[jQuery] jCarousel - A bug appears after resizing browser's window

2008-12-15 Thread Shoaib
I am using jCarousel 0.2.3 in my project for a continuous circular logo scroller. Implementation is at the bottom. jCarosouel is working smoothly. But the problem occures when browsers's window is resized. Under this problem, number of visible items are reduced from 6 to 3 and appear in such a f

[jQuery] Traversing the style of childs

2008-09-10 Thread Shoaib
//It is fine and returns array of divs var size = 0; var i = 0; for(i=0;i .content").css("width") returns the width of first child div only. Is there is any way to traverse all the children divs for their widths? Shoaib Nawaz