Hello Sophie, *,
sorry for being such a pest, but ... ;)

On Freitag, 11. Oktober 2013 09:17 Sophie wrote:
> I've written two guides to help new comers with their
> localization:
> - one about UI and Help files contents (variables, xml) and some
> grep/sed commands
> If you see something missing or not clear enough, don't hesitate
> to tell me.

After proofreading I still have a couple of questions and or 
annotations, so be prepared ... ;) tl;dr ... ;)

1. You have really often used "must not". I have changed some of 
them to "have not to", "need not" or tried to circumvent them 
otherwise ... ;) But there are still a lot of them in the text, so 
it would be nice, if someone has another look at it ... ;)
I am not sure (my last English lesson is too far in the past, 
sorry), but was it not mostly used in official texts, legal 
instruments and the like?

2. Below "3.3 <bookmark_value></bookmark_value>" you wrote
Sometimes it happens that the word in the sources has a different 
meaning in English but not in your language, like header and title. 
If you find such entry like 
<bookmark_value>Header;Title</bookmark_value>, you can just remove 
it from your translation, as it will have no effect.
(first point below the grey box). Are you sure, that you really can 
remove it? I seem to remember, that either Pootle will spit out an 
error message or there will be a problem during compiling LO (but I 
may be wrong here ... ;) ).

3. There is also the following:
There should not be two similar entries in the help directory 
because it will break the index display in the help UI.
. Should it not be
There should not be the same entry more than one time in the help 
directory because it will break the index display in the help UI.
There should not more than one entry with the same name in the help 
directory because it will break the index display in the help UI.
(or something like that ... ;) ) instead?

4. Below "4.1 Translate Toolkit" you wrote the program names 
capitalized. Was it intended? If so, you need to change it back, as 
I have used their spelling, like they appear in the command line ... 

5. Same paragraph: Just out of interest: Why do you link to 
Translate Toolkit's online documentation? Would it not be more 
helpful to mention "man poterminoloy" or "info poterminology" and 
the like?

6. Thank you for "4.2 Using grep to find strings" :) Some really 
interesting information in it, nice :) But why do you write every 
option separatly? Like
grep -r -i 'word' directory
? You could also use
grep -ri 'word' directory
without any problem (or better say: /I/ can use it with grep 2.14 
under Debian Testing AMD64) ... ;) The same applies to
grep -r -i -n 'word' directory
, which you can shorten to
grep -rin 'word' directory
... ;)

7. Same place:
If you have an escaping character in your search, like an apostrophe 
(e.g. child's book in English or l'objet in French), the simplest 
way to overcome that is to enclose the word to search with double 
quotes instead of single ones, like in this example:
What do you mean with "escaping character" here? Did you not mean 
"characters to escape"?

8. The last sentence from "4.3 Using sed to modify your files":
you will find more information on the gnu site about the delimiters, 
the regular expressions and syntax.
. Why do you link to the online version of the manpage from sed, 
when it is installed on your system ;? And you could use "info sed" 
as well to get additional information ... ;)

9. Some of the text of the grey boxes with the examples are too 
long, when I view them with FF 27.0a1 (2013-10-12) under Debian 
Testing AMD64 and using a display resolution of 1024x768 (like the 
box with
#1 Verify Impress is running \n
#2 For Bluetooth user, enable "Preferences"-"LibreOffice 
Impress"-"General"-"Enable remote control"\n
#3 For WiFi user, tick 
"Preferences"-"LibreOffice"-"Advanced"-"Enable Experimental 
Features" \n
, where the last part of the second line (l"\n") is outside of the 
box ... :( Is there a possibility to get the texts inside the grey 
box (either resizing the box or splitting the lines or ...)?

That was all, I have found so far ... ;) Have a nice evening

The human brain is a wonderful thing. It starts working the moment
you are born, and never stops until you stand up to speak in public.
                -- Sir George Jessel

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