Re: RACFVM merge

2011-08-04 Thread Ronald van der Laan
passwords approach. Ronald van der Laan

Re: Capturing response from SCS

2011-07-22 Thread Ronald van der Laan
Note that you can also add a message tag to the RSCS command, so that you can match the command with the asynchronous replies by prefixing the command with (ML.tag). SM RSCS (ML.mytag) QUERY SYSTEM QUEUE SM RSCS (ML.tag2) QUERY SYSTEM See also HELP RSCS CRI Ronald van der Laan

Re: CF1 can not linked as MR

2011-07-05 Thread Ronald van der Laan
the disk by issueing a CPACC MAINT CF1 A RR. Ronald van der Laan


2011-04-05 Thread Ronald van der Laan
, as it is not allowed in an user-id, but you'll normally have to escape it on the command line with a double quote! Now when a linux guest needs access to a vlan, just connect it to the right VLN# group. Ronald van der Laan

Re: fresh install without network

2011-01-20 Thread Ronald van der Laan
Or look directly at the TCPIP console to see what is happening at initialization: FORCE TCPIP XAUTOLOG TCPIP SYNC#SET OBSERVER TCPIP * This way you see all messages on your own console. Ronald van der Laan

Re: Time out an SFS command

2010-12-24 Thread Ronald van der Laan
Or use the CP timebomb to issue a timed CP command within your own userid. Ronald van der Laan

Re: Automated Shutdown of EREP

2010-11-13 Thread Ronald van der Laan
, using CP SEND CP EREP cpcmd you send cpcmd as CP command for EREP. Ronald van der Laan

Re: z/VM ISFC links

2010-10-09 Thread Ronald van der Laan
for me, that I'm confident enough to give you some IOCDS definitions, but please look for instance at note 7 on Ronald van der Laan

Re: Vswitch Question

2010-08-19 Thread Ronald van der Laan
backup one. That's fine if you need maintenance on your primary OSA, but not when when you want to go to the high availability steady state Ronald van der Laan

Re: Boulder Pub site

2010-03-03 Thread Ronald van der Laan
/publications/servlet/pbi.wss?CTY=US Ronald van der Laan

Re: HyperPAV use with full pack MDISK allocation

2009-10-01 Thread Ronald van der Laan
LVM. But it made the application so much faster, as it could do so much more I/O, that it was almost worth it). Ronald van der Laan

Re: Capture output from a command

2009-09-20 Thread Ronald van der Laan
Terry, The easiest way is to load RACF as a subcommand: * open racf subcommand mode RACFISPF INIT * run racf (and cms) commands from PIPES PIPE COMMAND SETROPTS LIST | | OUTPUT FILE A * close RACF session END Ronald van der Laan

Re: Does OSA Express2 Ethernet support zVM layer2

2009-09-18 Thread Ronald van der Laan
, the first to connect to the OSA could set the mode (2 or 3) and all other shared connections have to use the same mode (just like the portname). The restriction got lifted with z990, there you can use the same shared OSA, mixing layer 2 and layer 3 connections. Ronald van der Laan

Re: vol detached

2009-08-01 Thread Ronald van der Laan
Hi Philip, Try the Q PAV rdev command to display the base and pav addresses. Then first detach the pav addresses from the system before you detach the base address. Ronald van der Laan

Re: Sharing OSA between vm lpars

2009-06-15 Thread Ronald van der Laan
as each user gets its own OSA address triplet. Ronald van der Laan

Re: LOGONBY 8 user limitation

2009-06-10 Thread Ronald van der Laan
/remove the personal userid to/from the maintenance user groups. Ronald van der Laan

Re: Please excuse my ignorance

2009-05-14 Thread Ronald van der Laan
of the Diagnose 84. And that just requires CP class B, something you would normally give an operator (at least when they are supposed to do something useful themselves, other than just call you in the middle of the night). Ronald van der Laan

Re: what happen to the datamove?

