Yep, you can avoid using the endorsed standards override mechanism by setting
that property. This had actually been discussed in an earlier forum topic and
published in our knowledge base.
However, this silly incompatibility introduced in JDK 1.5.0_07 would never have
been an issue had we chose
With the following code I can access the hello-bpel-process:
public void dii()
| {
| try {
| URL wsdlURL = new URL("http://localhost:8080/hello/greeter?wsdl";);
| String targetNamespace = "";;
| QName portName = new QName(targetNamespace,"Gree
Hi Alex,
thank you very much for your advice! I've found in one implementation of QName
the following explanation:
* Due to a historical defect, QName was released with multiple
| * serialVersionUID values even though its serialization was the
| * same.
| *
| * To w
jBPM BPEL 1.1.Beta2 predates JBoss AS 4.0.5.GA, hence it is untested with that
version. However, the InvalidClassException is not caused by a problem with
jBPM BPEL but by a mismatch between the server and client classes.
As mentioned in section 4.4 of the user guide, the lib/endorsed subdirecto
As mentioned above I get a NullPointer Exception on line 355 in the method
getRequestParts in the class SoapHandler:
private static Map getRequestParts(SOAPElement operationWrapper,
| javax.wsdl.Message requestMessage) throws JMSException, SOAPException
| HashMap inputParts = new
I 've found the following entry in the jndi:
anonymous wrote : Global JNDI Namespace
| +- jbpmbpel-client (class: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext)
| | +- service (class: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext)
| | | +- Hello (class:
I have similar problems with the following environment:
1. jBoss BPEL 1.1 Beta2
2. jBoss AS 4.0.5GA
3. jwsdp-2.0
4. jdk 1.5.0_08
5. ANT 1.6.5
I've tried to call the hello-bpel-process with the following code:
public void test()
| {
| try {
| Properties properties = new Properties();
Hi Meghana,
I have not tried using BPEL for some time now, but I had this very issue before
and it is because of an incompatibility in the xml parsing libraries of the jdk
1.5.0_05. I know that there is a workaround by moving around some of these xml
parsing libraries, but I am not exactly sure