Hello All! Would Jacquie mind posting a picture of her DH's fan stand to
Flickr? The BBC series doesn't appear to be offered on cable here. The card
exchange is fabulous! What a variety of techniques, threads & patterns.
Thanks for hosting Jenny. Sincerely, Susan Hottle, Palm Beach Gardens
The slideshow is fantastic. It is very easy to see the beautiful cards and
ornaments. We were secretly wishing they had all come to us, however this is
the next best thing.
Thank you so much for making it possible for everyone to see the beautiful work
of so many.
Janet and Sallie
The slideshow is a great improvement for people like me to look through the
cards and what a lovely lot of lace. Quite a few are ones that you would
like to see drop through your letter box:-) so brilliant everyone and have
the very best of holiday seasons in what ever way you celebrate or not
Hi everyone
Felt all enthusiastic just now so have added a slideshow of the pics as
well. You may need to refresh the screen when you click on
http://brandis.com.au/arachne/2013/index.html to see the new line of text at
the bottom taking you to the slideshow.
Jenny Brandis
Kununurra, Weste