[LAAMN] Obama Chimes In

2012-08-31 Thread scotpeden
Obama packaging shit again, being delivered as Shinola. It's election Season and their lips are moving. Ask yourself, in 2008 he spent more money on that election then all Presidential Elections combined back through JFK. Why would he want to legislate against his Golden Calf and the Goose laying

Re: [LAAMN] Meet Cheri Honkala, Poor People's Advocate and Green Party Nominee for VP

2012-09-03 Thread scotpeden
NOW THAT IS AN ARTICLE! Some people are going to have 2 problems with it though. A) They are talking about issues, not what religion a new candidate might enforce if they were pResident, or 'anything but', what the American Public want addressed AND FIXED. B) they are not of the comfortable,

[LAAMN] 'Lesser Evil' Voters: Stop Enabling Your Abusers (part 1) | Mickey Z.

2012-09-04 Thread scotpeden
Mickey Z. -- World News Trust You don't stick a knife in a man's back nine inches and then pull it out six inches and say you're making progress. --Malcolm X As I type this, some of my Occupy Wall Street (OWS) comrades have made their way from Tampa (site of the Republican National Convention) to

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 4 September, 2012

2012-09-04 Thread scotpeden
*THE LATEST RUSE TO GET ASSANGE? * ** *Britain has assured Ecuador that Julian Assange will not be extradited to the USA by either the UK or Sweden without a guarantee the USA won't kill him http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2012/sep/03/ecuador-julian-assange-extradited-death-penalty. The

[LAAMN] Why vote for a war criminal?

2012-09-04 Thread scotpeden
Ralph Nader asks a very important question. Why vote for a war criminal? Why vote for someone who wants to be an even bigger war criminal? Why vote for someone who has betrayed all his promise and hope? Obama has violated federal statues, international treaties and the constitution –sending

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 5 September, 2012

2012-09-05 Thread scotpeden
*LABOR PROTESTING OUTSIDE THE TENT * ** *The Southern Workers Assembly, a meeting of hundreds of workers and officials, representing dozens of local unions from seven southern US states, is meeting in Charlotte as a protest against the choice of North Carolina, the least unionized state in the

[LAAMN] Containing a Rebellion: Leaked Anaheim PD Report Labels Working-Class Mexican Neighborhoods as Hot Zones

2012-09-05 Thread scotpeden
Containing a Rebellion: Leaked Anaheim PD Report Labels Working-Class Mexican Neighborhoods as Hot Zones http://www.orangejuiceblog.com/2012/08/containing-a-rebellion-leaked-anaheim-pd-report-labels-working-class-mexican-neighborhoods-as-hot-zones/ *** (my commentary-Scott) ALL

[LAAMN] American Psychosis | What happens to a society that cannot distinguish between reality and illusion? Chris Hedges

2012-09-06 Thread scotpeden
Excellent article. This is also well timed, after the illusions put forth by the Republican and Democratic Conventions. Scott ** http://www.adbusters.org/magazine/90/hedges-american-psychosis.html American Psychosis What happens to a society that cannot distinguish between reality and

Re: [LAAMN] American Psychosis | What happens to a society that cannot distinguish between reality and illusion? Chris Hedges

2012-09-06 Thread scotpeden
How does one differentiate between Bush's 8 years and Obama's first 4? It is seamless, you can't tell where one ended and the other began. Scott Excellent article. This is also well timed, after the illusions put forth by the Republican and Democratic Conventions. Scott **

[LAAMN] Broken Democratic Platform Promises from 2008

2012-09-06 Thread scotpeden
http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2012/09/broken-democratic-platform-promises-f rom-2008.html Wednesday, September 5, 2012 Broken Democratic Platform Promises from 2008 http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2012/09/broken-democratic-platform-promises- from-2008.html As the Democratic Convention

[LAAMN] Votes: the missing 6 MILLION in 2008

2012-09-06 Thread scotpeden
http://www.gregpalast.com/ Colonels in Mirrored Sunglasses Is the actual name of the article on Greg's web site. Scott Original Message Subject: [progressive] [FWD: Colonels in Mirrored Sunglasses] From:r...@rgpproductions.net Date:

