Self-nomination for committee

2015-10-13 Thread M Farkas-Dyck
I hereby nominate myself for the Haskell Prime committee. I have been using Haskell in my personal work for about 5 years and in industry for about half a year; my experience in it includes compilers, algebra, and network servers. I feel like an ignorant child among all the potent wits in this

Self nomination

2015-10-12 Thread Nicolas Wu
Dear all, I'd like to nominate myself for membership on the Haskell Prime committee. I have used Haskell in industry, for teaching, and for research. * I have been using Haskell since 2001. * I am currently a university lecturer teaching Haskell to a cohort of 180 students. * I actively use

Self Nomination

2015-10-08 Thread Richard Eisenberg
I would like to nominate myself for the Haskell Prime committee. I have been studying Haskell intensively as I'm working toward my PhD at the University of Pennsylvania, though I started programming in Haskell only in 2011. Qualifications: * I have designed and implemented several new features


2015-10-05 Thread Lennart Augustsson
I would like to nominate myself to the Haskell Prime committee. About me: * I wrote the first publicly available Haskell compiler, hbc, which was available August 1990. * Subsequently I've written three more Haskell(-ish) compilers. * I've been on the Haskell Committee before. * I like


2015-10-04 Thread José Manuel Calderón Trilla
Hello everyone, I would also like to nominate myself for the Haskell committee reboot. I'm currently finishing my PhD at the University of York, just submitted last week and going to defend in the next few months. I will be starting at Galois later this month but cannot claim to speak for the

Re: Self-nomination

2015-10-04 Thread John Wiegley
I will self-nominate as well, but not due to experience with Haskell; rather, I can offer a pair of fresh eyes, and also the perspective of someone who has worked on language standardization in the C++ world. About me: * Haskell user since 2012, full-time Coq user since 2014. * Worked


2015-10-01 Thread Andres Löh
Hi. I'd like to nominate myself for membership in the new Haskell Prime committee. About me: * I've been a Haskell user since 1997. * Back then, to learn Haskell, I read the entire Haskell 1.4 language report. * I have experience in programming languages theory and language design, with most of

A reluctant self-nomination

2015-09-25 Thread Mario Blažević
I'm hereby self-nominating for the Haskell' commitee. The main reason I'm applying is because I'm afraid that the commitee might disband like the previous one. If there are enough members already, feel free to ignore my nomination. That being said, here are my qualifications: I started


2015-09-23 Thread wren romano
Hello, I'd like to nominate myself for the new Haskell Prime committee. Experience-wise: I've been active on the libraries list for something like a decade. A couple years ago I wrote my "burning bridges" email[1], observing that we've long known certain problems with official/standard Haskell,