[Histonet] Re: special stains for demonstrating intra cytoplasmic DNA viral inclusion bodies

2012-10-13 Thread anjan kumar
Would like to know special stains for demonstrating intra cytoplasmic viral inclusion bodies tried with shorrs stain giving lot of red color Anybody can suggest alternative method excluding immunohistochemistry! ___ Histonet mailing list Histonet@list

[Histonet] Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

2010-08-12 Thread Anjan Kumar
LinkedIn Anjan Kumar requested to add you as a connection on LinkedIn: -- Jackie, I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn. - Anjan Accept invitation from Anjan Kumar http://www.linkedin.com/e/yvpgd1-gcs18gik-3t/q

[Histonet] DAB substrate buffer

2009-06-24 Thread anjan kumar
hi every one, I am using Labvision HRP polymer secondary antibody with DAB chromogen, funny thing is that i have exhausted the DAB substrate buffer. so i tried with PBS 7.4 and h2o2 and chromogen and i found out that nothing worked. can anyone tell me a protocol or recipe fo

[Histonet] antigen retrieval-pressure cooker-CD44- CD24-canine tissue

2009-05-24 Thread anjan kumar
hello everyone, I wanted to know the exact stepwise protocol for antigen retrieval using a pressure cooker. i tried using some protocol but there is no staining. Kindly tell me the detailed protocol, like when i should place the slides into the pressure cooker and from when

[Histonet] levamisole

2009-04-22 Thread anjan kumar
hi everyone, can anyone tell me how to prepare 125mM of levamisole. Dr. Anjan Kumar.K.R M.V.Sc Scholar Dept. of Veterinary Pathology Madras Veterinary College Chennai-7 India email: drvet_an...@hotmail.com Phone: +91-9940475801 _

[Histonet] silanising slides

2009-04-05 Thread anjan kumar
hi everyone, can any one tell me how many slides can be processed with 10ml of 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane. i have a 100ml solution from Sigma. Regards, Dr. Anjan Kumar.K.R M.V.Sc Scholar Dept. of Veterinary Pathology Madras Veterinary College Chennai-7 India email: drve

[Histonet] Vector VIP- Vector Blue- HRP &AP polymer secondary antibody

2009-03-28 Thread anjan kumar
hi , I wanted to know what would happen if i use Vector Blue and Vector VIP chromogen substrate with Labvision's HRP and Alkaline phosphatase polymer secondary antibody. Since these chromogens come as avidin biotin cojugated enzymes which may cause reaction with endogenous Biotin. Plz Advi

[Histonet] paraffin oil-clearing agent

2009-03-11 Thread anjan kumar
hi everyone, last week i had aquestion regarding xylene substitutes and Vector Blue compatibility. i came across an article saying use of paraffin oil as substitute for xylene... can paraffin oil be used as clearing agent ?

[Histonet] vector blue- xylene soluble- any alternatives

2009-03-04 Thread anjan kumar
been, ...sorry this has been a addition .. what is the difference between the DPX mountant and other permanent mounting media like vectamount. kindly answer these questions... regards, Anjan Kumar Junior research scientist Veterinary Pathology Madras veterinary college

[Histonet] methyl green - multiple labelling

2009-01-23 Thread anjan kumar
hi everybody, has anyone tried methyl green as counter stain in multiple label immunohistochemistry. i tried one but i got a dull back ground when i took a snap through Image pro plus 5.1. regards, anjan. _ For t

[Histonet] chromogens for triple immunohistochemistry

2009-01-08 Thread anjan kumar
, anjan kumar, Junior research scientist, Madras veterinary college. _ Drag n’ drop—Get easy photo sharing with Windows Live™ Photos. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowslive

[Histonet] mountants - organic/ aqueous

2009-01-05 Thread anjan kumar
hi, i wanted to know what is the difference between organic mountants / aqueous mountants / permanent mountants, which is used in immunohistochemistry. can anyone plz illustrate with examples. i also wanted to know what kind of mountants are used for diffeent kinds of chromogen like DAB, fast

[Histonet] IgM monoclonal antibody compatibility

2009-01-02 Thread anjan kumar
any one plz suggest me on this. Regards, Dr. Anjan Kumar Junior Research Scientist _ Much more than email – don't miss out on the rest of the Windows Live™. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/window

[Histonet] RE:antigen retrieval

2008-12-27 Thread anjan kumar
hi, can any one tell me which is the best method used for HIER. MICROWAVE OVEN OR PRESSURE COOKER METHOD. What kind of solutions should we use for epitope retrieval? _ Find a better job. We have plenty. Visit MSN Jobs http://www

[Histonet] RE: triple immunohistochemistry

2008-12-19 Thread anjan kumar
hi, I am Dr. Anjan Kumar working as Junior Research Scientist at Madras veterinary college, chennai, india. currently i am pursuing my PhD in veterinary pathology and i am working on canine mammary tumours for my theses work and i have planned to work on triple immunohistochemistry

[Histonet] (no subject)

2008-12-19 Thread anjan kumar
hi, I am Dr. Anjan Kumar working as Junior Research Scientist at Madras veterinary college, chennai, india. currently i am pursuing my PhD in veterinary pathology and i am working on canine mammary tumours for my theses work and i have planned to work on triple immunohistochemistry using CD44