The tissue probably is incompletely infiltrated and absorbs humidity.
René J.
--- On Wed, 10/1/08, Gudrun Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Gudrun Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Histonet] tissue swelling out of block
Date: Wednesday, October 1, 2008,
Hi Gudrun,
Is your friend soaking blocks in ice water before cutting? This is
common in animal histology and over soaking before cutting will cause
swelling. Different tissue types will swell more quickly than others,
but over soaking can eventually affect all tissue.
Thomas Jasper HT (ASCP) B
The major problem in a veterinary histo lab is generally 1 processor to process
all types of tissues and species. The lab I can from had this problem; you can
only optimize the schedule if you limit your tissues.
Some are under, some are over; and a small percentage are just right.
Rosa Fiel
Is he saying that he embeds processed tissue and removes the chilled
paraffin block from the base mold that it then swells up in the
paraffin? Before it is trimmed and placed on ice?
Jeanine Bartlett
Infectious Diseases Pathology Branch
(404) 639-3590
-Original Message-