Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] Dynamic Loading/Unloading of Plugins (was: RE:
[eclipse-dev] Eclipse Project 2.2 Draft Plan posted)
> How much of what you are thinking of would be handled by:
> jmx
Most if no
> How much of what you are thinking of would be handled by:
> jmx
Most if not all of it - the JMX timer would be responsible for the async
work of taking down and upgrading the module and its dependencies. In
addition, the rich client platform would benefit from JMX itself. The
only problem is
How much of what you are thinking of would be handled by:
jboss service lifecycle
jboss mbean dependencies enhanced by including the version as a key in the
ObjectName and using queries or filter conditions rather than equality for
resolution of dependencies.
BTW in jboss 4 clients using th
Funny, I was thinking about this concept the other day, as I still have delusions of
grandjeur to build a rich client application on top of the Jboss kernel. My thoughts
on this were along the lines of the following, based on a scenario of an upgraded
component version (discovered via some mecha