Rephrasing the question, which function executes last in jQuery
plugins? Is that specified?
If not, how can I find out which function is called last? So that I
could call from their a simple alternate(tableID) method.
On Jan 4, 2:50 am, adeveloper wrote:
> I have replaced alternate with an al
I have replaced alternate with an alert statement. The alert statement
works on document load. However, it is not being called after sorting
(forgot to mention, the table is being sorted after the user clicks on
one of the headers). Why is it so?
$(document).ready(function() {
> I have a table which needs to be sorted. Tablesorter plugin does not
> fully work. I am trying to call a simple alternate function from
> jQuery $(document).ready method. How to make it work?
> $(document).ready(function() {
> $("#tableID").tablesorter({
> });
> alter
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