[JOKES] Molba :o)

2003-08-28 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
http://www.SkalaSoft.com/SkalaOff.nsf/public/36D1DF4EBC1085B5C2256D900037ED4F?OpenDocument :o))) Boris

[JOKES] Anketna blanka na SysAdmin-a

2003-08-28 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
( ) 1. : 1. : 3. / ? / 4. , : 5. : 6. ? : 7. 5 6. / , ... 8. : 9. ? 10. ? ... 10. ? ? / 11. ? / 12. ? / / / 13. ? 100 150 ... 14. ? / 15. , ? /

RE: [JOKES] Anketna blanka na SysAdmin-a

2003-08-28 Прати разговор Stanislava Atanasova
Title: Message Winagi mi e hareswalo samochuwstwieto na administratorite:-). Ama pone da znaesh bylgarski toq deto go e pisal towa neshto:-)

[JOKES] O Boje ... :-) ... kratko to4no i jasno

2003-08-27 Прати разговор Tihomir Dolapchiev
., . 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. . ,, . , : " ! - . - , !"

[JOKES] eh tia britanci...

2003-08-27 Прати разговор Minko Blyantov
315 . . , , , .- , . , . , 1000 , , , . 11% .

[JOKES] We like Tha Moon! ;-)

2003-08-27 Прати разговор Minko Blyantov

[JOKES] Astronomia :o))

2003-08-25 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
http://www.segabg.com/23082003/p0010003.asp :o)))

[JOKES] astronomia...

2003-08-25 Прати разговор Semerdzhiev, Krasimir
Title: Message http://www.segabg.com/23082003/p0010003.asp Best wishes, Krassi

[JOKES] Soccer field or ... :o)

2003-08-25 Прати разговор Christo Braykoff
: *SPAM* [JOKES] Soccer field or ... :o) This mail is probably spam. The original message has been attached along with this report, so you can recognize or block similar unwanted mail in future. See http://spamassassin.org/tag/ for more details. Content preview

[JOKES] for woman

2003-08-25 Прати разговор mim

[JOKES] speshen sluchaj

2003-08-25 Прати разговор Stanislava Atanasova
Title: Message , - , , .: ,;, , , , ,

[JOKES] Naj-nakraia istinata za choweshkoto DNK

2003-08-22 Прати разговор Semerdzhiev, Krasimir
mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http://harbinger.sirma.bg/lists/jokes.html and in the header of this email =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

[JOKES] Hallmark cards

2003-08-21 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
card) Have such an ugly baby? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http://harbinger.sirma.bg/lists/jokes.html

[JOKES] google!

2003-08-21 Прати разговор ~
jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http://harbinger.sirma.bg/lists/jokes.html and in the header of this email =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

[JOKES] Fw: (Fwd) Microsoft Yuc sigs

2003-08-21 Прати разговор ~
jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http://harbinger.sirma.bg/lists/jokes.html and in the header of this email =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

[JOKES] za posledno veche s toia Google :o)))

2003-08-21 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
Sled cial den igri s kalkulatora na google e vreme da nashete i tova: 10 in bin pyrvia link :o)) :o)) Boris

[JOKES] Za horata s tehnicheski sposobnosti :)

2003-08-20 Прати разговор alenso
Niakoy beshe kazal, che niama po opasno neshto ot programist s otverka :)http://www.michna.com/kb/HowToDestroyYourComputer.htm ___ www.femalelife.bg ___ ! ___

[JOKES] apocalypse now!

2003-08-19 Прати разговор ~
offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http://harbinger.sirma.bg/lists/jokes.html and in the header of this email =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Re: [JOKES] apocalypse now!

2003-08-19 Прати разговор ~
. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http://harbinger.sirma.bg/lists/jokes.html and in the header of this email =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

[JOKES] Raid - iztrebwa gi do krak

2003-08-18 Прати разговор Stefan Kiryakov
attachment: spin[1].jpg


2003-08-18 Прати разговор Stefan Kiryakov
.. ., , . .. . . . , . . PDF . . , . - ? - - ? - , -, - , . , , . . ,. " ?". . . . . - ,,- . - . . - ,? ! - ?

