Check/change the solution
René J.
From: Gale Limron
To: ""
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:26 AM
Subject: [Histonet] amyloid stain
It's been awhile since we ran an amyloid stain.Today, using Richard
Allan Chromaview kit, our staining tech
I find IHC for amyloid A (AA) helpful only in kidney; however, it is not
requested often.
Richard W. Cartun, Ph.D.
Director, Histology & Immunopathology
Director, Biospecimen Collection Programs
Assistant Director, Anatomic Pathology
Hartford Hospital
80 Seymour Street
Hartford, CT 0610
At one time we were going to bring this stain in-house (Amyloid A) but
finding positive control material was problematic. One of our
pathologists remembered a case from more than 20 years ago (and had
documented it!) but it was still just a tiny renal biopsy. We found
that ProPath (214-237