[LAAMN] Quotes and ICH

2012-09-06 Thread scotpeden
Having trouble viewing this email? Click here http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=iqnuv6babv=001hS7OD_IhnlEPTEdg3yypLO9GZ1STKy1zEn29peImtir45zHwNPd0A08l_HTFvRJ8wS-2wQ-szTbudTc5QNrO5oU7c-OWUEVj4vzeJbtr7PWH8o-LGOycq1e49-RynGZ8

[LAAMN] LUV News Sat 8 Sept 2012

2012-09-08 Thread scotpeden
*FACT-CHECKING* * * * * ** *Hate to break it to ya, but there's a whole lotta baloneyhttp://www.accuracy.org/release/obama-romney-playing-games-with-environmental-disaster/in them thar speeches. * ** -- *OCCUPY THE TPP* * * * * ** *The Trans-Pacific Partnership

[LAAMN] Freedom Rider: Democrats Show Their True Colors

2012-09-08 Thread scotpeden
I did state, at least 18 months ago, that the Republicans would run someone so awful, that the common person, out of FEAR, would support a Corporate welfare, perpetual war, .001% enricher, as a Peace Candidate whose making life better for everyone, without recalling one single fact of the previous

[LAAMN] Occupy the TPP: Civil Disobedience Actions Blockade Entrance to Site of TPP Negotiations in VA

2012-09-12 Thread scotpeden
Help us bring the secretive global corporate coup, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, out of the shadows and into the light. When people learn about the largest trade agreement in history, that will outsource hundreds of thousands of jobs, lower wages, degrade the environment and empower

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 12 September, 2012

2012-09-12 Thread scotpeden
*BLOWBACK IN LIBYA AND EGYPT * ** *In embassy and consulate attacks in Libya and Egypt http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/09/12/us-libya-usa-attack-idUSBRE88B0EI20120912, several people, including the US ambassador to Libya, appear to have been killed. After these attacks, Secretary of State

[LAAMN] Quotes

2012-09-14 Thread scotpeden
The press, or at least most of it, has lost the passion, the outrage, and the sense of mission that once drove reporters to defy authority and tell the truth. - Chris Hedges We will now return you to your seasonal episode of Their Party bad, Your Party Good!, followed at 7 by The Most Effective

Re: [LAAMN] Unintended Consequences in Libya: Blowback Happens

2012-09-17 Thread scotpeden
Unintended consequences? The Military Industrial Complex is seeing 10 X bonuses for the CEO's and stock holders for the next 5 years, and the International Private Bankers that fund perpetual war are also. This is the greatest profit windfall they've seen in our life times!!! If one wasn't so

[LAAMN] Chains we can Believe In, 2012

2012-09-18 Thread scotpeden
Don't worry, it's only something about some damned piece of paper we used to throw in Bush's face, which has had all portions that protect Citizens from a rogue government, put under suspension, and the current escalation of the Police State all started off with the Patriot Act. Suspensions of

Re: [LAAMN] Arctic Sea Ice Levels Hit Record Low, Scientists Say We're Running Out Of Time

2012-09-20 Thread scotpeden
Yet Democratic leadership has escalated the actions we fought against, when the Republicans pushed the same policies that are contributing to global warming. Scott Arctic Sea Ice Levels Hit Record Low, Scientists Say We're Running Out of Time

[LAAMN] Fulushima update

2012-09-22 Thread scotpeden
And while Rome Burns threatening all civilization, we concentrate on one Candidate who is expanding Nuclear facilities in the USA as well as allowing plants that were suppose to be decommissioned (Fukushima style reactors) to operate for another score of years, and his opponent has no verbal

[LAAMN] blog on raids on activists

2012-09-25 Thread scotpeden
Independent journalist Will Potter has a lot of content about the raids on social justice and environmental activist on his blog: - http://www.greenisthenewred.com/blog/ [Non-text portions of this message have been

Re: [LAAMN] Not Voting For the Democrats?

