You can implement a security filter, kind of like what the book Lucene in
Action describes. It is a class that extends;
you're required to implement the following method:
public BitSet bits(IndexReader reader)
In it, you can decide whether a particular documen
On 12/22/05, Chris Hostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If the set of documents viewable by a given person is truely an arbitrary
> list of document identifiers stored in a DB somewhere, then build a Filter
> that knows how to access that list, and sets the bits only on the document
> identif
: document might be accessible by different users. I want to implement this
: without indexing a document multiple times. The approach I thought of was to
: use a field that is indexed, as well as stored in the index, which contains
: the ids of all the users that can access the document. I could
Thanks for your reply. But your suggestion is not applicable to my situation
because 'users' of our system dont correspond to unix users, and different
users are not related in any way, so there is no logical way to split them
into groups.
On 12/21/05, Mordo, Aviran (EXP N-NANNATEK) <[EMAIL
You approach is correct but you should use groups instead of users. So
just give a group permission, and add users to groups, this way you
don't have to worry about reindexing when adding more users, just add
the user to the group.
-Original Message-