Hi ,
What values I have to give for them.
I found lines like this in properties file
#The password to your keystore
I dont think its enough if I uncomment them.
Hi Srikanth,
If you want to avoid each time when u run HTTPS Request Test Cases
asking for password. Configure your jmeter.properties file for the
javax.net.ssl.trustStore=.. and javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=..>
In case if these values are not taken from the property file, pass
these properti
Hi All,
My testplan contains a HTTPS request . When ever I am freshly opening the
Jmeter and running this test, Jmeter is throwing a dailog box with title
"keystore password" and message as "Please type your password".
When I just press enter with out entering any pwd , the HTTPS request is f
HI Rupendra,
Yes, I include the HTTP COOKIES MANAGER under my THREAD GROUP. And it can
manager the cookies to each thread.
I did not record the scripts because I don't konw if jmeter can set variable
to replace parameters in scripts, can it?
Best regards from China!
On 6/29/05, Rupen
Though I cant understand your problem entirely, I can say u have a some Page1
which contains a continue button on clicking it some other page say Page2 is
called.In your testplan add a request for Page2 immediatly after Page1 and add
all the required parameters in that Page2 request and sele
Hi All,
I'm carrying out performance testing for a site which is developed in ASP.net.
All my scripts were working fine. Recently we received a build and my scripts
are not getting executed successfully. Post request is not adding data in
After analysing i found that, 'Continue' but
Hello all
I am asked to test do a performance test for purly Swing based application, I
want to know weather I can do this with JMeter or not??? if yes then how can do
Do i need to record the script & just run it simply or do I need to write
special script for that??
Looking to hear
Thanks for all of you responses!
I have solved my problem by using USER PARAMETER.
When I log in, firstly, HTTP request will send the username and password as
parameters the web server, then the web server will return a random code,
which will be used in a http redirect for authenticating t
JMeter won't spin off new threads per-user during a test.
> plan that loads these 6 pages, within an Interleave controller
On Tue, 2005-06-28 at 07:34 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I want Jmeter not to wait for results.
> It should request several requests without waiting for
On Tue, 2005-06-28 at 08:40 -0700, Pete Sirois wrote:
> Thanks to all for the replies. Maybe I'm missing something, but any
> record/re-use approach just recycles old requests and feeds them to a
> sampler. For POST commands needing new and unique parameters in the
> query string, that won't work
Thanks to all for the replies. Maybe I'm missing something, but any
record/re-use approach just recycles old requests and feeds them to a
sampler. For POST commands needing new and unique parameters in the
query string, that won't work.
One approach would be to enable http samplers to read entir
Hi Josh,
Thanks for the very quick answer.
it's working !!
thank you very much !
Joshua Auerbach a écrit :
User defined variables must be static...just use the Beanshell
function where you are currently using the ${TODAY} variable
Hi all,
i have t
Sorry for delay,
The problem was in the fact that as the number of iterations was increasing,
free memory would decrease and the text would stop.
Rupendra Butola helped me solve the problem.
1. I increased the HEAP size, HEAP=-Xms256m -Xmx1024m .
2. Increased the EVACUATION parameter
User defined variables must be static...just use the Beanshell function
where you are currently using the ${TODAY} variable
Hi all,
i have to work with dates so i thought i could use beanshell so that i
can use java with makes it very easy to handle date form
Hi all,
i have to work with dates so i thought i could use beanshell so that i
can use java with makes it very easy to handle date formats.
i've read some previous posts about dates but i must be missing
something as i can't make it work.
here's what i've done :
i've downloaded the bsh-2.0b4.j
> > don't know how you configured your browser,
> say for example (The IP and port are not changeable)
> Address:
> Port: 3128
> when I access google (manually) I have to provide my network username and
> password in the firewall prompt so that I could access it.
Does this mea
Hi Puneet,
As you are already calling login.do in threadGrp-1, I assume you know how to
send parameter-value pairs along with http requests done thru JMeter.
So now your problem is "how to send different parameters (login id and pwd) for
each request to login.do"
You can use "User Parameters" p
I use 2 remote hosts with Jmeter an start all hosts.
Does the local jmeter (with GUI) also launch threads or only the 2 remote hosts
If I tell to lauch 300 threads on a 30 sec period, is it for each remote host
or globally for all hosts ?
There two easy ways.
JMeter proxy to record test plans
AccessLog sampler
you can find a new step-by-step tutorial on the proxy in CVS
the accesslog sampler is designed to take produ
Hi Srikanth,
The scenario is that I need to load test a secure app which requires
Login Id and password. If I login with same id and password twice then
the previous login expires. Thus to load test this application for 100
users, I need to have 100 login ids and password. As application is on
Hi Puneet ,
I can't understand the scenario you want to simulate thru this test.
How can a user after login can request for a single resource (examples.do in ur
example)100 times. Imagine how the user can do it , if he access ur
application using browser.
I think you would be more interested t
Hi Mike
> don't know how you configured your browser,
say for example (The IP and port are not changeable)
Port: 3128
when I access google (manually) I have to provide my network username and
password in the firewall prompt so that I could access it.
> don't know i
I don't think this will solve the problem. Once only controller comes in
use when you ask a thread to iterate through a plan for more than
once...For ex. you are using a loop controller. However, request inside
Once only controller will also be executed atleast once for each thread.
And in
Hi Allen,
Place your login.do under once only controller. Then there is no need
to use two thread groups. Structure just looks like following one
Http cookies manager
--Thread Group 1
-- Use once only controller
Http request (login.do)
--Http request (example.do
I am facing a problem that I want to simulate a user to send several Http
requests concurrently. I build up a test plan as followed.
Test Plan
--Thread Group 1
Http request (login.do)
Http cookies manager
--Thread Group 2
Http request (example.do)
The number of thread in Thread Gr
Hi Pete,
Its really a painful job to add parameters manually. You can use Jmeter proxy
to record end-to-end flow and then customize the script according to test
Or else you can use Badboy tool for recording and then export recoded script to
a Jmeter script.
Though I have t
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