31 jan 2007 kl. 12.25 skrev Christoph Pächter:
I was wondering, if there is anywhere a table (similar to Table 1.2
An overview
of different field types, their characteristics, and their usage in
Lucene in
Action), listing the possible methods and their usage.
Implementations will differ,
: >>Have you looked at the constructor for BooleanQuery and
: >>tried passing "true" to disable the Coord factor?
: Thanks Chris, this is exactly what I want,
: but I am working with lucene 1.4.3 because I have to for some reasons,
: Is there any equivalent ?!
if you look atteh source for it,
: Thanks for the comments. Where I was trying to get to was whether a match on
: field with boost of 0.0 can ever cause the normalised score to result in 0 if
: there is also a match on a field with a non zero boost. I'm not sure I
: understand the scoring formula :(
well .. it gets more com
MoreLikeThis is just what I wanted. Thanks.
> Yes, I believe Dave did something like that on searchmorph.org and somebody=
> else did this on some some with RFCs. What's that called? Query by examp=
> le? I think so, try define:Query By Example on Google.
> Take a look at=
> MoreLik
Hi all,
What I want to do is like this :
Search for : C++ Java Phyton
And then the result will be displayed like this :
document1.txt C++(20 hits)Java(15 hits) Phyton(4 hits)
document2.txt C++(19 hits)Java(14 hits) Phyton(3 hits)
Hi, I have exactly the same question.
Correct me if I'm wrong :
it seems that I can do any I/O operations on the index while querying
because of the open IndexReader.
So if I had the same situation as gui (the poster of the thread), I can
just delete the old index wh
Hi, I have exactly the same question.
Correct me if I'm wrong :
it seems that I can do any I/O operations on the index while querying
because of the open IndexReader.
So if I had the same situation as gui (the poster of the thread), I can
just delete the old index while people query on it ?
Then b
Hello, I have a system that uses lucene to index information contained
on text files, one register per line.
When I start up, I load the text file and create the index, after that,
a Timer starts up, and verifies the file's lastModified() attribute, if
that changed, I need to recreate the index.
Sorry I have it working ...
Mathieu Decaffmeyer
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 11:04 AM
To: java-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Boost
* This message comes
Just as a test I tried this :
Field contentField =
new Field(
"content", cleanedContent,
In my document I have the word "experience",
when I do a search on this word I
>>Have you looked at the constructor for BooleanQuery and
>>tried passing "true" to disable the Coord factor?
Thanks Chris, this is exactly what I want,
but I am working with lucene 1.4.3 because I have to for some reasons,
Is there any equivalent ?!
Thank u.
11 matches
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