[JOKES] Advertisment!

2003-08-18 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
http://www.9wires.com/girl/ :o))) Boris

[JOKES] ...

2003-08-16 Прати разговор Nikolay Nikolov
offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http://harbinger.sirma.bg/lists/jokes.html and in the header of this email =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

[JOKES] ...

2003-08-16 Прати разговор Nikolay Nikolov
Greece 2004 :http://www.flashtoons.org/movies/movie74.swf

[JOKES] :o)))

2003-08-14 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
http://www.skalasoft.com/SkalaOff.nsf/e9e69416c15d35c9c225693100600c27/e36e426435709981c2256a79003a8ee9?OpenDocument :o)) Izviniavam se na tezi ot vas koito vehce sa go videli :o))) Boris

[JOKES] Test - Programming Language Inventor or Serial Killer?

2003-08-14 Прати разговор Ivan Toshkov
http://www.malevole.com/mv/misc/killerquiz/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http://harbinger.sirma.bg


2003-08-14 Прати разговор Stefan Kiryakov
?: .

[JOKES] !!!! tova se kazva polezen software :o)))))

2003-08-14 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
http://www.comexgroup.com/news/index.php?category=allid=779 :o))) Boris

[JOKES] Mecho Puh!

2003-08-14 Прати разговор mim
W$u F**+ .oW$$$eu ..ueeeWeeo.. e$ .eW$$$b- d$$W

[JOKES] Why women can't work in IT?

2003-08-14 Прати разговор Iliana Misheva
: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.sirmasolutions.com *** =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List

[JOKES] Mastercard

2003-08-14 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov

Re: [JOKES] ?

2003-08-12 Прати разговор Ivan Toshkov
Stefan Kiryakov wrote: ? : . :( ... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http

[JOKES] Vse shte se nameri niakoi da iz.... takava glupost :o))))

2003-08-11 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
http://www.dnevnik.bg/show/Default.asp?storyid=91280 :o))) Boris =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available

[JOKES] predpochitaniq

2003-08-10 Прати разговор Stefan Kiryakov
Hi,Snarfed ot druga newsgroup: When asked "which team do you support?" in a Glasgow pub, the best answer to give is "I like rugby."Maj i za Bulgaria se otnasja syshtoto :P

[JOKES] Dnes iavno im e den da rysiat prostotii

2003-08-08 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
Title: Message 168 8 2003 ., . Bluetooth 10 , .blue-tooth . , , 10 . 200 . http://www.cnsys.bg/files.html?prj=37184

[JOKES] trabi...

2003-08-06 Прати разговор Minko Blyantov
Start SpamAssassin results 5.90 points, 5.5 required; * 4.4 -- Message has X-List-Unsubscribe header * 1.1 -- BODY: Message is 40% to 50% HTML * 0.1 -- BODY: HTML included in message * 0.3 -- RAW: Quoted-printable line longer than 76 characters End of SpamAssassin results The

[JOKES] Teatyr :o)

2003-08-06 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
http://www.segabg.com/06082003/p0080009.asp :o)) Boris

[JOKES] vodku dai!

2003-08-06 Прати разговор Minko Blyantov
Start SpamAssassin results 5.90 points, 5.5 required; * 4.4 -- Message has X-List-Unsubscribe header * 1.1 -- BODY: Message is 40% to 50% HTML * 0.1 -- BODY: HTML included in message * 0.3 -- RAW: Quoted-printable line longer than 76 characters End of SpamAssassin results The

[JOKES] :o))

2003-08-05 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
Title: Emailing: wow_mlya.jpg :o))) Boris attachment: wow_mlya.jpg

[JOKES] iazyk za BMW-to :)

2003-08-05 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
http://news.bg/article.php?cid=7pid=0aid=128165 :o))) Boris

[JOKES] Da se nadiavame, che maimunite sa po-dobri ot indiicite...

2003-07-31 Прати разговор Ivan Toshkov
http://www.capital.bg/show/index.php?broi=2003-29page=l33-29-2rubr=light http://www.capital.bg/show/index.php?broi=2003-29page=l33-29-2rubr=light =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes

Re: [JOKES] Da se nadiavame, che maimunite sa po-dobri ot indiicite...

