D29558: Add KIO::OpenUrlJob::setShowOpenWithDialog as replacement for KRun::displayOpenWithDialog

2020-05-17 Thread David Faure
dfaure added a comment. Yeah, the full story is that I pushed to git.kde.org, reverted because I changed my mind, then the sysadmins told me I wasn't supposed to push to git.kde.org at all (it was blocked for everyone, but I have sysadmin privileges for historical and bus-factor reasons). We

D29558: Add KIO::OpenUrlJob::setShowOpenWithDialog as replacement for KRun::displayOpenWithDialog

2020-05-17 Thread Ahmad Samir
ahmadsamir added a comment. In D29558#672395 , @dfaure wrote: > Not committed after all. It was committed, as I had it when I did git pull, but you lucked out, it seemed to have been eaten by the migration to gitlab somehow; I had to 'git

D29558: Add KIO::OpenUrlJob::setShowOpenWithDialog as replacement for KRun::displayOpenWithDialog

2020-05-17 Thread David Faure
dfaure reopened this revision. dfaure added a comment. This revision is now accepted and ready to land. Not committed after all. REPOSITORY R241 KIO BRANCH 2020_05_displayOpenWithDialog REVISION DETAIL https://phabricator.kde.org/D29558 To: dfaure, ahmadsamir, broulik, svuorela Cc: ko

D29558: Add KIO::OpenUrlJob::setShowOpenWithDialog as replacement for KRun::displayOpenWithDialog

2020-05-16 Thread David Faure
dfaure added a comment. OK I'm having second thoughts about this. Because of Windows, and because of the case of multiple URLs. There's "displaying an open with dialog because we couldn't find any app, after a left-click on a file" and there's "displaying an open with dialog because th

D29558: Add KIO::OpenUrlJob::setShowOpenWithDialog as replacement for KRun::displayOpenWithDialog

2020-05-16 Thread David Faure
dfaure closed this revision. REPOSITORY R241 KIO REVISION DETAIL https://phabricator.kde.org/D29558 To: dfaure, ahmadsamir, broulik, svuorela Cc: kossebau, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, cblack, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

D29558: Add KIO::OpenUrlJob::setShowOpenWithDialog as replacement for KRun::displayOpenWithDialog

2020-05-16 Thread David Faure
dfaure updated this revision to Diff 82992. dfaure marked 2 inline comments as done. dfaure added a comment. API docs: remove trailing dot, mention 2 default values REPOSITORY R241 KIO CHANGES SINCE LAST UPDATE https://phabricator.kde.org/D29558?vs=82358&id=82992 BRANCH 2020_05_display

D29558: Add KIO::OpenUrlJob::setShowOpenWithDialog as replacement for KRun::displayOpenWithDialog

2020-05-15 Thread Ahmad Samir
ahmadsamir added inline comments. INLINE COMMENTS > kossebau wrote in openurljob.h:120 > You meant, according to > https://community.kde.org/Frameworks/Frameworks_Documentation_Policy#Document_Public_and_Protected_Members > :) I got the info from a commit in kwidgetsaddons where you "fixed" a

D29558: Add KIO::OpenUrlJob::setShowOpenWithDialog as replacement for KRun::displayOpenWithDialog

2020-05-15 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau added inline comments. INLINE COMMENTS > openurljob.h:119 > + * a different implementation on Windows. > + * > + * @param b whether to only show the "open with" dialog. Please mention explicit what the default is (false), to remove any ambiguity. Some other setters might w

D29558: Add KIO::OpenUrlJob::setShowOpenWithDialog as replacement for KRun::displayOpenWithDialog

2020-05-15 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau added inline comments. INLINE COMMENTS > ahmadsamir wrote in openurljob.h:120 > It seems that we shouldn't end @param with a ".", according to @kossebau > anyway... You meant, according to https://community.kde.org/Frameworks/Frameworks_Documentation_Policy#Document_Public_and_Protect

D29558: Add KIO::OpenUrlJob::setShowOpenWithDialog as replacement for KRun::displayOpenWithDialog

2020-05-15 Thread Ahmad Samir
ahmadsamir accepted this revision. ahmadsamir added a subscriber: kossebau. ahmadsamir added inline comments. This revision is now accepted and ready to land. INLINE COMMENTS > openurljob.h:120 > + * > + * @param b whether to only show the "open with" dialog. > + */ It seems that we

D29558: Add KIO::OpenUrlJob::setShowOpenWithDialog as replacement for KRun::displayOpenWithDialog

2020-05-10 Thread David Faure
dfaure added a reviewer: svuorela. REPOSITORY R241 KIO REVISION DETAIL https://phabricator.kde.org/D29558 To: dfaure, ahmadsamir, broulik, svuorela Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, cblack, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

D29558: Add KIO::OpenUrlJob::setShowOpenWithDialog as replacement for KRun::displayOpenWithDialog

2020-05-09 Thread David Faure
dfaure created this revision. dfaure added reviewers: ahmadsamir, broulik. Herald added a project: Frameworks. Herald added a subscriber: kde-frameworks-devel. dfaure requested review of this revision. REVISION SUMMARY This will not look up the preferred app or run scripts/executables, it always