Yeah, I get it, it shouldn't alter the signature.
I did some more testing and it got worse: it seems to be random. Some files
the signature got corrupted, others didn't.
I will try to compare both files at the binary level and see what I can get
from it, and then I'll try to get in touch with Ama
On 9/3/2014 9:27 PM, Paulo Melo wrote:
> I'm signing the file client-side and after I'm uploading it to S3, but
> when I download the file the signature becomes invalid.
> I was wondering if the HTTPS transport in between the client and the
> S3 end-point might be corrupting the signature.
Hi, I have a problem that can maybe relate to this one.
I'm signing the file client-side and after I'm uploading it to S3, but when
I download the file the signature becomes invalid.
I was wondering if the HTTPS transport in between the client and the S3
end-point might be corrupting the signatur
metho wrote
> Currently we store signed pdf in our database and need to sent encrypted
> version over the net, but encrypting it using PDFReader and PdfStamper
> seems to break certificates existing(adobe reader says they are not
> valid).
> Is there some workaround for that?
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