2012-10-02 Thread scotpeden
Yup, you got it Mike. I don't find Corporate Healthcare Welfare, unending Bank Bailouts, spying on American citizens, the suspension of Habeus Corpus, drone bombing wedding parties and children any more appealing under the Democrats, who were suppsoe to end Bush's regime of terror, Corporate

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 5 October, 2012

2012-10-06 Thread scotpeden
Also for todays news http://groups.yahoo.com/group/libertyunderground/ GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL, DO NOT PASS GO http://groups.yahoo.com/group/libertyunderground/message/4008 -- *KEEPING THE PEASANTS IN THE DARK ABOUT WHAT'S IN

[LAAMN] Quotes from ICH

2012-10-06 Thread scotpeden
Many a man stumbles across the truth, then picks himself up and hurries on as though nothing had happened. - Winston Churchill The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.-Steve Biko Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness and many of

[LAAMN] Nobel Peace Prize or Nobel War Prize: Will Assange and Manning Restore the Integrity of the Nobel Peace Prize?

2012-10-06 Thread scotpeden
History, the likes of which are sanitized from our school books and media. This is in actions, the people we are, the world we support. Scott -- OpEdNews Original Content at

[LAAMN] Oct 19-21 -- LA Conference re: Amending the Constitution

2012-10-08 Thread scotpeden
The group page will remove all graphics and information in them. Send me a mail and I'll forward the original to you if you want one. Scott -- * * * Are you ready to join us for Move to Amend So-Cal? October 19-21 in Los

Re: [LAAMN] How the Right Packed the Court

2012-10-08 Thread scotpeden
I have some comments on this subject, that I feel are very pertinent. I note, that the Right always gets their selections into the Supreme Court. Those billed as the Left, always fail, or the one they get in is a Mighty Righty, IN ACTION, too. I only started paying attention to what was done,

[LAAMN] Hope, Anger, and Courage: NYPD Arrests Veterans For Honoring the Dead

2012-10-08 Thread scotpeden
Here's a longer article with more photos and videos of the antiwar protest in NYC yesterday. http://october2011.org/blogs/kevin-zeese/12th-year-afghanistan-war-begins-arrests-vets-protesting-war -- Hope, Anger, and

[LAAMN] Progressives in America - No Place at the Inn FDL

2012-10-09 Thread scotpeden
(My mail program removes the graphics, please read at the URL if you can. Scott) http://my.firedoglake.com/cmaukonen/2012/10/07/progressives-in-america-no-p lace-at-the-inn/ http://my.firedoglake.com/cmaukonen/2012/10/07/progressives-in-america-no-pl ace-at-the-inn/

[LAAMN] Hate Citizens United? Share this RIGHT NOW:

2012-10-09 Thread scotpeden
For those of you on the West Coast. Please pass on to your other groups.   The only government that is legal, or should be, is the one that listens to all the people and operates in a just manner to serve the needs of the people. ~ Big Tree and Frank Fools Crow 1955 - Forwarded Message

[LAAMN] QUOTES, to think on, better yet, to act on.

2012-10-11 Thread scotpeden
The two parties have combined against us to nullify our power by a 'gentleman's agreement' of non-recognition, no matter how we vote ... May God write us down as asses if ever again we are found putting our trust in either the Republican or the Democratic Parties. - W.E.B. DuBois The feudal

[LAAMN] .....War.....is simply a racket.

2012-10-12 Thread scotpeden
I wouldn't go to war again as I have done to protect some lousy investment of the bankers. There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket. -- Major General Smedley Darling Butler -

[LAAMN] Voting agasint your own best interest

2012-10-12 Thread scotpeden
Better known as, THROWING YOUR VOTE AWAY. Most American voters do this. This is where the candidate's sit, regarding Authority, liberty, and who really owns what. http://www.politicalcompass.org/uselection2012 Read the Home page. Then take the test http://www.politicalcompass.org/test If you

[LAAMN] Quotes

2012-10-16 Thread scotpeden
Please note, the first quote is barely pre GW Bush 9/11 Patriot Act date, it is a Bill Clinton era. Einstein, for those that can't figure it out, is WW I to WW II era, and Jefferson is 1800 or so. So what part of this weren't you taught in school, and are bound to repeat until your very last

[LAAMN] this should raise a few eyebrows

2012-10-17 Thread scotpeden
from Guardianhttp://www.google.com/reader/view/feed/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.guardian.co.uk%2Fworld%2Frss by Rory Carroll Film's advance publicity says: 'We the people demand an independent investigation into the tragic events of 9/11' Hollywood is to court controversy with a film that will challenge