2003-07-31 Прати разговор ~
http://www.newtechusa.com/PPI/main.asp =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http://harbinger.sirma.bg/lists


2003-07-29 Прати разговор Iliana Misheva
*** =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http://harbinger.sirma.bg/lists/jokes.html

[JOKES] the Big Brother is not watching

2003-07-29 Прати разговор ~
memories. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http://harbinger.sirma.bg/lists/jokes.html and in the header


2003-07-28 Прати разговор Ivan Toshkov
http://www.nnm.ru/pict/q3_nature.jpg =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http://harbinger.sirma.bg/lists

[JOKES] only in...

2003-07-25 Прати разговор Minko Blyantov

[JOKES] FW: Zritelna izmama - vurtiashti se krugcheta :-)

2003-07-25 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
http://www.psy.ritsumei.ac.jp/~akitaoka/t2_03.jpg :o)) Boris =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http

[JOKES] Staa Woz, nigga!!

2003-07-24 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
http://www.duk0r.net/funny/flash/starwarz.swf :o))) Boris

[JOKES] Jitejski pouki :o)

2003-07-23 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http://harbinger.sirma.bg/lists/jokes.html and in the header of this email =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

[JOKES] , , ,

2003-07-22 Прати разговор ~
apart by their own memories. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http://harbinger.sirma.bg/lists/jokes.html

[JOKES] pin code

2003-07-22 Прати разговор Vesselin Kirov
Tova e ot supporta na Nexcom - iako e :) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http://harbinger.sirma.bg/lists

[JOKES] to the matrix and back

2003-07-21 Прати разговор petia nikolova
http://the-matrix.hit.bg/ ...create your own rainbows... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available

[JOKES] Profesii...

2003-07-18 Прати разговор Angel Kirilov
- , . -, . -, . - , ,- ... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions

[JOKES] Get to Work!

2003-07-18 Прати разговор Ivan Toshkov
http://stores.yahoo.com/demotivators/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http://harbinger.sirma.bg/lists

[JOKES] Mdaaa...

2003-07-17 Прати разговор Semerdzhiev, Krasimir
Title: Message http://www.nbu.bg/sce/programa_agrobiznes.htm osobenno obeshtawasht izglejda kurs NTA 010 :-) Best wishes, Krassi

[JOKES] Jelezeeeeen!!!!!!!!! :o)))))))))

2003-07-17 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
http://abis.hit.bg/Vestnik.mpg :o))) Boris

[JOKES] Bylgarski filmi na DivX - Yes, It's Legal.

2003-07-17 Прати разговор Stefan Kiryakov
http://www.bgbook.dir.bg/showsubcat.php3?ID=59 :-)

[JOKES] Vseki da si vzeme po edna vyzglavnitsa na rabota

2003-07-16 Прати разговор Stefan Karaivanov
Nap 'as good as a full night's sleep' http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/3012322.stm =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions

[JOKES] Sydiata, sydiata.... nash chowek :-)

2003-07-16 Прати разговор Stefan Kiryakov

[JOKES] dwe rusi macki sys sini ochi i edin cheren....

2003-07-16 Прати разговор Stefan Kiryakov
, , . : + = (QTY 3 ) :-)1 , , . , ! :- : http://clubs.dir.bg/showthreaded.php?Cat=12Board=petsNumber=1939832404page=0view=collapsedsb=5 attachment: puhkavelka8.jpgattachment: palechka2.jpgattachment: blackie5.jpg

[JOKES] Morons @ Heathrow

2003-07-15 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
http://www.schizogenesis.com/content/moronsatheathrow/ vsiakakvi izrodi ima :o :o)))

[JOKES] Which sex is your brain ? :o)))

2003-07-15 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/mind/interactives/personality/brain_sex/brainquiz.shtml :o)) Boris

