[IslamCity] Re: Qadianis - Their Twisted Logic (Reply AA1426)

2005-07-01 Thread Alan Border
Assalamu Alaikum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: JazakAllahair to Alan Border for his informative post on Qadianis.A person who is obviously a qadiani missionary posted a tissue of liesin response to Alan Border's post. My Reply In fact, I was taken aback by the post of Hanisha. I was only trying


2005-07-01 Thread assalamu_alaikum_1426
Assalamu aleikum. Blair puts in a much stronger showing as the antichrist's dog than as the antichrist himself, with only 56,000 entries for the google search blair antichrist against 121,000 for blair poodle. Cheney and Sharon are in a tight race for 3rd place, while Rumsfeld and Putin bring up


2005-07-01 Thread assalamu_alaikum_1426
Assalamu aleikum. - A ring created by a batch of [reflective particles or micro-spacecraft] shades the tropics primarily, providing maximum effectiveness in cooling the warmest parts of our planet, the scientists write. : such a space-based infrastructure will evolve sooner or later, thus

Re: [IslamCity] Refutation of those who excuse homosexuals on the grounds that this is the way they were created

2005-07-01 Thread Abdeen
7.84 -And We rained down on them a shower (of brimstone): then see what was the end of those who indulged in sin and crime! Sunan of Abu-DawoodHadith 4448 Narrated byIf a man who is not married is seized committing sodomy, he will be stoned to death.abdeen ---Original Message---

[IslamCity] Are shrimps makrooh

2005-07-01 Thread Shahab Khan
Aslam alakum, I am asking this because the Hanafis believe that Shrimps are makrooh. I hae been searching for a daleel which states (directly or indirectly from Imam Abu Haneefa) but have been unsucessful in finding this out. The rest of the 3 madhabs do not believe that eating shrimps are

[IslamCity] The Batil Sect by Dr. Rashid (UAE)

2005-07-01 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal
Your are Here: THE BAATIL SECTby Dr Rashid (UAE) Ahmadiyya Movement is following in the footsteps of Christian Missionaries and is engaged in actively misguiding ignorant unsuspecting Muslims into their fold by pretending to be Sunni Muslims and Champions of Islam.

Re: [IslamCity] Why Women Should Wear the Veil?

2005-07-01 Thread Abdeen
Hello Adil, You say: " it's only logical that the centre of greater attraction - the face - should without a doubt also be covered." So you are coming out with logic and new fatwa ? Established rulings are there.! Trying to do this according toone's whims and fancies - end result is

[IslamCity] [EMAIL PROTECTED] has invited you to join the islamcity group!

2005-07-01 Thread IslahCity
[EMAIL PROTECTED] has invited you to join the islamcity group!

[IslamCity] Quran - A Complete Book

2005-07-01 Thread Saira Siraj
Note: forwarded message attached. Saira Siraj__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com *** {Invite (mankind, O

[IslamCity] ~A sister need help~

2005-07-01 Thread shireen
It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces toward East or West; but it is righteousness to believe in Allah and the Last Day and the Angels and the Book and the Messengers; to spend of your substance out of love for Him for your kin for orphans for the needy for the wayfarer for

[IslamCity] How to Make Istakhara Prayer

2005-07-01 Thread Islahonline
From: abdu algi How to Make Istakhara Prayer http://www.jannah.org/sisters/istakhara.html *** * Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Raheem * *** Assalamu 'alaikum.

Re: [IslamCity] Having a Girlfriend

2005-07-01 Thread tsidd96472
Assalamu Alaikum Islam does not permit you or anyone else to walk on boarder lines. Any moment, he/she can fall in the trap of prohibitedareas. So better keep away from doubts, temptation, incitements and exposing human weaknesses. This a simple logic. So none should play with fire of

[IslamCity] Apologies DRAFT complaint sent in error

2005-07-01 Thread Susan Howard-Azzeh
My apologies. The DRAFT letter of complaint regarding the Ontario Chiefs' of Police visit to Israel and the Toronto Chief of Police's involvement in the "Walk With Israel" was sent rather than saved to draft. The complete letter of complaint will follow by June 30th. Susan Howard-Azzeh

[IslamCity] Regarding father-in-law raped case in India

2005-07-01 Thread mode mode1
As salam alai kum Please give islamiclaws regarding this rape case which happened in India by father-in-law. Jazak Allah Khair Yahoo! Sports Rekindle the Rivalries. Sign up for Fantasy Football *** {Invite

[IslamCity] Islamic Relief - The Forgotten Ones

2005-07-01 Thread Islahonline
Title: Islamic Relief - Qurbani Appeal ISLAMIC RELIEF INVITES YOU TO A FUNDRAISING EVENT TO REMEMBER THE FORGOTTEN ONES Disasters and tragedies affect people the world over but the plight of women is often overlooked. Whether it's caring for the vulnerable or supporting families,

[IslamCity] Dialogue Among Civilizationsby Paul Findley( http://www.messageonline.org/2002febmarch/cover2.htm)

2005-07-01 Thread sahannan
Dialogue Among CivilizationsPaul Findley The topic, Dialogue Among Civilizations, is itself intriguing. The Webster dictionary offers several definitions of the word civilization. The one that seems to fit this occasion best reads as follows: "Civilization. The culture characteristics of

RE: [IslamCity] Dua-e-Istekhara

2005-07-01 Thread Khalid Latif
Salat al Istikharah (IN BRIEF) Put your trust in Allah, certainly, Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him). [Surah al-Imran; 3:159] Istikharah is to seek guidance from Allah when one is faced with a problem to which no solution is apparent. To ask Allah to

[IslamCity] CARPOOL Forum Against Police Bias (Pal-Israel) Thurs June 30

2005-07-01 Thread Susan Howard-Azzeh
CARPOOL Forum Against Police Bias (Pal-Israel) Thurs June 30 To carpool with Susan please e-mail me or phone 905-984-6515. We will be leaving my house at 5:30 pm.The Niagara Palestinian Association is lodging a complaint with the province regarding both the Walk With Israel and the recent

[IslamCity] Countering Evil Powers - Methods Used in Islam

2005-07-01 Thread Alan Border
Countering Evil Powers Question If one suspects that one has been subjected to some evil power, through a magic spell, incantation, or the like, what should one do? How can one confirm that such a thing has happened, and how to counter its effects? Answer That black magic exists,