I know this is not the most suitable forum, but I have noticed you are working with
jboss aop. I tried installing jboss aop on my jboss3.2.5 and I receive many
exceptions... (I tried different versions of jboss aop and received different
exceptions just when starting up jboss). I wonder with w
I have just moved the definitions of the mbeans AspectManager and AspectDeployer to
the "beggining" of jboss-service.xml (just after classpath tag and jboss starts up
fine!!! (i dont think this should have any effect the order of the mbeans but it
seems like it has...) but anyway its now f
I'm trying to run jboss-aop with jboss-3.2.5 so I have downloaded a clean installation
of jboss-3.2.5 and used the instructions found on
Please note that one thing was different than the wiki said :
original : Fro