Re: [JOKES] za brezichkata

2003-07-14 Прати разговор Rosen Marinov
Shte triabva da cherpish Google-a, che toi vednaga pozna :-) - Original Message - From: Atanas Kiryakov [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 7:22 PM Subject: [JOKES] za brezichkata Kojto poznae ot kogo e stiha po-dolu, ima edna bira ot men

[JOKES] Fw: Bebcho

2003-07-14 Прати разговор mim
- Original Message - From: Tihomir Tarnavski [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Stefan Dimov [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2003 8:18 AM Subject: Bebcho Please forward to jokes! :) - egasi anglijskiq izvadih... -- Tiho

[JOKES] neka da sym grozen :-)

2003-07-14 Прати разговор Rosen Marinov

[JOKES] Guiness

2003-07-11 Прати разговор Stefan Dimov
THE FLY AND THE IRISHMANA Englishman, a Scotsman, and an Irishman walk into a pub. They proceed to each buy a pint of Guinness. Just as they were about to enjoy their creamy beverage three flies landed in each of their pints and were stuck in the thick head.The Englishman pushed his beer


2003-07-11 Прати разговор Stanislav Jordanov
JUST A QUESTION OF STANDARDS Does the statement, "We've always done it that way" ring any bells...? The US standard railroad gauge (distance between the rails) is 4 feet, 8.5 inches. That is an exceedingly odd number. Why was that gauge used? Because that is the way they built them in


2003-07-11 Прати разговор Stefan Dimov
THE ALLIGATOR AND THE BLONDEA guy walked into a bar with a pet alligator by his side. He put the alligator up on the bar and turned to the astonished patrons. "I'll make you a deal. I'll open this alligator's mouth and place my genitals inside. Then the gator will close his mouth for one

[JOKES] Fw: Chat to Google!

2003-07-11 Прати разговор ~
http://www.yeahbutisitart.com/chattogoogle/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http

[JOKES] za brezichkata

2003-07-11 Прати разговор Atanas Kiryakov
gdeto trjabvalo e da pospra the joy as a goal =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http://harbinger.sirma.bg

[JOKES] olimpic games

2003-07-10 Прати разговор mim


2003-07-10 Прати разговор Hursev


2003-07-10 Прати разговор Hursev
10 2003 , 15:08; : . - 10 6 - , . , , - . , . , . , ( ) , . - . 15- 30 .

[JOKES] some laughing :))

2003-07-10 Прати разговор petia nikolova
http://www.feg-zeven.de/Katze/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http://harbinger.sirma.bg/lists

[JOKES] monthly reminder

2003-07-10 Прати разговор root
do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http://harbinger.sirma.bg/lists/jokes.html and in the header of this email =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

[JOKES] Wyw wrazka s priblijawashtite olimpiiski igri....

2003-07-09 Прати разговор Semerdzhiev, Krasimir
Title: Message http://www.flashtoons.org/vedimovie.php?id=74 Best wishes, Krassi

[JOKES] malkiqt iwancho

2003-07-08 Прати разговор mim

[JOKES] pak malkiqt iwancho

2003-07-08 Прати разговор mim
toq pyt istinskiq link http://www.bulgaria.com/welkya/humour/ivancho/frame.html

[JOKES] Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 15:06:17 +0300

2003-07-08 Прати разговор Rosen Marinov

[JOKES] Europe and Italy :-), a kyde li e BG :-)

2003-07-08 Прати разговор Tihomir Dolapchiev Gematronik
http://beta.xko.cz/danny/EUROPE-ITALY.swf | Tihomir Dolapchiev - Software Engineer| GEMATRONIK Gmbh - Weather Radar Systems| 41429 Neuss Germany| tel: +49 2137 782 218| fax: +49 2137 782 11| mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]| mailto: [EMAIL

[JOKES] game

2003-07-07 Прати разговор ~
http://momchill.sirma.bg/fun/game/index.html =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http

[JOKES] code

2003-07-07 Прати разговор Hursev
Zapelejete komentara. void DestroyList(CObList rList) { for (POSITION Pos = rList.GetHeadPosition() ; Pos != NULL ; ) { CObject *pObj = (CObject *) rList.GetNext(Pos); // Delete object // // Note: This *will* call the destructor of the derived // class. This was verified

