--- Mike Stover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : > On 10 Oct 2002 at
9:40, Raphaël Piéroni wrote:
> > here is the jmx
> > but it is no longer good for me because
> > i now stock a variable in the http session so i do not need the
> > regexfunction.
> &g
do you
jmeter 1.7.3 / jdk 1.4.1 on windoz
> run?
> regards
> Michal Kostrzewa
thanks for the help
| Raphaël Piéroni |
| 33+ 223 351 354
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| Raphaël Piéroni |
| Raphaël Piéroni |
| 33+ 223 351 354 |
| http://www.dexem.com |
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Do You Yahoo!? -
some good clear
> examples.
> amir
> and during the 35th request i have to pass the selected value to the
> server as a parameter.
> Raphaël Piéroni
> --- Amir Nashat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : >
request i have to pass the selected value to the
server as a parameter.
Raphaël Piéroni
--- Amir Nashat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : > Raphael,
> I am not sure I understand your second question. You should know
> ahead of time what parameters you are sending to your page. P
some pages next (during
the 15 call) ?
in advance thank you for the answers.
Raphaël Piéroni
ps : i downloaded the 1.7.3 release yesterday.
| Raphaël Piéroni |
| 33+ 223 351 354 |
| http
7 matches
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