2012-10-18 Thread scotpeden
Mike Hersch, You know that this is one of three groups you post to which we share, that removes all graphics sent to the group. Why not send a link to the original? I've replied on all of them to you several times about this. Maybe these are post only groups for you and you don't read any

[LAAMN] Debates? American-Style Fascism

2012-10-18 Thread scotpeden

[LAAMN] Define 'Lesser'

2012-10-18 Thread scotpeden
Photo credit: Mickey Z. Mickey Z. -- World News Trust Oct. 18, 2012 The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them. - Karl Marx Whenever I'd give a talk during 2008, I'd open up by presenting

Re: [LAAMN] Obama and the Lesser Evil Argument

2012-10-19 Thread scotpeden
Why, pray tell, would someone vote for the opposite of what they believe in? Look at this chart http://www.politicalcompass.org/uselection2012 Take this test, and you can compare your beliefs/values, with those who are running. http://www.politicalcompass.org/test Now, vote for someone that

[LAAMN] LUV News Sat 20 Oct 2012

2012-10-20 Thread scotpeden
Don't miss the feature article: Drawing Conclusions: The Editorial Cartoon Of course my web mail makes all graphics, attachments, sorry. You can get your own intact copies here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/libertyunderground/

[LAAMN] Lesser of Evil voting accomplishments.

2012-10-21 Thread scotpeden
Another argument against lesser-evil voting: Term after presidential term, the lesser of two evils lowers the quality of life for everyone and keeps nudging the decline of the American Republic. The hole to dig out of becomes deeper, and successive presidents—each one the lesser of two evils—are

[LAAMN] Accomplices to Murder

2012-10-22 Thread scotpeden
http://powerofnarrative.blogspot.com/ Excellent new piece from Arthur Silber: If you vote for Obama or Romney, do so proudly. I want you to say: I vote for Obama/Romney proudly. I am proud to be a knowing accomplice to their murders, including the murders of innocent human beings. Say that, and

[LAAMN] Quotes

2012-10-22 Thread scotpeden
The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he live! s under is dishonest, insane, and intolerable... - H.L. Mencken

[LAAMN] First race card mud slinging Presidentail campaign]

2012-10-22 Thread scotpeden
Though this bloggers refers to the position as electing the Commander in Chief, I still find many of his documented other facts, correct. The electoral system in 1787 removed our individual votes from electing a President. First race card played in 1787, as well as immigration phobia. I also

[LAAMN] LUV News Sun 21 Oct 2012

2012-10-23 Thread scotpeden
If you know about a 'Kill List' that is used by the CIA, and that our Drone Bomber Program is the most used tool to carry it out, then you might be more informed then some of the Representatives we have in Congress or a Chairperson of the DNC, well informed though you may be, you might only see

[LAAMN] Debate has started

2012-10-23 Thread scotpeden
Preliminaries to the debate have started http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_contenttask=viewid=1287 Wonderful to watch, 4 people really different with lots of opposing ideas, rather than the two corporate twins Jack Here is a comparison where all of the candidates stand on the

Re: [LAAMN] How Romney's Parts Ended Up in China - Greg Palast

2012-10-23 Thread scotpeden
One vulture, and another enabler. Either one missing, and the US Tax payers would have had BILLIONS less in debt, thousands less jobs shipped over seas, thousands less people who lost their homes and health insurance. But it took a tag team to make this happen. Neither one could have sent that

[LAAMN] ramblings, from Balfour to early Corporate warfare

2012-10-26 Thread scotpeden
A friend and I have been chatting, we got started on this again after I sent him a lot of quotes, and he's known to be one of those people who thinks, instead of just nodding his head and saying, that is a nice quote I'm posting his comments on top, mine follow. *** From one of your ICH

[LAAMN] What is wrong with voting for the lesser evil?

2012-10-26 Thread scotpeden
It is better to vote for what you want and not get it than to vote for what you don't want and get it. Eugene V. Debs Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/e/eugene_v_debs.html#yu3dGTteRtLyt0CH.99 The pressure Debs and the Socialist Movement put on the Democrats and Republicans

RE: [LAAMN] What is wrong with voting for the lesser evil?

