RE: Assertions and regexFunction do not work with multiple redirects

2003-07-29 Thread Khan, Hatim
Thanks, This will do for now. I wish we have this feature supported in the future. Regards, H -Original Message- From: luke cassady-dorion [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 4:04 PM To: 'JMeter Users List' Subject: RE: Assertions and regexFunction do not

RE: Assertions and regexFunction do not work with multiple redirects

2003-07-29 Thread luke cassady-dorion
i ran into a similar problem with the regex function ... in my situation i knew that there was going to be exactly on redirect, so i manually followed the redirects and put the regex after the last http sampler. it's a bit of a hack, but seems to work ... wouldn't really work if you had an unknown

RE: Assertions and regexFunction do not work with multiple redirects

2003-07-29 Thread Khan, Hatim
Sorry, forgot to mention that I am using 1.9RC3. -Original Message- From: Khan, Hatim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 3:00 PM To: 'JMeter User List' Subject: Assertions and regexFunction do not work with multiple redirects Good day! I have seen this question in th