File uploads timeout?

2009-04-09 Thread Robert Sköld
Hey there, I'm using your heroku service (not herokugarden) and when i'm trying to upload a file that's 20Mb or 10Mb through heroku to my S3 storage, using firefox, it tells me: Connection Interrupted The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading. The network link was

Re: File uploads timeout?

2009-04-09 Thread GreenAsJade
Is your connection to S3 set up as persistent (the default)? I read: * :persistent - Whether to use a persistent connection to the server. Having this on provides around a two fold performance increase but for long running processes some firewalls may find the long lived connection

Re: S3 for data - bandwidth?

2009-04-09 Thread GreenAsJade
On Apr 6, 2:35 pm, Morten Bagai wrote: As for your original question, there are actually ways to upload   directly to S3 and bypass Heroku entirely. This plugin will let you do   this: Has anyone out there been

Re: File uploads timeout?

2009-04-09 Thread Robert Sköld
Thanks for you answer, i've tried changing my amazon connection to: AWS::S3::Base.establish_connection!( :access_key_id = Settings[:amazon_key], :secret_access_key = Settings[:amazon_secret] , :persistent = false ) and it doesn't seem to make any difference unfortunately. It's after about

Re: db:push internal server error

2009-04-09 Thread Michael Keenan
I have the same problem, but I don't want to delete my schema_migrations table. Wouldn't deleting it do strange things to Rails's understanding of the state of the database? I've worked around the problem by renaming the schema_migrations table to zschema_migrations, doing the db:push, and

Re: db:push internal server error

2009-04-09 Thread Bill Burcham
The reason it worked for me was that: precondition: fully migrated schema existed on heroku 1. tried to push from local db to heroku–this failed because of schema_migrations primary key conflict (I surmise) 2. deleted all schema_migrations records from my local db 3. successfully pushed from local

Re: Internal Server Error on db:data:load

2009-04-09 Thread Adam Wiggins
Yes, db:push is a preferred method, if you have the database loaded locally. Make sure you have the latest version of the heroku and taps gems installed: sudo gem install heroku taps ...and then read details here: Adam