[IslamCity] Teachings of the Qur'aan: Al-Baqarah - Aayaat 153-157

2005-07-11 Thread DDN
B i s m i l l a a h i r R a h m a a n i r R a h e e m Bismillaahi walhamdulillaahi wassalaatu wassalaamu ‘alaa rasoolillaahi Assalaamu `Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu Teachingsof the

[IslamCity] Woman Status in Islaam Christianity

2005-07-11 Thread noor islaam
AsSalaam O Alaikum Woman Status in Islaam Christianity http://www.angelfire.com/fl/religions/woman.html Christen WomanMuslim Woman When the woman (Eve) saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and

Re: [IslamCity] Regarding father-in-law raped case in India

2005-07-11 Thread adil naveed
first of all the article was not written by me, you should have checked the name in the end, also i did not accept or reject this opinion, so who gave you permission to blame me...is this islamic, hey bro apply it on urself first before preaching to others.. Nobody becomes a scholar by just

Re: [IslamCity] Re: Hair color. Is it halal or not?

2005-07-11 Thread �heikh
Asalma-o-Alaikum! According to Bukhari and Muslim Ahadees it is not haram, I can give you the refrences for it... Even our Sahabi Hazrat Abu Bakar used Mehdi, even for Mujahid it is allowed for him to use color. Actually our prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAW prohibited that in an old age we use

[IslamCity] London Bombings - 'They Say Why Attack a Tiger When There Are So Many Sheep''

2005-07-11 Thread Alan Border
'They say why attack a tiger when there are so many sheep?' Duncan Campbell, Richard Norton-Taylor and Conal UrquartFriday July 8, 2005The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,3604,1523645,00.html The strategy behind yesterday's attacks was to hit "soft" targets and cause

[IslamCity] Most Terrorists are Muslim, remark angers Toronto's Muslim community

2005-07-11 Thread Islahonline
From: muslim insuffer "Most Terrorists are Muslim," remark angers Toronto's Muslim community bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update === Muslim Canadian Congress demands an apology from the Israeli Consul General"Most Terrorists


2005-07-11 Thread assalamu_alaikum_1426
SECRET PLAN TO QUIT IRAQ Sat Jul 09 2005 http://www.drudgereport.com/flash.htm BRITAIN and America are secretly preparing to withdraw most of their troops from Iraq - despite warnings of the grave consequences for the region, the SUNDAY MAIL in UK is reporting. A secret paper written by UK

Re: [IslamCity] Prayer Without Ablution Due to a Medical Condition

2005-07-11 Thread Abdeen
ABLUTION-(WIND TROUBLE) If this is frequent but not continuous a person who choose the time when it stops and proceed to make his ablution and offer his prayer. If he releases wind in the meantime either during his prayer or during ablution, then he must repeat both ablution and prayer.


2005-07-11 Thread 03.05 Noushad T. V.
Title: THE LOGIC OF SUICIDE TERRORISM July 18, 2005 The American Conservative THE LOGIC OF SUICIDE TERRORISM Its the occupation, not the fundamentalism Last month, Scott McConnell caught up with Associate Professor Robert Pape of the University of Chicago, whose book on suicide

[IslamCity] Re: Cowardly act(london bombing)

2005-07-11 Thread M.Siraj Siddique
Assalamoalikum, Dear brother,muslim should understand the conspiracy behinds all the terrorist acts happening after 9\11. Weknow that the feelings of british people was with muslims and they were strongly protesting against illegal iraq warwhich was fought only for oil. Alqaeda have take

[IslamCity] Hepatitis B

2005-07-11 Thread `�.��.�*Minahil *��.��.�`
Fwd by: Public Awarness Hepatitis B There is a safe and effective vaccine for hepatitis BHepatitis B is the most common serious liver infection in the world. It is thought to be the leading cause of liver cancer. The World Health Organization estimates that hepatitis B

[IslamCity] U.S. Terror Attack � � Ninety Days at Most �

2005-07-11 Thread MA PA
U.S. Terror Attack — “ Ninety Days at Most ” July 9, 2005 Juval Aviv is a former Israeli Counterterrorism Intelligence Officer and President and CEO of Interfor, Inc. Mr. Aviv has also served as a special consultant to the U.S. Congress on issues of terrorism and security and is the author of

[IslamCity] Did the Prophet endorse suicide bombing? Anti-Islamic Propaganda by former Muslims

2005-07-11 Thread Maqsud Sobhani
Did the Prophet endorse suicide bombing? Anti-Islamic Propaganda by "former Muslims" Dr. Mohammad Omar Farooq In this age of internet, there is a new level of anti-Islamic propaganda. It is based on half-truths, no truths and so on. Let alone unsuspecting non-Muslims, many Muslims are falling

[IslamCity] What is wrong with us?

2005-07-11 Thread Amber B
-Forwarded Message: Subj: NAMAW Statement on London Bombings Date: 7/8/2005 10:19:55 AM Eastern Standard Time From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED],

[IslamCity] Did the Prophet endorse suicide bombing? Anti-Islamic Propaganda by former Muslims

2005-07-11 Thread sahannan
Dear members of the list, Assalamu Alaikum.I am sending an important piece of writing by Dr. Omar Farooq. Please read it carefully. This also shows the need to read Hadith literature with commentary. It also proves the need of Matn (text ) examination of Hadith by senior Hadith and

[IslamCity] Advice to the Muslim Women in UK

2005-07-11 Thread Servant of Allah-swt
Advice to the Muslim Women in UK ...Following the Bombings in London Following the London bombings this morning the blame will almost inevitably fall upon portions of the Muslims community. In fact, the media frenzy has already started to whip up anxieties and fears in the British public and

[IslamCity] Burma Digest: Prof. Win's pro-sanction Solidarity articles, plus........

2005-07-11 Thread tayza thuria
BURMA DIGEST A Democratic Online Weekly Journal of Burmese Affairs _ 10.07.2005 "Thank you for the Burma Digest. We appreciate it" Proffesor Kanbawza Win Contents [Click on the links] I. "Even Though My Head is Bloodied, Yet I am

[IslamCity] List of Police Chiefs who went on training visit to Israel

2005-07-11 Thread Susan Howard-Azzeh
Dear Friends, Below is the list of Ontario Police Chiefs and other senior officials who went on the Canadian Jewish Congress/UJA/Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police sponsored trip to Israel March 1 to 8 to learn about Israeli "policing methods". A number of us (Hamilton, Ottawa,

[IslamCity] Should we trust media reports?

2005-07-11 Thread sheroze rahman
Should we trust media reports? Since Tony Blair declared the recent London bombings to be the work of Muslims, the media have firmly kept the words Islam and Muslim in the articles they are writing. The 'serious' media carry reports about the Muslim community, their views on the bombing,

[IslamCity] Apartheid Laws in Israel

2005-07-11 Thread Susan Howard-Azzeh
Forward from Khaled Mounammar Apartheid Laws in Israel Posted on: 12/31/2000 7:33:31 AM Uzi Ornan (Ha'aretz) Apartheid Laws in IsraelExcerpts from an article by Uzi Ornan, published the Israeli daily Ha'aretz 17 May 1991 (Hebrew ) It is impossible to turn one's back on reality and

[IslamCity] Question

2005-07-11 Thread Mehboob Rehman
Assaalam-o-waliakum i have a question and the question is if a women be raped by her father-in-law then what will be the punishment of both according to Islamic law? The women can live together with her husband or not? Is it a Islamic law to marry the women with her father-in-law? thanx