Re: How should we do about dependency update?

2019-10-22 Thread Steve Loughran
We don't have a complete set of shaded artefacts -so it's not fair to point at the downstream users and say it's "your own fault". We need to do more here ourselves. Here: it is a CVE, they should upgrade anyway. Guava is special because it has been so brittle cross versions and so widely used by

Re: How should we do about dependency update?

2019-10-22 Thread Wei-Chiu Chuang
Hi Sean, Thanks for the valuable feedback. Good point on not using dependency classes in public API parameters. One example is HADOOP-15502 (blame me for breaking the API) >From what I know, the biggest risk is that downstreamers include depende

Re: How should we do about dependency update?

2019-10-22 Thread Sean Busbey
speaking with my HBase hat on instead of my Hadoop hat, when the Hadoop project publishes that there's a CVE but does not include a maintenance release that mitigates it for a given minor release line, we assume that means the Hadoop project is saying that release line is EOM and should be abandone

How should we do about dependency update?

2019-10-21 Thread Wei-Chiu Chuang
Hi Hadoop developers, I've always had this question and I don't know the answer. For the last few months I finally spent time to deal with the vulnerability reports from our internal dependency check tools. Say in HADOOP-16152 we update Jetty