
Claus Ibsen commented on CAMEL-20216:

You can do this today such as

camel init foo-source.kamelet.yaml

The name controls if its source, sink or action.
And you can use --from-kamelet to use an existing as base (such as when you 
want to extend it).

> Provide option to create a kamelet file through Camel Jbang init
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: CAMEL-20216
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20216
>             Project: Camel
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: camel-jbang
>            Reporter: Aurélien Pupier
>            Priority: Major
> it would be convenient to provide an option of Camel Jbang init to create a 
> kamelet file.
> There is currently an option --integration to create a Camel K Integration. 
> So maybe providing a --kamelet which is exclusive with --integration can be 
> nice.
> What would be the content for this file?
> Starting from https://github.com/apache/camel-kamelets#general-format 
> example, maybe something like:
> {noformat}
> apiVersion: camel.apache.org/v1
> kind: Kamelet
> metadata:
>   name: timer-source
>   annotations:
>     camel.apache.org/kamelet.icon: ...
>     camel.apache.org/provider: "My organization"
>   labels:
>     camel.apache.org/kamelet.type: source
> spec:
>   definition:
>     title: Timer Source
>     description: Produces periodic events with a custom payload
>     required:
>       - message
>     properties:
>       period:
>         title: Period
>         description: The interval between two events in milliseconds
>         type: integer
>         default: 1000
>       message:
>         title: Message
>         description: The message to generate
>         type: string
>         example: hello world
>   types:
>     out:
>       mediaType: text/plain
>   template:
>     from:
>       uri: timer:tick
>       parameters:
>         period: "{{period}}"
>       steps:
>         - set-body:
>             constant: "{{message}}"
>         - to: kamelet:sink
> {noformat}

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