We use Downy on bones which have not been fully decaled. We face the block,
then put soak it in Downy for 5-10 minutes, even longer sometimes. We cut
the block last. We seem to be able to get a good section from the first and
second cuts. The only problem we have had is that the first "scent
I never use ethanol for any histological-based system.
I use IMS (Industrial methylated spirit/ Industrial Denatured Alcohol -IDA )
Is IMS less/more expensive than IPA?
I use IMS for pwax processing/rehydrating/dehydrating my pwax sections.
( us Brits will most likely use 74OP = ~99%: VWR list pri
You might look into using a more gentle heat source, such as a vegetable
steamer or water bath. There are also pressure cookers for IHC which may
also be easier on your tissue that the autoclave, although I have had
problems with them as well and stick to steamer or waterbath myself.