2012-10-28 Thread scotpeden
On the amounts of cuts. Your happy with the destruction of the social infrastructure that 100 years ago took a good protion of society to be in the streets and threatening the hold the Corporate parties had on our lives, and jsut assume waht you've paid into out of your earnings, must now be cut

Re: [LAAMN] What’s stronger than Hurricane Sandy?

2012-10-30 Thread scotpeden
Why don't we hear about it? Our Materialistic Corporate Media and Corporate Body Politic, won't see any profit from it. The media has us well educated to the damage so we know we must work harder to pay for the damage, or at least don't scream when we are given the bill and as a result our

[LAAMN] American Extremists

2012-10-30 Thread scotpeden
http://vastleft.blogspot.com/ Answers, the age old question, Who Would Jesus Bomb (tm) as well as 'define Dictatorship'. Scott --   If we don't fight hard enough for the things we stand for, at some point we have to recognize that we don't

Re: [LAAMN] Spiritual' People in a Perfectly Crazy World

2012-11-01 Thread scotpeden
Wonderful. Pierre has it in it's simplicity, I'm surprised Einstein understood what he wrote, and of course Rumi show us that even 800 years ago,we've been doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results, and the Dali Lama notes it is time to change be be proactive. I guess

[LAAMN] Who is the worst civil liberties president in US history? by Glenn Greenwald]

2012-11-02 Thread scotpeden
I find it interesting, the insistence of the lack of logical thought applied by the Damage Control Democrats, with their statements that the Republicans are more evil, the phrase I've heard since the Kennedy Nixon Election of 1960, while the most progressive 'acting' President we've had was

[LAAMN] Cause of Hurricane Sandy - Lakoff

2012-11-02 Thread scotpeden
There's 10 times the profit in cleaning up after disasters, then there is in the times of the best economic prosperity. Those who already have the most bank on this. Some people think global warming is an accident, due to willful ignorance, but Damage Control/Repair/Salvage/Insurance companies

Re: [LAAMN] President's Obama's Record

2012-11-05 Thread scotpeden
Half truths. cherry picked facts with only partial data to represent a different scenario then is happening. These people musta learned their trade at Auschwitz, 'which form of death do you find most appealing???' Here is the rest of the WHAT WAS DONE IN YOUR NAME. With Links! Links whose data

[LAAMN] Today is the birthday of Eugene V. Debs

2012-11-05 Thread scotpeden
And tomorrow is sElection Day in the USA. Debs ran for President several times, even when imprisoned for being an anti war protestor. Yes, those are the laws being brought back into use now. * Today is the birthday of Eugene V. Debs: I'd rather vote for something I want and not get it

[LAAMN] Election Day

2012-11-06 Thread scotpeden
Big Brother once again offers you the Little Blue Pill, or the Little Red pill. You have freedom of choice! Even if you can never go back. Scott -- [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[LAAMN] I'm a winner

2012-11-07 Thread scotpeden
Is a song about a bar room brawler that has a plate in his head, missing teeth, a glass eye, all bones have been broken, bullet fragments, etc Did you vote for Obama and get this? http://stpeteforpeace.org/obama.html Or did you vote against Romney, and Get this?

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 7 November, 2012

2012-11-07 Thread scotpeden
And the Corporate party wins again! Scott -- *SURPRISE: RULING FORCES OF GREED WIN! * ** *In accepting the victory /LUV News/ predicted a year ago, based on how he served the wealthy and corporations in order to arrive at

[LAAMN] Did Monsanto Trick California Voters?

2012-11-08 Thread scotpeden
Do you really believe the pesticide and junk food companies would spend $46 MILLION trying to save you money? (is the Pope Catholic?) I note, if you have enough money you can lie like crazy and break the law and cite US Government and University backing, but if the organic industry had said the

Re: [LAAMN] Willard Romney, Cutting Off The Help for Good - Esquire

2012-11-09 Thread scotpeden
Mike Hersh, So, the person you were hired to work for in this last campaign, are they still paying you 3 days after the election is over, and if so, to do what? Some people want an accounting of what their donated money goes for, and spending the last of is supporting people who aren't achieving

