[jQuery] jCarousel Question

2009-05-26 Thread West
Hello. I have a question regarding jCarousel usage. I am able to configure jCarousel to display items on more than one horizontal line? For example: back 1 2 forward -- 3 4 - 4 items per section, 2 on each line. Thank you!

[jQuery] jcarousel question

2009-02-10 Thread Michal
Hello, I am using jcarousel and i love it! BUT there is just one thing i use the autoscroll and static controls. could we add a class to the active control to change the css... so when the carousel scrolls to the second image the number 2 static control gets a class like active or something...

[jQuery] [jCarousel] Question about weird autoscrolling

2008-11-27 Thread jjsanders
Hello everyone, I am using jcaousel autoscoll autoscrolling based on this example: http://sorgalla.com/projects/jcarousel/examples/static_auto.html. In stead of pictures I am using just plain text: Artikel 1 Lees alles over onze nieuwe conte

[jQuery] jCarousel question

2008-05-30 Thread Amos
Jan: I am using jCarousel within a jqModal box (http://dev.iceburg.net/ jquery/jqModal/). The problem is that sometimes the jCarousel style sheet does not seem to operate. In short, sometimes the elements in the carousel to do display horizontally but display as a list. Occasionally, the carousel

[jQuery] jCarousel: question and feature reqs

2008-05-03 Thread bobh
hello, allow me to start with my feature requests: - I'd like to see multiple ajax carousels on one page. the problem I'm facing now is calling multiple txt/php files. any tips maybe? - is it possible to take on a more graceful content loading? now things are loaded dynamically in between ul tag

[jQuery] jCarousel question

2007-08-03 Thread Fasita
Hi, quick question about jCarousel: I have 3 items in the carousel, showing only one at a time. What I'm trying to accomplish is have the middle item showing on start, so you can scroll one item left or right. When I set the 'start: 2' option, it does start on the middle item, but when scrolling