2009-05-12 Thread Ronald van der Laan
Sunny, Instead of having to look into the source directory or directory map, you can also ask CP directly for the location of any minidisk. QUERY MDISK USER DATAMOVE 0100 DIRECTORY LOCATION or a bit shorter: Q MD U DATAMOVE 100 DIR LOC Ronald van der Laan

Re: Questions on issuing RACF LU command

2009-04-30 Thread Ronald van der Laan
DATA' fm 'END' Ronald van der Laan

Re: Applying MQ Maintenance to zLinux guests

2009-04-09 Thread Ronald van der Laan
Richard, You can use MQ support pack MS03 to save the active MQ configuration: MS03: WebSphere MQ - Save Queue Manager object definitions using PCFs (saveqmgr) Ronald van der Laan

Re: Diagnose x'250' / z/VM I/O scheduling

2009-03-30 Thread Ronald van der Laan
Steve, Does that mean that CP will take the Diag280 I/O apart and move the separate parts out over multiple alias devices (when available of course)? Ronald van der Laan

Re: Multiple TCPIP servers in a CSE environment

2008-11-23 Thread Ronald van der Laan
DATA file. Ronald van der Laan

Re: add page pack dynamically

2008-10-17 Thread Ronald van der Laan
must use the same slot in the system configuration as you picked for the dynamic definition. Ronald van der Laan

Re: SPXTAPE alternatives

2008-10-06 Thread Ronald van der Laan
Florian, For the DCSS type segments, you can use the MOVESEG command, but for the NSSes, (CMS and GCS) you will still need to regenerate them. You can find MOVESEG at Ronald van der Laan

Re: Holding Console

2008-07-18 Thread Ronald van der Laan
Howard, You can look at the RDEVSFLG field in the RDEV block. It is pointed to via VMDRTEM field in the user's VMDBK. See and Ronald van der Laan

Re: Moving multiple minidisk to new volume

2008-05-26 Thread Ronald van der Laan
disk and build the DIRMAINT CMDISK command from that. Ronald van der Laan

Re: newbie question - SERVICE machine

2008-04-08 Thread Ronald van der Laan
Although the mystery seems to be solved now, I've got a package on the VM download page that provides you with a Query AUTOuser CP command, that shows you the autologger for an user id. See Ronald van der Laan


2008-02-28 Thread Ronald van der Laan
Mary, I ran the PPRCCOPY ESTPAIR command with the ONSEC(NO) option. that keeps the secondary in FREE status. Ronald van der Laan

Re: EUDSRV002E question - disregard earlier email

2007-07-29 Thread Ronald van der Laan
Steve and Mike, You can find it via Then search for publications and enter document number SC24-5504. Ronald van der Laan

Re: DASD second level

2007-06-22 Thread Ronald van der Laan
Anne, If you put: User_Volume_Include * in your SYSTEM CONFIG of your 2nd level system, then all the available volumes will be attached to system at IPL time. Ronald van der Laan


2007-05-08 Thread Ronald van der Laan
Dave You can find the program directory online at if you only want to control the tape robot, you'll only need to install the RMSONLY version of DF/SMS. Ronald van der Laan

Re: Creating Multiple and Different CPNUCs from 1 System

2007-04-13 Thread Ronald van der Laan
Judson, If you're only adding new CP commands, have you considered creating dynamic CP exits? That way you can keep VM plain vanilla and use the SYSTEM CONFIG to customize your systems. Ronald van der Laan

Re: How to determine Alternate ID

2007-02-01 Thread Ronald van der Laan
/VM 5.2 ready) is now available on the download page. My apologies for the delay... Ronald van der Laan

Re: crash of z/VM v4r4

2007-01-22 Thread Ronald van der Laan
is available on the system and/or backed by paging dasd. I would allocate a few additional paging volumes and/or try to reduce the size of my virtual machines. Ronald van der Laan

Re: How to determine Alternate ID

2006-12-24 Thread Ronald van der Laan
Don, Thanks for helping me out with my spelling ;-) I'll fix that typo and will replace the package with the latest 5.2 code next week. Ronald van der Laan

Re: How to determine Alternate ID

2006-12-23 Thread Ronald van der Laan
Don, My LCLQRY code is a loadable CP command that does not requires a local mod to CP, just do a CPXLOAD and define the two provided QUERY commands (done in the exit code). Ronald van der Laan

Re: Sysprof Exec in z/vm 4.4

2006-12-14 Thread Ronald van der Laan
, well we lost the same system twice, before we realized that someone else had an userid with fullpack minidisk overlays removed as he was no longer responsible and we were sure we had Dirmaint configured with CYL0_BLK0_CLEANUP=NO .. Ronald van der Laan