Thanks a lot Deepak, It worked!!.
Thank you once again for your time.
On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 11:22 PM, Deepak Shetty wrote:
> Hi
> I removed exslt and switched to XSLT 2.0 . I also had to use saxon (my tool
> of choice for any XSLT related stuff -
> http://saxon.sourceforge.n
Hi Carl,
I did all the things u said but no use.can u send me an example how to use
csv file. with JMeter will be very helpful to me.
Carl Shaulis wrote:
> Try using a debug sampler. You will be able to clearly see what data are
> being passed into your login form.
Yes, it probably is a bug in the app - however it's a 3rd party app and I
have to live with it.
Deepak Shetty wrote on 04/12/2010 07:44:01 PM:
> Hi
> Isnt this a bug in the app
> http://[snip]/obrareq.cgi
> can only set cookies scoped to /obrareq.cgi or /
> If this is a single sign on solution a
Isnt this a bug in the app
can only set cookies scoped to /obrareq.cgi or /
If this is a single sign on solution as it looks that it is , then you need
to configure it to scope cookies to '/'
On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 6:29 PM, wrote:
> Sebb,
> Thanks
On 13/04/2010, wrote:
> Sebb,
> Thanks for the quick reply.
> sebb wrote on 04/12/2010 06:16:05 PM:
> > On 13/04/2010, wrote:
> > > I am trying to test a site that uses authentication provided by
> Oracle's
> > > CoreID product (also known as
Thanks for the quick reply.
sebb wrote on 04/12/2010 06:16:05 PM:
> On 13/04/2010, wrote:
> > I am trying to test a site that uses authentication provided by
> > CoreID product (also known as WebGate). A problem is arising when
> > tries to set a
On 13/04/2010, wrote:
> I am trying to test a site that uses authentication provided by Oracle's
> CoreID product (also known as WebGate). A problem is arising when webgate
> tries to set a cookie that is intended for a target 2 hops down a redirect
> chain. JMeter refuses
I am trying to test a site that uses authentication provided by Oracle's
CoreID product (also known as WebGate). A problem is arising when webgate
tries to set a cookie that is intended for a target 2 hops down a redirect
chain. JMeter refuses to set the cookie because it violates path rules. I
On 12/04/2010, sandy320 wrote:
> A custom Java Request to test Server.
> I can get the 2 value times of Client==>Sever and Server==>Client in custom
> Java Request class
> The question is how to set these 2 value to JMeter Summary Report?
> I want to analyze these 2 value, such as min
Use a transaction controller to group requests
On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Hoffman, Matthew S wrote:
> Thank you.. I downloaded Fiddler2 and it did capture all the same data
> that's in the requests. The response does show a XML export of the data.
> It seems that its still
Thank you.. I downloaded Fiddler2 and it did capture all the same data that's
in the requests. The response does show a XML export of the data. It seems
that its still loading way too fast. The Flex page has 5 different requests
that are generated for the overall page. Each request is a comp
these are the requests that will download the file (which is a static file
download and will be fast).
If you perform some operations which call server side components then
additional calls should get recorded , then the problem is there. You can
cross check with something like fiddler , what re
I setup my test like the following..
I did get some response but the .binary wasn't in the bin folder. It recorded
a .swf file and 5 other requests that were all components in the FLEX. The
response times are really f
On 12/04/2010, Deepak Shetty wrote:
> Hi
> bigger files are best processed by loading them to database.
I suspect most spreadsheets would have problems with a dataset this size.
How many records are there?
Alternatives are to use a scripting language which can accumulate data
line by line or a
I removed exslt and switched to XSLT 2.0 . I also had to use saxon (my tool
of choice for any XSLT related stuff -";
Under template pagelist I added a column
Percentile (after maxtime)
Then added t
bigger files are best processed by loading them to database.
What errors did you get in jmeter.log (after heap size increase)? Try
starting Jmeter with a console (use jmeter.cmd instead of jmeterw) and see
what happens . if it seems to get stuck , you can take a thread dump (pause
+ ctrl brea
I ran my jmeter test for last 3 days in cmd line mode. The aggregate result
is writing to a jtl file in "Save Field Names (CSV)" format. I thought xml
would be lot of data so using csv. The result file size is 80 MB.
Now when I try to import it, i am not seeing any results imported in jmeter
Great ! that second method worked as well. My mistake was to put : Regex :
.* and not Regex : (.*).
with this new conf :
Regex : (.*)
template : $1$
it works.
thank you for your help.
12/04/2010 17:56
Veuillez répondre à
Ok great that it works.
FYI for the Post Processor option, you must first ensure that the data is
present in the JavaSamplers response. (In the returning SampleResult
setResponseData) . You can verify that the value is being returned in View
results tree response tab. Once you have returned it
Thank you deepak. I used the second option and it worked for me. I've
first tried the regular expression pre-processor but didn't find how to
get the variable. So i've added this line in my java code :
JMeterContextService.getContext().getVariables().put("UUID", uuid);
Thanks Carl,
can ou send me any sample program to veryify login and password with or
more users using csv file. it will be more helpful to me.
Plz send me the JMX file.
Carl Shaulis wrote:
> Try using a debug sampler. You will be able to clearly see what data are
> being pas
Try using a debug sampler. You will be able to clearly see what data are
being passed into your login form.
In my experience many times JMeter is not finding the path to your CSV file,
so double check the path. Sometimes I just place the CSV in the bin
directory to keep the path simple.
Make su
i careated csv file and if i give wrong username and password also login and
logout i am able to see on resulte tree..
I created a JMeter script. its a simple login and logout script. i want to
run it for multiple users.
i caretae dthe follwing steps
>thread group(1,1,1)
--->htt reuest default(servername and port number i gave)
->user parameters(variables(EMAIL.PWD))
-->csv fle cnfig(file name,v
Please refer the following links
1) This article tells you how to add multiple users into your script.
2) This article tells you how you can fetch different data set for
different users.
A custom Java Request to test Server.
I can get the 2 value times of Client==>Sever and Server==>Client in custom
Java Request class
The question is how to set these 2 value to JMeter Summary Report?
I want to analyze these 2 value, such as min,max,avg...
View this message in cont
Hi Guys,
I recorded a script for login and log out. its working successfully if i
want to run the same script with different mail Ids. in my web site i use
only 2 fields username and password. can any one pls tell how to test for
multiple users. some boday said need to use csv file i dont know ho
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