Can you elaborate on why you need to distinguish a quit from the Dock vs one
initiated by qApp->quit()?
See https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-118533
Tor Arne
On 23 Oct 2023, at 21:05, Alexander Dyagilev wrote:
In Qt 5.x we had QEvent::Close when the user was using Doc
Indeed, you are right. I missed that QCoreApplicationPrivate::quit is virtual
and overridden in QGuiApplicationPrivate to go through the QPA layer, which
then looks for Qt like any other spontanous event. Created
Not a high priority, as you can know
Then, it means it's a bug, because it's set always. At least in Qt 6.4.2.
On 10/24/2023 12:15 AM, Volker Hilsheimer via Interest wrote:
They should; the window system event is handled as a spontaneous event and
should reach Q(Gui)Application::event with the spontaneous flag set; a call to
No, it returns true always.
On 10/23/2023 11:30 PM, Hamish Moffatt via Interest wrote:
On 24/10/23 06:10, Alexander Dyagilev wrote:
I would prefer for an additional event to be used when the user
triggers Quit. E.g. something like QEvent::QuitByUser.
For now, it seems I will have to i
> On 23 Oct 2023, at 22:30, Hamish Moffatt via Interest
> wrote:
> On 24/10/23 06:10, Alexander Dyagilev wrote:
>> I would prefer for an additional event to be used when the user triggers
>> Quit. E.g. something like QEvent::QuitByUser.
>> For now, it seems I will have to involve some add
On 24/10/23 06:10, Alexander Dyagilev wrote:
I would prefer for an additional event to be used when the user
triggers Quit. E.g. something like QEvent::QuitByUser.
For now, it seems I will have to involve some additional ugly logics
(something like setting a global variable) More code more
I would prefer for an additional event to be used when the user triggers
Quit. E.g. something like QEvent::QuitByUser.
For now, it seems I will have to involve some additional ugly logics
(something like setting a global variable) More code more complexity
for such a simple situation. Not
In Qt 5.x we had QEvent::Close when the user was using Dock to quit our
Now, this is not the case and QEvent::Quit is used instead.
However, the same QEvent::Quit is used when my code calls qApp->quit
Is it possible to distinguish these two situations?