[LAAMN] Comprehensive List Of GMO Products

2012-11-11 Thread scotpeden
To make any of the links in the article work you will have to go to their web site. Be healthy, and wise, Scott http://shiftfrequency.com/comprehensive-list-of-gmo-products/ Comprehensive List Of GMO Products Posted on October 2, 2012 by Gillian Govt Slaves | October 2 2012 Though

Re: [LAAMN] Cartoon

2011-10-08 Thread scotpeden
Mike, You keep sending cartoons to this site, which strips all graphics. Do you read this site? Scott [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] --- LAAMN: Los

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 17 October, 2011]

2011-10-17 Thread scotpeden
*PROPERLY HONORING A KING * ** *At the dedication to the Martin Luther King memorial yesterday, Martin Luther King III said **Let's not forget or confuse what he stood for and died for: love, peace equality jobs, nonviolence, decent housing and an end to war, and he added that the occupy

[LAAMN] Who are the 1%?

2011-10-17 Thread scotpeden
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29432.htm Who Are The One Percent in America? By Press TV October 17, 2011 Press TV -- The following are the largest full-service global investment banks which usually provides both advisory and financing banking services, as well as

[LAAMN] Re: Who are the 1%?

2011-10-18 Thread scotpeden
Who are the 1% IN AMERICA I think we're looking to close to home, to much of a symptom, and not for the actual WHO's that are behind the symptoms listed in this article. Few important things are missing. One is, who loans money only to Governments? Who is it that insures Governments and

[LAAMN] Benifits of global warming

2011-10-18 Thread scotpeden
Yes, I'm again talking about 'following the money'. Those who fight anything that would help halt global warming, are all connected by money, that is, will it INCREASE Profits, and Global Warming will definitely increase profits for these International Corporations who have enough financial

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 20 October, 2011]

2011-10-20 Thread scotpeden
*AN ACTION FOR THE PEOPLE * ** *The general assembly at Freedom Plaza has called for the 99% toexpress their outrage with Citigroup http://october2011.org/blogs/kevin-zeese/occupation-freedom-plaza-washington-dc-calls-nationwide-citibank-protests and the banking industry that is making

[LAAMN] We Are Not Winning - Former Deputy Chief Stephen Downing's Open Letter to California Police]

2011-10-26 Thread scotpeden
http://www.alternet.org/module/printversion/152858 AlterNet http://images.alternet.org/images/site/logo.gif We Are Not Winning - Former Deputy Chief Stephen Downing's Open Letter to California Police By Stephen Downing, AlterNet Posted on October 24, 2011, Printed on October 25, 2011

[LAAMN] [Darenet] The Lobbyist

2011-10-26 Thread scotpeden
Subject: [Darenet] The Lobbyist From:Michael Dare dar...@earthlink.net Date:Tue, 25 October, 2011 4:40 pm To: thewo...@large.com -- Hi, I'm Michael Dare, and since I don't live on a private island

[LAAMN] Cheat Sheet: What's Happened to the Big Players in the Financial Crisis - ProPublica]

2011-10-26 Thread scotpeden
http://www.propublica.org/article/cheat-sheet-whats-happened-to-the-big-play ers-in-the-financial-crisis Cheat Sheet: What's Happened to the Big Players in the Financial Crisis by Braden http://www.propublica.org/site/author/braden_goyette/ Goyette ProPublica, Oct. 26, 2011, 2:56 p.m. * *

[LAAMN] What Would Jesus Protest?

2011-10-26 Thread scotpeden
This is Reverend Jack Zylman's response to the above subject line. The original article is below it. I felt this was one of the best historical outlays that also reflect what is happening in the bit of the world today, we can extract from what the media does allow us to know about. I am

[LAAMN] AlterNet: How the 1% Pillage the Environment

2011-10-27 Thread scotpeden
This is a great article, just the basics, just the facts, and a tad of how you contribute to the destruction of the planet and your health, while making the Ultra Wealthy, wealthier. Never forget, without our consumer habits, they have no money. Scott

[LAAMN] Birth of the U.S. Federal Reserve - How usury destroyed America]

2011-10-29 Thread scotpeden
Thorough out this whole 99% vs the 1% I've stated, we're missing something. It's the names that are NOT showing up that are more important. More like the .01% of the 1% is the source of the rot. We still don't see the names Rothschild (1 of 2 Independent INTERNATIONAL Banking families that have

Re: [LAAMN] Fw: A Letter to Pacifica from Goldman Sachs Concerning Occupy Wall Street

2011-11-01 Thread scotpeden
Well, a hoax sort of, it's called Political tragedy/comedy. Since Goldman Sachs, and others refuse to talk in plain language, Andy Borowitz does it for them. More Like One Political Tragedy a day, please enjoy the train wreck your participating in.

