[java ee programming] EL expressions are not evaluating in included jsp fragment file

2009-03-29 Thread sadko
Hello everybody. I'm including jsp fragment file into parent jsp file using tag jsp:include. EL expressions in parent file are eveluated fine, but in included file it is just written out. So for example ${4+2} is in parent written out as 6, but in included file as ${4+2}. What could be the

[java ee programming] Fw:

2009-03-29 Thread suzan_ aziz
--- On Sun, 3/29/09, suzan_ aziz suzan_aziz2...@yahoo.com wrote: From: suzan_ aziz suzan_aziz2...@yahoo.com Subject: To: java-ee-j2ee-programming-with-passion@googlegroups.com Date: Sunday, March 29, 2009, 7:22 AM thanks  (anass halhoul) i want have good knowledge about java i want

[java ee programming] problem with homework 7

2009-03-29 Thread pxk5249
I keep having a problem with homework 7. I keep getting this error HTTP Status 503 - type Status report message descriptionThe requested service () is not currently available. Sun Java System Application Server 9.1_02 to the init.java file, i added this block of code Name name =

[java ee programming] LAB-4018:Web Applicattion Security

2009-03-29 Thread lisandrodc
Hi! I have a problem this homework, I do not understand when says: An invalid user xyz tries to access the application, a your own error page (HTML or JSP page) called myownerror.jsp should be displayed indicating the error condition. Do not find way of displayed this page, because this do not

[java ee programming] Re: Fw:

2009-03-29 Thread Anand Kumar
Hi as per my view, following two books are more than enough for getting started. (at least for CORE JAVA) 1. Start with Programming with Java: a PrimerAuthor: E BalagurusamyPublished by Tata McGraw-Hill 2. after completing with above go through with Java 2: the complete

[java ee programming] In regards to the JSTL homework

2009-03-29 Thread pxk5249
I am not sure if I am understanding this correctly. All I did was add the following tags to the index.jsp and response.jsp pages for index.jsp, I added: table border=1 c:forEach var=customer items=${customers} tr tdc:out value=${customer.lastName}//td tdc:out