just a coincidence, caused by Pango rendering them from different typefaces). The reason the separate ohm sign exists is

Re: [NEWBIE] How to put text onto system-wide clipboard?

2005-04-11 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
The short of it is that in both Linux and Windows, there is no system-wide clipboard (there's no clipboard in the Windows console-level step-by-step boot before the GUI starts). However, there is a lovely clipboard mechanism provided by the X GUI, and supported by GTK+. You can find

RE: Popup Menu

2005-04-11 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
Is there a way I can make my application be just a popup menu? I mean, when the user opens it, there is no window, it automatically pops up a menu right where the mouse pointer is. Is that possible? Why not? I wrote a console utility that uses GTK to rip text out of the clipboard (I still

RE: Help with combobox functionality !!

2005-04-10 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
1) I am using the combobox in my application now i want the functionality that whenever user types in the combobox the selection changes in the list Someone else will undoubtedly answer this far better than I can... But be aware that there are several signals associated with selecting

Re: Omega character

2005-04-10 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
You can always write UTF-8 characters expanded with escapes \xe2\x84\xa6 (this is Ohm sign which is different from capital Omega \xce\xa9, BTW) if you don't want to use UTF-8 directly, which is no problem nowadays. One trick I use to avoid ending up with a long illegible string of ugly

RE: [NEWBIE] How to put text onto system-wide clipboard?

2005-04-10 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
What I want to do is put user selected text onto the (a?) system-wide clipboard. How to do this using GTK+? BTW, I come from Windows world. Both Windows and Linux have GUI-wide (NOT system-wide) clipboards. In Windows, seperating the System from the GUI is almost impossible. But good old

RE: problem with gtk and frames

2005-03-28 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
I've got a small problem with frames. I made a screenshot to illustrate my problem at http://[snip]. Indeed you can see that the frame borders are too close to the application border (about 1 pixel). Have you considered using tooltips to hide the long descriptions? Or perhaps even those

And the clipboards lives on...

2005-03-23 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
I'm wondering if anyone could give me pointers on placing some text in the clipboard, without it vanishing as soon as the program closes. I write these two little test applications to see if I could put some text into the clipboard, and then read it back out again... // test program to

Re: How to detect already running application...

2005-03-22 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
gnome-volume-manager uses this hack: hope it helps So do I... But even if it doesn't, it's already answered one different problem I was going to ask about. ;) Fredderic ___ Join Excite! - The

RE: deadlock

2005-03-10 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
My name is Dirk, I'm writing a control programm for a 1m telescope in Germany. The current status of the device is periodically displayed in GTK using a thread. Does it NEED to use a thread? How do you get the information, and how long does it take to process an update? The only times I've

Re: intercept nervous button clicks...

2005-02-11 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
Let me sum up: * In the beginning of each button click callback you call a function to make the buttons insensitive (even the clicked one? protection is needed here also), I just kept a list of all the buttons that mattered, and insensitised them all rather indiscriminantly (even the

Re: How best to fetch a web page...

2005-01-25 Thread Freddie Unpenstein
Why not use libcurl? You can get much more info about your connection. libcurl even provides examples for how to use libcurl with a Gtk+ app. Although I must admit their example should work fine for simple things becareful not to abuse what the example demonstrates (the use of