[LAAMN] chart on who got what and how much has been repaid

2011-11-04 Thread scotpeden
Bailout List: Banks, Auto Companies, and More | Eye on the Bailout | ProPublica projects.propublica.org We're tracking where taxpayer money has gone in the ongoing bailout of the financial system. Our database accounts for both the broader $700 billion bill and the separate bailout of Fannie Mae

[LAAMN] Caught red-handed: Oakland Police caught posing as protesters]

2011-11-06 Thread scotpeden
Infiltration of movements has a long history. Last month a wrong wing infiltrator on DC openly bragged about doing violence being an agent provocateur in the wrong wing rag called the American Spectator where he is an editor. The Oakland general strike was a huge success and totally

[LAAMN] The Bonus Army

2011-11-15 Thread scotpeden
Retired Marine Corps Gen. Smedley Butler came to speak to the marchers. I never saw such fine Americanism as is exhibited by you people, he said. You have just as much right to have a lobby here as any steel corporation. Makes me so damn mad, a whole lot of people speak of you as tramps.

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 16 November, 2011

2011-11-16 Thread scotpeden
*CREEPING FASCISM VS. DEMOCRACY MOVEMENT * ** *Jim Davidson begins a piece http://www.facebook.com/notes/jim-davidson/new-york-police-begin-day-one-of-occupation/10150370428883045 yesterday ***The New York Police Department has begun Day One of their occupation of Zuccotti Park. It is unclear

[LAAMN] Mayors, police chiefs, talk strategy on protests

2011-11-17 Thread scotpeden
A message from the Masters, obviously. http://www.insidebayarea.com/news/ci_19341771 Why would they need strategy against the people they are suppose to govern for, unless they work for someone other then us? Why aren't they doing their strategy discussions with the Cities Maintenance and

[LAAMN] Look at the mess.....

2011-11-17 Thread scotpeden
toon of the day http://www.creators.com/modules/thumb/thumb.php?img=editorial_cartoons/1/21471_image.gifw=624 --- LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 17 November, 2011

2011-11-18 Thread scotpeden
*OCCUPY'S DAY OF ACTION * ** *Richard Trumka, the head of the AFL-CIO, issued a statement calling for more protests today when some activists vow to shut Wall Street down. His statement seemed unusually militant http://www.truth-out.org/after-zuccotti-park-raid/1321474605: They can take away

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 19 November, 2011

2011-11-19 Thread scotpeden
*OCCUPY THE MEDIA * ** http://www.salon.com/2011/11/18/the_foxnyt_nexus_on_ows/singleton/ *Glenn Greenwald says http://www.salon.com/2011/11/18/the_foxnyt_nexus_on_ows/singleton/ the /New York Times/' media critic has attacked /FOX News/ for spreading misinformation about Occupy Wall Street

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 26 November, 2011]

2011-11-27 Thread scotpeden
A definition of Surrender, is to join the winning side. What if they don't want your surrender? Below is today LUV News, ending with an article on joining the 1%. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/libertyunderground/message/3693 Scott

[LAAMN] Angry churches pull money from big banks

2011-11-28 Thread scotpeden
excerpt I'm involved because I think it is one of the great moral issues of our generation, about how we build our communities, Latz said. As a religious leader, as a person who studies texts, I understand that our first commitment must always be to the most vulnerable among us.


