Thank you very much .
My question was mainly about the "critical event"'s , What do yo
consider as critical, how can you detect
etc etc, but not mainly about the notification .
We have here some HTTP application to show up the critical events, or
send an Email.
On 17.05.2014 06:34, Br
The SyzMAIL/z part of our automation suite allows messages to be sent for nay
console or system event, including automatically sending email (or SMS text
message) for any and all tasks in the system when the task ends (or any time
during it's execution), all without any JCL changes to any of the
On 5/16/2014 1:09 PM, Charles Mills wrote:
I note that the subject manual has apparently not been re-issued since z/OS
V1R7. Should I interpret that to mean that the information in it has been
deprecated? Or am I missing something?
More likely, nothing has changed.
Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix So
I note that the subject manual has apparently not been re-issued since z/OS
V1R7. Should I interpret that to mean that the information in it has been
deprecated? Or am I missing something?
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / sig
Storage overlays for multi-threaded servers such as CICS and IMS do exist but
are far less than UNIX threading. CICS allows the use of key 9 and programs are
usually conversational (vaguely remember that most storage is free while
waiting for a terminal response). IMS runs code in dependent regi
I have worked in QA for CA Technologies (Sterling Software prior to 2000) for
20+ years. In the course of doing my job I need to receive, apply, restore,
and reject PTFs multiple times a week.
There isn't any shortcut to the REJECT that would actually save time. The CSI
is key to SMP/E tracki
I stand corrected. I can only report what I was told. It's been so long I
have no memory of the source of that information.
The updated information at Greg Price's url from earlier in this thread sounds
like the real McCoy.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailt
In <750bc573-95bf-4c20-a1c1-1c22f8301...@comcast.net>, on 05/15/2014
at 02:58 PM, Micheal Butz said:
>Can anyone give me an idea of how to make sense of the table
For 12-bit addresses, you have xxbb xxbb, where
is an address from 0-4095 and the high order bits are selecte
on 05/15/2014
at 05:59 PM, "Farley, Peter x23353"
>Those are the EBCDIC equivalents of the BCD 64-character printable
>characters standard on IBM hardware of the time before EBCDIC.
There was no such standard.
on 05/15/2014
at 09:41 AM, MichealButz said:
>Which has code to translate a ROW and COLUMN into a sba (screen
>buffer address)
In what format? The code that you show is valid only for 12bit
>Listed below ithe code used to translate the the row and column
At first glance it
on 05/15/2014
at 12:19 PM, "Hardee, Chuck" said:
>I was going to initially but some many get chastised for posting
>questions here when there is another list available
Any IBM mainframe question is on-topic here, wh
You need to allow for some double accounting of unchanged pages on AUX.
While it may not be at the root of what you are seeing, pages that are paged in
from AUX and are not changed will remain on AUX.
There is some growth in AUX over time because of this. I have no measurement,
but I
On Fri, 16 May 2014 08:39:01 -0500, Juergen Kehr
>But the question still is, if that's true who requested these slots, and how
>to avoid this behaviour.
Hi Juegen,
We went through this earlier in the year and tracked it down to IBM INFOSPHERE
GUARDIUM. I believe that some parameters we
On Thu, 15 May 2014 14:40:11 -0500, Tom Marchant wrote:
>>I have observed that merely deleting from the SMPPTS and
>>re-RECEIVEing leaves tramp entries in the GLOBAL zone.
>I'm not surprised. Do it correctly. I wouldn't be surprised if Kurt Q.
>knows how to clean it up correctly without using
Many thanks to everybody that tried to help.
Kind Regards.
Jim Thomas
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
Dear Lizette,
of course you're right, if your system hasn't enought central storage system
starts to page out and more auxiliary storage is requested. But AFAIK as soon
as there is less workload on the system, for example at weekends on our systems
the paging rate decreases and so the auxiliary
Hi Anthony,
the presentation you mentioned in your post is one of the sources of
information we already know. Based on these information we already took a dump
of the RASP address space and run the IPCS commands mentioned there.
Here you'll find an extract of the results. But I couldn't find an
How much central storage do you have available to this LPAR? IIRC, the Page
volumes are used when the data cannot be held in Real Memory. So you may have
a lot of paging going on. What is your paging rate?
Sometimes with products, the vendor could be helpful in understanding why their
IFASMFR maps records owned by z/OS (and not necessarily even all of those
for elements that are not exclusive elements).
Other products (IBM and ISV) map their own records.
>There is no reason why IFASMFR can not have support for these
>records by internally calling the needed DSNQWS* macro.
We do this sort of thing by trapping console messages using CA-OPS/MVS (you
might want to look at the free TSSO on the CBTTAPE for this, if necessary).
We have a number of jobs which we then submit, via CA-7 which use XMITIP
(also free) to send a email to the appropriate MS Exchange user. In our
We also had a problem with a DS6800 when we had a system in Chelyabinsk,
Russia. Someone (me) shut it down incorrectly and subsequently the z890
processor couldn't see any of the volumes. The CE obtained a standalone ICKDSF
with special commands that remedied the problem.
Bob Shannon
Rocket So
This Share presentation may be of help, look at pages 22-25
-Original Message-
From: Juergen Kehr [mailto:kehrjuer...@t-online.de]
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2014 6:26 AM
since a while we recognized that in some of our LPARs the auxiliary storage
usage is rising steadily and we can't find out why this happens. I seems that
one or more address spaces are not releasing their slots correctly.
Here are some sample data from SLOTCNT recorded in a one week inte
On 5/16/2014 4:49 AM, Greg Price wrote:
If you really want to know, look at
which I wrote when I thought I knew what I was talking about, but it
turned out I didn't. HOWEVER, about a quarter of the way into it is an
update from May 2010 in colored text w
Hi All,
One of our sandbox *Master* Address space is consuming a E-SQA of 94% with
13.5MB. Under what circumstances we see spike in E-SQA to be more.
Is there any pointers which can help me to understand its utilization.
Normally I would expect the E-SQA to be close to 6MB but this time it looks
On 16/05/2014 7:53 AM, Micheal Butz wrote:
Yes but why these printable ebcdic codes
If you really want to know, look at
which I wrote when I thought I knew what I was talking about, but it
turned out I didn't. HOWEVER, about a quarter of the way into
As you are already a MXI freeware user, you might be interested to know that
the commercial version of MXI does pretty much everything that you want.
Notification of alerts can be done in a variety of ways, including e-mails,
WTOs, SNMP traps and web-based message boards and dashboards.
We are a small shop, no operator, and a small number of z/OS users.
I would like to develop an application, which can send/show alerts if
some kind of critical event occurs in the system.
What I'm considering now:
- Health checker events (PFA also)
- High CPU usage(SDSF DA?)
- MXI syste
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