[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-06-01 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah...So that truth will be manifest, and the falsehood will be confounded; even if the criminals dislike it.Al-Quran(8:8)Read Quran with Translation [EMAIL PROTECTED]__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-05-31 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah...They said: "Your praise/glory , no knowledge to us except what You taught us , that You are the knowledgeable, the wise/judicious ."Al-Quran(2:32)Read Quran with Translation [EMAIL PROTECTED] Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-05-28 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah..."You, you the people worship your Lord who created you, and those from before you, maybe/perhaps you fear and obey (God)." Al-Quran(2:21)Read Quran with Translation [EMAIL PROTECTED] Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-05-28 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah...And from His evidences/signs that (E) He created for you from yourselves spouses to be tranquil/secure to it, and He made/created between youlove/affection/friendship and mercy, that (E) in that (are) evidences/signs (E) to a nation thinking. Al-Quran(30:21)Read

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-05-26 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah... "Allah has not put for any man two hearts inside his body. Neither has He made your wives whom you declare to be like your mothers backs, your real mothers. (AzZihar is the saying of a husband to his wife, "You are to me like the back of my mother" i.e. You are

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-05-25 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah..."And He is Allah (to be worshipped Alone) in the heavens and on the earth, He knows what you conceal and what you reveal, and He knows what you earn (good or bad)."Al-Quran(6:03)Read Quran with Translation [EMAIL PROTECTED] New Yahoo! Messenger with

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-05-25 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah..."He it is Who sent down As-Sakinah (calmness and tranquillity) into the hearts of the believers, that they may grow more in Faith along with their (present) Faith. And to Allah belong the hosts of the heavens and the earth, and Allah is Ever All-Knower, All-Wise

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-05-20 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah... "O ye people! Adore your Guardian-Lord, who created you and those who came before you, that ye may have the chance to learn righteousness;" Al-Quran(2:21)Read Quran with Translation [EMAIL PROTECTED] Get amazing travel prices for air and hotel in one

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-05-20 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah... "Knowest Thou not that to Allah belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth? and besides Him ye have neither patron nor helper." Al-Quran(2:107)Read Quran with Translation [EMAIL PROTECTED] Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-05-20 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah..."O ye who believe! enter into Islam whole-heartedly; and follow not the footsteps of the evil one; for He is to you an avowed enemy." Al-Quran(2:208)Read Quran with Translation [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-05-20 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah... "Whatever it be wherein ye differ, the decision thereof is with Allah. such is Allah My Lord: In Him I trust, and to Him I turn." Al-Quran(42:10)Read Quran with Translation [EMAIL PROTECTED] Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-05-20 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah...Say: "That I, I fear if I disobeyed my Lord (from) a great day's torture." Al-Quran(6:15)Read Quran with Translation [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo! Mail goes everywhere you do. Get it on your phone.

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-05-12 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah..."No people can hasten their term, nor can They delay (it)" Al-Quran(23:43)Read Quran with Translation [EMAIL PROTECTED] Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1/min.

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-05-11 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah..."As to those who believe not In the Hereafter, we have made their deeds pleasing In their eyes; and so They wander about In distraction" Al-Quran(27:4)Read Quran with Translation [EMAIL PROTECTED] Get amazing travel prices for air and hotel in one click on

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-05-10 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah...O Messenger! sufficient unto Thee is Allah,- (unto thee) and unto those who follow Thee among the believers. Al-Quran(8:64)Read Quran with Translation [EMAIL PROTECTED] __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo!

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-05-10 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah...O Believers! remember God with frequent remembrance, And glorify Him morning and evening.Al-Quran(33:41,42)Read Quran with Translation [EMAIL PROTECTED] __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-05-09 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah... "He who created death and life, that He may try which of you is best In deed: and He is the Exalted In Might, Oft-Forgiving" Al-Quran(67:2)Read Quran with Translation [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-05-09 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah..."O you who believe! if an evil-doer comes to you with a report, look carefully into it, lest you harm a people in ignorance, then be sorry for what you have done."Al-Quran(49:6)Read Quran with Translation [EMAIL PROTECTED] Blab-away for as little as