2011-11-28 Thread scotpeden
CONGRESS' APPROVAL RATING JUMPS TO 3% more at ... http://www.ironictimes.com/ NOTE: Some readers have had problems loading in pages two and three since we added new advertising. Until we resolve the problem, please use these links... http://www.ironictimes.com/0585-p2alt.html

[LAAMN] Hoping you (having 104 nuclear power plants in USA) can relate to this: Saving Fukushima children

2011-11-29 Thread scotpeden
Dear supporters, I am involved with this lawsuit against Japanese government to save the health/life of children in Japan. And we need international support to save those children who are living in radioation-contaminated area in Fukushima. Would you please sign and pass this on to your

[LAAMN] old maps

2011-12-01 Thread scotpeden
http://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/detail/RUMSEY~8~1~210~20057:A-Map-Of-The-United-States-Of-Mexic?sort=Pub_Date%2CPub_List_No_InitialSortqvq=q:Santa%2BCruz;sort:Pub_Date%2CPub_List_No_InitialSort;lc:RUMSEY~8~1mi=9trs=21 Some interesting maps. 165 years ago before the USA was in our own

[LAAMN] The Bomb Buried In Obamacare Explodes Today

2011-12-03 Thread scotpeden
This is NOT Universal Health Care. We the majority have always know that this was simply legislation MAKING PEOPLE PURCHASE THE INSURANCE COMPANIES PRODUCTS. And those paying attention know that only AMA doctors work for the Insurance Companies, and that over half the doctors in this country do

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 3 December, 2011

2011-12-04 Thread scotpeden
*LATIN AMERICA REBELS AGAINST THE EMPIRE * ** *Yesterday, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) met in Venezuela http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/12/02/celac-latin-american-carribean-states_n_1125831.html for the first time. The group was formed in opposition to US

[LAAMN] Tell Me We Don't Live in an Orwellian Police State!

2011-12-09 Thread scotpeden
It was pointed out to me half a century ago, and I've found this statement to be very true. All Peace movements will be met with the utmost violence. Why? Because the most dangerous thing in the world to violent people, is Peace. ___

[LAAMN] The cop group coordinating the Occupy crackdowns | San Francisco Bay Guardian

2011-12-10 Thread scotpeden
excerpts, as if I couldn't have guessed but I'm surprised the information 'leaked' out. Yeah INTERNATIONAL NON GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION. duh, the .01% who are who control 80% of the WORLDS wealth are those the OWS is targeting, those who manage countries economies for surplus then depression

[LAAMN] Feds Order YouTube To Remove Government Criticism

2011-12-10 Thread scotpeden
http://www.opednews.com/populum/linkframe.php?linkid=142564 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] --- LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] Don't worry, be happy!

2011-12-10 Thread scotpeden
By Behrooz Rostampour The recession is over. The banks are healthy. Obama is progressive. Corporations are people. Your vote is counted. Giving trillions to Wall Street saved capitalism. The economic recovery is underway. Climate change is not yet understood. Health insurance reform equals health

[LAAMN] Re:House Vote, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012

2011-12-15 Thread scotpeden
Oh Look! Were back up to 22% of those in Federal Elected Office actually representing the Citizens of this nation! Much better then the 12-16% we've had for most of the last 2 decades. http://www.govtrack.us/congress/vote.xpd?vote=h2011-375 But of course never enough to ever effect stopping

[LAAMN] 02-02-2012

2011-12-16 Thread scotpeden
THE DAY: 02-02-2012 In the coming New Year, 2012, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union address will occur on the same day. This is an ironic juxtaposition of events. One involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to an insignificant creature of little intelligence for

[LAAMN] FOCUS: Why I Voted Against the Homeland Battlefield Bill OUT OF 536 I CAN LIST THE GOOD GUYS ON ONE SIDE OF RULED PAPER. FRANKEN IS ONE.] [1 Attachment]]

2011-12-17 Thread scotpeden
Last first, from the excerpts of this article. Yesterday was the anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights, and this wasn't the way to mark its birthday. Personally I don't think it was a mistake that this happened on BILL OF RIGHTS DAY day anymore then in 1984 we turned the process

[LAAMN] How Did Your Members of Congress Do this Year? [1 Attachment]]

2011-12-17 Thread scotpeden
Hey hey hey.. they can run, but they can't hide.. and it is sElection Season, Get yer Politician 'dirty deeds, done dirt cheap' exposing license here...does your representative smell as sweet as the media tells you? I wonder if anyone reading this has a Rep that isn't a negative

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