If you specify a memory limit but no request, Kubernetes automatically sets
memory request as the same value.
If you specify a memory request but no limit, Kubernetes does not set any
memory limit, so your container should never be killed due to exceeding its
memory limit.
You said you are setting
blockquote, div.yahoo_quoted { margin-left: 0 !important; border-left:1px
#715FFA solid !important; padding-left:1ex !important; background-color:white
!important; } You could also have something in your program that allocates
memory off java's heap. Here is a simplified program you can use to
Wild guess - something is looking at underlying OS or hardware info (e.g.
number of processors) and scalng memory or threads based on that.
On Mar 28, 2017 9:39 AM, "bg" wrote:
> I have an image that is basic Java application. I'm trying to minimize the
> amount of memory I submit the Job with i
I have an image that is basic Java application. I'm trying to minimize the
amount of memory I submit the Job with in Kubernetes.
Using Java's -Xmx flag I limit the program to using 25MB of memory (-Xmx25m)
and using docker I run the container with 30M of memory: docker run -m 30m
That works f