[JOKES] Mislete trezvo !!!! :o))))

2003-07-07 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
Da mu milsli tozi, na koito mu predstoi . :o) Boris attachment: zapiswane_za_gravdanski_brak.jpg

[JOKES] brakuwane

2003-07-07 Прати разговор petia nikolova
http://free.techno-link.com/joro/bghits/zapiswane_za_gravdanski_brak.JPG =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available

[JOKES] http://www.madry.ru/stories/cats.html

2003-07-05 Прати разговор borislav popov
pussies [?] http://www.madry.ru/stories/cats.html =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http

[JOKES] Kuchence...

2003-07-04 Прати разговор Semerdzhiev, Krasimir
Title: Message Towa ne e smeshno, no wse taki men pone me izkefi iniciatiwata, a snimkite wlizat w grafata "CUTE", taka che reshih da go post-na wse pak. http://imoti.net/magic/poppy.htm Best wishes, Krassi

[JOKES] Hacked :o)

2003-07-04 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
http://www.america.net/ Hacked :o))) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http://harbinger.sirma.bg/lists

[JOKES] Bridging the gap between the sexes

2003-07-04 Прати разговор ~
PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http://harbinger.sirma.bg/lists/jokes.html and in the header of this email =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

[JOKES] az ne znaeh che i takiwa uchebnici se pishat weche... :)

2003-07-03 Прати разговор Semerdzhiev, Krasimir
Title: Message http://bgit.net/?id=59679 Best wishes, Krassi

[JOKES] http://www.powergenitalia.com/

2003-07-03 Прати разговор Stefan Kiryakov
A wie kakwo si pomislihte?:)

[JOKES] Matematika :o)))

2003-07-03 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
http://unix.rulez.org/~calver/pictures/example.jpg :o)) Boris

[JOKES] Dneska sme na obrazowatelna walna...

2003-07-03 Прати разговор Semerdzhiev, Krasimir
Title: Message http://unix.rulez.org/~calver/pictures/example.jpg Best wishes, Krassi

[JOKES] weapons ...

2003-07-03 Прати разговор Stefan Dimov
try this... go to google, type in "weapons of mass destruction" including the quotes and hit the "I'm feeling lucky" button... read the error maessage carefully...

[JOKES] Windows XP-8

2003-06-30 Прати разговор ~
http://portal.bg/news.php?cat=mainread=20032905003 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List info and instructions are available at http

[JOKES] Amerikanska realnost :o))))

2003-06-30 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
Ne se komentira :o) :o)) Boris attachment: WALKING THE DOG.jpg

[JOKES] Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 10:43:52 +0300

2003-06-27 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
http://www.derivo.ch/rabailkal-test/hypnose/hypnose.htm :o) Boris

Re: [JOKES] Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 10:43:52 +0300

2003-06-27 Прати разговор Stanislav Jordanov
, , , . : "-" ., . ! - Original Message - From: Boris Chervenkov To: 'Jokes' Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 10:43 AM Subject: [JOKES] Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 10:43:52 +0300

[JOKES] Rock

2003-06-27 Прати разговор Stefan Karaivanov
Volume on :) Not for people who suffer from epilepsy or sudden seizures http://www.rathergood.com/lightsabre/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PLEASE do not post offensive jokes * message size limit is 150 KB * List

RE: [JOKES] Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 10:43:52 +0300

2003-06-27 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
Takiva neshta na sa niakakva novost v Internet i predi imenno v Jokes sym vijdal posting-i na podobni neshta. Da ne govorim che e predlno iasno kakvo shte stane oshte sled pyrvite 5sekundi :o))) Vse pak se izviniavam i obeshtavam che poveche niama da prashtam neshta ot tozi sort

Re: [JOKES] Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 10:43:52 +0300

2003-06-27 Прати разговор Stanislav Jordanov
, - . . joke -Rock, : Volume on :)Not for people who suffer from epilepsy or sudden seizures ''. - Original Message - From: Boris Chervenkov To: 'Stanislav Jordanov' ; 'Jokes' Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 11:25 AM Subject

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