RE: [Histonet] the not-yet-mentioned benefit of plants in the lab

2009-10-26 Thread Edwards, R.E.
Or how about non-allergenic silk flowers or plastic bonsai trees, they always look the real thing after a glass of red or two... -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Merced M

RE: [Histonet] RE: Plants in the Histology Lab

2009-10-26 Thread Edwards, R.E.
They are a type of fungal spore, probably Tetraploa spp.,, -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Monfils, Paul Sent: 23 October 2009 21:16 To: Su

RE: [Histonet] Floaters in Waterbath

2009-10-23 Thread Edwards, R.E.
Hair net and gloves?? -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Stella Mireles Sent: 23 October 2009 15:11 To: Subject: [Histonet] Floaters in Waterbath I know we ha

RE: [Histonet] Inspection question/OT

2009-10-22 Thread Edwards, R.E.
Plants grown in the lab might include, blue lungwort, dead man's fingers, mistletoe, cancer weed, devil's gut, bonewort, kidney vetch, liverwort, Hawaii birdnest spleenwort and if you have the space how about a Haematoxylum campechianum?. -Original Message- From: histonet-boun...@li

[Histonet] GMAblocks

2009-09-04 Thread Edwards, R.E.
Assuming that GMA blocks are stored under optimum conditions,i.e. with desiccant and at -20C; how long can they be stored and still obtain meaningful immunohistochemical staining?. Many thanks for any info Richa

[Histonet] paraform

2009-09-04 Thread Edwards, R.E.
Is it OK to store freshly prepared 4% paraformaldehyde aliquots at -20C?? Thanks Richard Edwards Leicester UniversityU.K. ___ Histonet

RE: [Histonet] Start Up Lab

2009-07-23 Thread Edwards, R.E.
You still have fingers!?. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Bartlett, Jeanine (CDC/CCID/NCZVED) Sent: 23 July 2009 16:44 To: Montina Van Meter; Carol Bryant;; Lynette Pav

[Histonet] RE: Signs of good perfusion

2009-06-30 Thread Edwards, R.E.
A stiff tail!. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Thach, Dzung (NIH/NIAID) [E] Sent: 29 June 2009 16:31 To: Subject: [Histonet] Signs of good perfusion Hi E

[Histonet] Raymond Lamb BLOCKMASTER II

2009-06-26 Thread Edwards, R.E.
Been struggling to get the bulb out of the above inherited machine(no manual around), any ideas?, thanks. Cheers Richard Edwards

[Histonet] muscle striations

2009-05-28 Thread Edwards, R.E.
Any favourite methods for the above?? I'm aware of Heidenhain's and Mallory's PTAH. Many thanks Richard Edwards University of Leicester ___ Histonet mailing l

[Histonet] RE: haemotol autostainer?

2009-04-27 Thread Edwards, R.E.
A colleague is looking to purchase a staining machine, primarily for Romanowsky type staining, any recommendations or brick bats please. Richard Edwards Leicester University...UK.

[Histonet] haemotol autostainer?

2009-04-22 Thread Edwards, R.E.
A colleague is looking to purchase a staining machine, primarily for Romanowsky type staining, any recommendations or brick bats please. Richard Edwards Leicester University...UK. __

RE: [Histonet] 5 Reasons - The list

2009-04-16 Thread Edwards, R.E.
The 11th reason might be that one can possess a knowing smile when watching Quincy or CSI!. --Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Truscott, Tom Sent: 15 April 2009 17:52 To: 'Cindy DuBois'; H

[Histonet] Leica TP 1020 processor

2009-04-15 Thread Edwards, R.E.
Does anybody know anything good or bad even about the above tissue processor, for example can it be used on the open bench?, without any external extraction. Many thanks Richard Edwards

[Histonet] G 20 MEETING NEWS

2009-04-01 Thread Edwards, R.E.
Apparently Obama and Brown, with the reluctant compliance of Germany and China are aiming to rationalise the pay and conditions of laboratory workers worldwide, and hopefully if they succeed the histotechs in the U.S.A. will one be the major beneficiaries!, so fingers xxxed