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-05-08 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah..."For those who believe and do righteous deeds, will be Gardens; beneath which rivers flow: that is the great salvation, (the fulfilment of all desires)," Al-Quran(85:11)Read Quran with Translation [EMAIL PROTECTED] Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-05-06 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah. Al-Quran(62:11) "But when They see some bargain or some amusement, They disperse headlong to it, and leave Thee standing. say: "The (blessing) from the presence of Allah is better than any amusement or bargain! and Allah is the best to provide (for all

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-05-05 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah... "Verily, all those whom you invoke beside God are but created beings'" like yourselves: invoke them, then, and let them answer your prayer - if what you claim is true!" Al-Quran(7:194)Read Quran with Translation [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-05-05 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah...So turn away from who turned away from mentioning/remembering Us , and he did not want/intend except the life the present/worldly life . Al-Quran(53:29)Read Quran with Translation [EMAIL PROTECTED] Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-05-04 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah..."With the help of Allah. He helps whom He will, and He is Exalted In Might, Most Merciful. (it is) the promise of Allah. never does Allah depart from His promise: but Most men understand not." Al-Quran(30:5-6)Read Quran with Translation [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-05-03 Thread Abdeen
r the noon or afternoon prayer (after the adhan had been called). He said: Go out with us (from this mosque) because this is an innovation (in religion). ---Original Message--- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: 04/27/06 15:13:09 To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World Subject: [IslamC

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-05-02 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah. "Nay, seek ((Allah)'s) help with patient perseverance and prayer: it is indeed hard, except to those who bring a lowly spirit" Al-Quran(2:45) Read Quran with Translationq[EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo! Mail goes everywhere you do. Get it on your phone.

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-04-14 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah. "VERILY, God will admit those who have attained to faith and have done righteous deeds into gardens through which running waters flow: for, behold, God does whatever He wills."Al-Quran(22:14) Read Quran with Translation Love cheap thrills? Enjoy

[IslamCity] Verse of the Day

2006-04-11 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah. "All praise is due to Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth and made the darkness and the light; yet those who disbelieve set up equals with their Lord."Al-Quran(6:01) Read Quran with Translationq[EMAIL PROTECTED] How low will we go? Check out

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-04-05 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah. "Those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh - Islâmic Monotheism), and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allâh, Verily, in the remembrance of Allâh do hearts find rest"Al-Quran(13:28) Read Quran with Translationq[EMAIL PROTECTED] Talk is

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-04-02 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah. "He to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and Who has begotten no son (children or offspring) and for Whom there is no partner in the dominion. He has created everything, and has measured it exactly according to its due

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-03-31 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah. My Lord! Bestow Hukman (religious knowledge, right judgement of the affairs and Prophethood) on me, and join me with the righteous;Al-Quran ( 26:83) Read Quran with Translation q[EMAIL PROTECTED] How low will we go? Check out Yahoo!

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-03-26 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah.Al-Quran(22:11) "And among mankind is he who worships Allâh as it were, upon the very edge (i.e. in doubt); if good befalls him, he is content therewith; but if a trial befalls him, he turns back on his face (i.e. reverts back to disbelief after embracing

Re: [IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-03-25 Thread IslahCity
to avoidincorrect postings in the first place. Jazakallah Khairan Moderator IslamCity - Original Message - From: Muslim Welfare Centre To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 10:30 PM Subject: RE: [IslamCity] Verse of the day

RE: [IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-03-23 Thread Muslim Welfare Centre
ons before posting and sending to massemails. Qaiser From: islamcity@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MuslimSent: Sunday, March 19, 2006 7:34 PMTo: eGroup For Muslims Around The WorldSubject: [IslamCity] Verse of the day In the name of Allah. Al-Quran(4

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-03-14 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah. Al-Quran(21:37) t,Î=äz ß`»|¡RM}$# ô`ÏB 9@yftã 4 öNä3Í'ré'y ÓÉL»t#uä xsù Âcqè=Éf÷ètGó¡n@ ÇÌÐÈ "Man is a creature of haste: soon (enough) will I Show you My Signs; then ye will not ask me to hasten them!" Read Quran with Translation [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-03-11 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah. Al-Quran(49:9) (#qãZÏB÷sçGÏj9 «!$$Î/ ¾ÏÎ!qßuur çnrâÌhyèè?ur çnrãÏj%uqè?ur çnqßsÎm7|¡è@ur Zotò6ç/ ¸xϹrur ÇÒÈ "In order that ye (o men) may believe In Allah and His Messenger, that ye may assist and honour him, and celebrate His Praise morning and

