Thanks a lot for the IEFSSDA pointer! [Why it's not documented in "Using
the SSI" is beyond me]
Currently the need is not "terribly" urgent, which gives me some time for
research. However, in 6-12 months the need might become urgent.
And, yes, I am now beginning to think about the Open exit
Just how urgent is the need for your subsystem to perform the field
obfuscation you discussed here last month?
Try looking at macro IEFSSDA in SYS1.MODGEN. Those subsystem function
codes (16-19) should get you moving again.
As for the SMS comment... that's a good question. SMS is a sub
I am probably missing something obvious -
When setting up a subsystem, how do I tell the system to call a custom
function to Allocate, Open, Get, Close or Deallocate a dataset?
Doesn't the association come from a table built using the IEFSSVTI macro?
But the list of codes "SSI Function Codes Your
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