[Histonet] onalighternote

2009-03-31 Thread Edwards, R.E.
I have just had s from Bernie Taupin and Paul Schofield, is this a record??. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Robyn Vazquez Sent: 31 March 2009 15:08 To: Bernie Taupin; histonet@

[Histonet] B cell markers

2009-03-30 Thread Edwards, R.E.
Wanted a B cell marker that works on paraffin or GMA processed human tissues, any ideas please?. Cheers Richard Edwards Univers

[Histonet] tissue processors/UK

2009-03-19 Thread Edwards, R.E.
Best low volume tissue processor, microwave or conventional, mainly lung biopsies in the short term, any ideas chaps??, thanks. Cheers

RE: [Histonet] histo equipment for sale

2009-03-06 Thread Edwards, R.E.
Absolutely Ford!. Best wishes Deputy Dawg -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ford Royer Sent: 06 March 2009 14:51 To:; s

RE: [Histonet] Tube station

2009-02-26 Thread Edwards, R.E.
There is only one tube station, Mornington Crescent!!. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Emily Sours Sent: 25 February 2009 20:18 To: Subject: Re: [Histonet]

RE: [Histonet] Practical Exam

2009-02-24 Thread Edwards, R.E.
No, I believe "Rat's Patout" was originally a Cajun song, by Lionel and the Mossy Banks. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of JoeNocito Sent: 24 February 2009 00:07 To: 'Ingles Claire '; 'His

RE: [Histonet] Practical Exam

2009-02-23 Thread Edwards, R.E.
How about a Histologist for President?, that should do it! -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Pamela Marcum Sent: 20 February 2009 16:34 To: 'Swain, Frances L'; 'O'Donnell, Bill'; 'Histonet'

RE: [Histonet] RE:uncertified techs

2009-02-20 Thread Edwards, R.E.
Done working, dun speling two!! -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Steven Coakley Sent: 19 February 2009 20:42 To: Subject: [Histonet] RE:uncertified techs Wo

RE: [Histonet] uncertified techs in Histology

2009-02-12 Thread Edwards, R.E.
A "sheepskin" is what??? -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Mary Abosso Sent: 11 February 2009 16:19 To: Steven Coakley; Subject: RE: [Histonet] uncertified te

[Histonet] cotton blue=acid blue=methyl blue

2009-02-10 Thread Edwards, R.E.
Looking for a supplier please, I am aware that Sigma/Fluka supply a ready made solution, which apparently does not work. Many thanks Richard Edwards Leicester University

[Histonet] gma/h...@e

2009-02-06 Thread Edwards, R.E.
What is the preferred mountant for GMA processed tissues that are stained by h...@e?? Many thanks Richard Edwards Leicester University

[Histonet] CD68 counts

2009-01-21 Thread Edwards, R.E.
I am attempting to accurately assess the number of CD 68 positive cells (hopefully macrophages) in biopsies, they have been GMA processed, ABC staining, with AEC visualisation; no problem with a nucleated cell with positive cell membrane, but they are in the minority, so the question

RE: [Histonet] Speaking of Fluoro Jade

2008-12-19 Thread Edwards, R.E.
Name sounds familiar, was she not Clint Eastwood's special friend in Wagon Train or was it in Blazing Saddles??. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Amos Brooks Sent: 16 December 2008 23:12 To:

RE: [Histonet] Silly Question?

2008-12-12 Thread Edwards, R.E.
You hit the nail on the head "That's what we always use", fear of change is a common human condition. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Pat Flannery Sent: 11 December 2008 16:59 To: h

[Histonet] RE: Don't think I'm nuts.