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-03-09 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah. Al-Quran(29:5) `tB tb%x. (#qã_öt uä!$s)Ï9 «!$# ¨bÎ*sù @y_r «!$# ;NUy 4 uqèdur ßìÏJ¡¡9$# ÞOÎ=yèø9$# ÇÎÈ "For those whose hopes are In the meeting with Allah (in the Hereafter, let them strive); for the term (appointed) by Allah is surely coming and He hears

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-03-06 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah. Al-Quran(35:2)¬!ur $tB Îû ÏNºuq»yJ¡¡9$# $tBur Îû ÇÚöF{$# yÌôfuÏ9 tûïÏ%©!$# (#q䫯»yr $yJÎ/ (#qè=ÏHxå yÌøgsur tûïÏ%©!$# (#qãZ|¡ômr Óo_ó¡çtø:$$Î/ ÇÌÊÈ "Yea, to Allah belongs all that is In the heavens and on earth: so that He rewards those who do evil,

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-03-05 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah. Al-Quran(35:2) $¨B ËxtGøÿt ª!$# Ĩ$¨Y=Ï9 `ÏB 7puH÷q§ xsù y7Å¡ôJãB $ygs9 ( $tBur ô7Å¡ôJã xsù @ÅöãB ¼çms9 .`ÏB ¾ÍnÏ÷èt/ 4 uqèdur âÍyèø9$# ãLìÅ3ptø:$# ÇËÈ "What Allah out of His Mercy doth bestow on Mankind there is none can withhold: what He doth withhold,

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-03-02 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah. Al-Quran(46:13) ¨bÎ) tûïÏ%©!$# (#qä9$s% $oY/z ª!$# §NèO (#qßJ»s)tFó$# xsù ì$öqyz óOÎgøn=tæ wur öNèd cqçRtøts ÇÊÌÈ "Verily those who say, "Our Lord is Allah," and remain firm (on that path),- on them shall be no fear, nor shall They grieve."Read Quran with

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-02-27 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah. Al-Quran(102:8)¢OèO £`è=t«ó¡çFs9 ͳtBöqt Ç`tã ÉOÏè¨Z9$# ÇÑÈ "Then on that day you shall most certainly be questioned about the boons"Read Quran with Translation Yahoo! Mail Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments.

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-02-27 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah. Al-Quran(3:134)tûïÏ%©!$# tbqà)ÏÿZã Îû Ïä!#§£9$# Ïä!#§Ø9$#ur tûüÏJÏà»x6ø9$#ur xáøtóø9$# tûüÏù$yèø9$#ur Ç`tã Ĩ$¨Y9$# 3 ª!$#ur =Ïtä úüÏZÅ¡ósßJø9$# ÇÊÌÍÈ "Those who spend (freely), whether In prosperity, or In adversity; who restrain anger, and pardon (all) men;-

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-02-23 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah. Al-Quran(23:1,2) ôs% yxn=øùr tbqãZÏB÷sßJø9$# ÇÊÈ tûïÏ%©!$# öNèd Îû öNÍkÍEx|¹ tbqãèϱ»yz ÇËÈ 1. The believers must (eventually) win through,- 2. Those who humble themselves In their prayers;Read Quran with TranslationRegards Muslim [EMAIL

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-02-21 Thread Muslim
Al-Quran(3:103)"And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favor on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts In love, so that by His Grace, ye became brethren; and ye

[IslamCity] Verse of the day

2006-02-20 Thread Muslim
In the name of Allah... Al-Quran(25:2)"He to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth: no son has He begotten, nor has He a partner in His dominion: it is He who created all things, and ordered them in due proportions"Read Quran with TranslationRegards Muslim


2005-03-06 Thread Curtis Sharif
fyi Peace, Curtis Sharif Houston, Texas VERSE OF THE DAY: GOD ANSWERS THE OPPRESSED "Just think who answers the oppressed person when he cries out to Him and relieves his affliction, and makes you, O mankind, inheritors of the earth? Is there another god besides God?" The Holy