Thanks, Alice, for pointing this out to us!
Can we say, with pride, that our own Devon was responsible for this with
her "Campaign" for wearing lace a couple of years ago!! VBG... it
would be fun to think so. But since she's in New York so much, it isn't
such a far-fetched idea after all!
Hi Alice
Thank your for that link. I enjoyed reading the article and watching the
Agnes Boddington - Elloughton UK
A friend gave me an article from Thursday's Wall Street Journaltitled
"New Life for the Historic Art of Lace-Making".
The story and most of the pictures can be fou
A friend gave me an article from Thursday's Wall Street Journaltitled "New
Life for the Historic Art of Lace-Making".
The story and most of the pictures can be found here:
Or sear
In a message dated 2/14/2006 9:10:23 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
I thought she did a great job. NL is really impossible to explain in one
sentance so that was a dud but the rest was quite good. She had the BLers
weaving and braiding their fine threads and we've cer
Hi All, Thank you for writing about this article Devon. I went to my
library and was thrilled to see lace on the front page of the Wall Street
Journal (most prominent financial newspaper in the US) I'm afraid I
photocopied it for my own personal use and read it as I went about town
doing my