2008-12-05 Thread Edwards, R.E.
I believe that low humidity can cause laboratory mice to lose/shed the tips of their tails. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Vickroy, Jim Sent: 04 December 2008 22:05 To: '' Subject: [Histonet] Don't think

RE: [Histonet] Blue haze

2008-12-04 Thread Edwards, R.E.
Hey Joe, where you going with that toe in your hand?? -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bernice Frederick Sent: 04 December 2008 14:06 To: 'Joe Nocito'; 'Histonet Alias'; 'Marshall, Kimberly' Cc: Subje

[Histonet] RE: Re: As Thanksgiving Approaches

2008-11-25 Thread Edwards, R.E.
and nematodes, surprisingly known in the trade as vinegar worms; for people in the U.K., when you visit the chippie and pick up the vinegar bottle, the cloudiness you observe if you give it a good shake is/are nematodes, not to worry tho', consider it extra protein, something for nothing, no

[Histonet] RE: Floaters

2008-11-24 Thread Edwards, R.E.
I tend to try and poke them down with a metal coat hanger!. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 21 November 2008 18:17 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [Histonet] Floaters Would anyone care to share their policy on floa

RE: AW: [Histonet] Control slide storage

2008-11-21 Thread Edwards, R.E.
where the repeat sections are taken for subsequent immunostaining, which could lead to dodgy results; just a thought!! -Original Message- From: Gudrun Lang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 20 November 2008 18:57 To: 'Edwards, R.E.' Cc: S

RE: AW: [Histonet] Control slide storage

2008-11-20 Thread Edwards, R.E.
Is itquite as simple as that, I imagine that many epitopes might lose "stainability" if fixation is inadequate or processing poorly controlled. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jackie M O'Connor Sent: 20 November 2008 15:47 To

[Histonet] dakowoes

2008-11-17 Thread Edwards, R.E.
We need to replace the soon tobe nomore DAKO Duet Kit, and the DAKO StreptABComplex/HRP(K 0377), any suggestions gratefully received. Richard Edwards University of Leicester U.K. ___

RE: [Histonet] (no subject)

2008-11-13 Thread Edwards, R.E.
The subject of Nail Cultures is very close to my heart, having studied the ancient civilisations in which the nail replaced the more degradable wooden rivet, I can let you have a copy of my treatise "Nailed On" which details the rise and demise of the Nail Cultures before they were overtaken

RE: [Histonet] Be careful, be very careful when you Vote!

2008-11-04 Thread Edwards, R.E.
Someone's getting pretty desperate!! -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sam Histology Sent: 04 November 2008 14:48 To: Subject: [Histonet] Be careful, be very careful when you Vote! Barack Hussein Obama was b

RE: [Histonet] Presidential Voting Infomation

2008-11-03 Thread Edwards, R.E.
Thanks but no thanks.. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Justin Thomas Sent: 03 November 2008 16:11 To: Subject: [Histonet] Presidential Voting Infomation Barack Obama will raise taxes on hardworking America

[Histonet] double trouble

2008-11-03 Thread Edwards, R.E.
OK chaps, which in your opinion is the best double labelling method when one is using primary antibodies raised in the same species, I am aware that Vector labs supply such a kit; many thanks. Cheers Richar

RE: [Histonet] turkey eggs

2008-10-29 Thread Edwards, R.E.
You must be yolking!!. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jan Shivers Sent: 29 October 2008 16:01 To: histonet Subject: [Histonet] turkey eggs Has anyone ever fixed and serial sectioned whole (turkey) eggs, including shell? I'm looking for

RE: [Histonet] Protect fingers during Microtomy

2008-10-28 Thread Edwards, R.E.
My wife, the best section cutter in the world worked right up to the bitter end of her pregnancy with our third daughter, dropped an old style steel knife and inadvertently gave herself a caesarean, beat that histopeople!!!. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PRO

[Histonet] AEC/MSDS

2008-10-21 Thread Edwards, R.E.
Anybody know where I can get access to (or send me?) the MSDS sheet for the chromagen aminoethylcarbazole, have tried the usual suspects but no luck to date. Many thanks Richard Edwards Leicester Un